Superficial Inflammation of the Skin which mainly affects the Epidermis.
Eczema is characterized by Itching with a red Rash often accompanied by small Blisters that weep and become blistered.
These Substances Alleviate or Prevent Eczema
Lactobacillus acidophilus alleviates Eczema.
Fatty Acids
Alpha-Linolenic Acid (LNA) alleviates Eczema.
Gamma-Linolenic Acid (GLA) alleviates atopic Eczema (due to its moisturizing effects).
Eczema-like Skin eruptions are a symptom of Linoleic Acid (LA) deficiency [scientific research].
Eczema is sometimes a symptom of Calcium deficiency.
Eczema that is associated with Nervousness can occur as a result of Potassium deficiency.
Silicon alleviates Eczema.
Eczema can occur as a result of
Biotin alleviates Eczema.
Inositol helps to prevent Eczema.
Para Aminobenzoic Acid (PABA) alleviates Eczema.
Vitamin B2 alleviates Eczema.
These Foods or Herbs Alleviate or Prevent Eczema
Active Constituents
Burdock reputedly alleviates Eczema [folklore]
Calendula (Marigold) is especially effective in healing Eczema - especially long term Eczema (crushed petals applied topically) [anecdotal].
Chamomile (oil applied topically) alleviates Eczema.
Chaparral (tea) reputedly alleviates Eczema [folklore].
Flax Seed (Linseed) or Oil assists Eczema when the Eczema is caused by EFA deficiency. Alpha-Linolenic Acid
Goldenseal alleviates Eczema [folklore].
Lavender (oil added to bath water) alleviates Eczema.
Eczema responds well to Neem Oil (applied topically)
(Virgin) Olive Oil assists Eczema when the Eczema is caused by EFA deficiency. Fatty Acids
Pau D'Arco reputedly alleviates Eczema [folklore].
Potato (applied topically) alleviates Eczema.
Red Clover (tea) alleviates Eczema.
Rhubarb (juice) alleviates the Pain and Itching associated with Eczema. Anthroquinones
Sarsaparilla (tea) alleviates Eczema.
Sassafras Oil (applied topically to the site of the Eczema)
Tea Tree Oil (applied topically to the site of the Eczema) alleviates the Itching associated with Eczema.
Yellowdock reputedly alleviates Eczema.
Yoghurt (applied topically) alleviates Eczema. Lactobacillus acidophilus
These Substances/Factors cause Eczema
Immune System
Eczema (when the cause is not Essential Fatty Acid deficiency) is often the result of Allergies.
Excessive production of Platelet Aggregating Factor (PAF) is implicated in Eczema (due to its Inflammatory function).
Types of Eczema
Eczematous Dermatitis: See Dermatitis
Endogenous Eczema: Atopic Eczema: Commonly occurs during childhood and sometimes associated with hereditary history of allergies.
Discoid Eczema: Small, well-defined areas of Eczema.
Pompholyx Eczema: Found on the hands and feet.
Seborrheic Dermatitis: Scaly plaques occur in areas of sebum production (Scalp, Face).
Varicose Eczema: Develops on the legs in association with poor circulation.
Three layered spherical structure specialized for receiving and responding to light.
The Eye is the body's organ of sight.
These Substances Enhance the General Health of the Eyes
Hyaluronic Acid is the major fluid in the Eyes.
Retinene is essential to Eyesight - it combines with Opsin to form the visual Pigment - Rhodopsin.
Rhodopsin (composed of Opsin and Retinene) is the major Visual Pigment in the Rods and Cones of the Retina of the Eye.
- When light strikes Rhodopsin within the Eyes, Retinene is bleached from Rhodopsin leading to Nerve Impulses that relay the sense of sight to the Brain.
- In darkness, Retinene and Opsin are recombined to form Rhodopsin.
- In intense light, Rhodopsin may be split at a faster rate than it can be reconstituted, leading to temporary day blindness.
Collagen is an important structural component of the Eyes.
Opsin is essential to Eyesight - it combines with Retinene to form the visual Pigment - Rhodopsin.
Amino Acids
Glutathione concentrates in the optic lens of the Eye and accelerates the recovery from Eye Surgery.
Taurine concentrates in the Retina of the Eyes and is essential for Eyesight.
Antioxidants accumulate in the Eyes to a greater extent than in the rest of the body.
The synthetic Mucopolysaccharide Pharmaceutical Drug - Viscoat - is injected into the Eye to protect against corneal loss during cataract surgery and artificial lens implantation [scientific research - Viscoat's benefits accrue from its Chondroitin Sulphate and Hyaluronic Acid content].
Beta-Carotene enhances the health of the Eyes.
Lutein concentrates in the Macula (yellow spot on the back) of the Eyes.
Zeanthin concentrates in the Macula of the Eyes.
Fatty Acids
Vision disturbances are a symptom of Alpha-Linolenic Acid (LNA) deficiency [scientific research].
Various Superunsaturated Fatty Acids concentrate in the Cell Membranes of the Retina of the Eyes and are involved in the conversion of Light entering the Eyes into Nerve Impulses involving Sight:
- Clupanodonic Acid
- Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA)
- Eicosapentaenoic Acid (EPA)
Chromium deficiency may cause poor Eyesight.
Iron deficiency may cause a blue tinge around the whites of the Eyes.
Selenium maintains the health of the Eyes.
Zinc concentrates in the Retina of the Eye.
Anthocyanosides strengthen the lens of the Eye (by improving blood supply to the eyes).
Kaempferol is beneficial for the health of the Eyes.
Myricetin improves the health of the Eyes.
Smart Drugs
Vincamine improves Blood Circulation to the Eyes.
Choline deficiency may cause degeneration of the Eyes.
Inositol stimulates the growth of Eye membranes.
Vitamin A improves the structural integrity of the Mucous Membranes that line the Eyes and maintains the health of the Cornea of the Eye [scientific research - Vitamin A deficiency can result in Keratomalacia - i.e. ulceration of the Cornea].
Vitamin B2 improves the function of the Eyes.
Vitamin C concentrates in the Eyes.
The retina of the eye is very prone to degeneration when a Vitamin E deficiency exists.
These Foods or Herbs Enhance the General Health of the Eyes
Active Constituents
Bilberry alleviates many Eye afflictions by improving blood supply to the Eyes [scientific research - humans]. Anthocyanosides
Blueberries alleviate some Eye ailments and restore visual acuity after exposure to Glare [scientific research - humans]. Anthocyanosides
Carrot (juice) guards against eye infections.
Chamomile (compress) soothes the eyes and helps them to heal.
Chinese Chrysanthemum (tea internally) helps to clear and beautify the Eyes.
Fennel clears and beautifies the Eyes and is claimed to improve vision.
Fenugreek Seeds improve the health of the Eyes.
Lemon Grass (tea) improves the general health of the Eyes.
These Environmental Factors Impair the Function of the Eyes
Altered Lighting
The use of Sunglasses impairs the absorption of the Electromagnetic Radiation that is contained in Sunlight from entering the Eyes (and preventing its subsequent stimulation of the manufacture of Melatonin in the Pineal Gland) [caution - excessive exposure of the Eyes to Electromagnetic Radiation can cause Cataracts of the Eyes].
Sight and Eyes
The Eyes and their role in the Sense of Sight, together with various ailments that afflict the Eyes and the endogenous chemicals that reside in the Eyes.
Biology of Sight
The Rods, Cones and Nerve Cells of the Retina of the Eye are collectively known as Photoreceptors.
These Photoreceptors translate Light into Nerve Impulses for transmission via the Optic Nerve to the Brain.
The Optic Nerve enters an area of the Brain known as the Lateral Geniculate Body which partially processes data and passes this data to the Visual Cortex at the rear of the Brain.
Eyes - Dry
Also known as: Xeropthalmia
Drying of the Tear Ducts of the Eyes that manifests as Dry Eyes.
These Substances Alleviate Dry Eyes
Dry Eyes can occur as a result of Vitamin A deficiency.
Eye Inflammation
Inflamed Eyes usually involve sore eyes accompanied by stinging and irriation associated with watery or thick discharges.
These Substances Alleviate Eye Inflammation
Eye Inflammation ("burning eyes") are a symptom of Iron deficiency.
Eye Inflammation can occur as a result of Vitamin A deficiency.
Vitamin C alleviates Eye Inflammation (diluted and used in eye baths).
These Foods or Herbs Alleviate Eye Inflammation
Active Constituents
Bilberry stabilizes the Capillaries of the Eyes and reduce their permeability where leaking Capillaries are the cause of the Eye Inflammation. Anthocyanosides
Chamomile (compress applied topically to the Eyes) alleviates Eye Inflammations.
Eyebright (tea ingested internally, not externally) [anecdotal reports].
Goldenseal (root ingested internally) [American Indians traditional use and herbalists since the 1800s].
These Substances Can Cause Eye Inflammation
Fluorescent Light - especially Cool White Fluorescent Light is associated with Eye Inflammations.
Excessive exposure to inorganic Chlorine can cause corneal loss to the Eyes.
Polyphenolic Compounds
Excessive Hypericin can cause severe Inflammation of the Mucous Membranes of the Eyes (due to the generation of excessive amounts of Singlet Oxygen).
Recreational Drugs
Tobacco smoking causes Eye Inflammation.
These Herbs Can Cause Eye Inflammation
Toxic Constituents
Excessive consumption of
These Factors Can Cause Eye Inflammation
Cardiovascular System
Leaking Capillaries in the Eyes can cause Eye Inflammations.
Immune System
Allergies can often be the underlying cause of Eye Inflammations - Allergy-based Eye Inflammations cause Watery Eyes due to the release of excessive Histamine by the body's Mast Cells.
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