Monday, April 27, 2009




mental state characterized by sadness and unhappiness.

These Substances Alleviate or Treat Depression

Amino Acids

S-Adenosylmethionine (SAM) alleviates Depression [scientific research].


Depression can occur as a result of Acetylcholine insufficiency.
Depression can occur as a result of Histamine insufficiency.
Norepinephrine insufficiency is a major cause of noradrenaline or US norepinephrine
hormone secreted by the medulla of the adrenal glands which acts as a vasoconstrictor and is used to maintain blood pressure in shock or haemorrhage or hypotension
. Depression depression

Depression can occur as a result of Vasopressin insufficiency [scientific research - humans - research conducted at the USA national institute of mental health confirmed that people suffering from depression have lowered levels of Vasopressin in their spinal fluid].

Vasopressin or antidiuretic hormone (ADH)
Hormone secreted by the pituitary gland, which acts on the kidneys to regulate the quantity of salt in body fluids and the amount of urine, excreted by the kidneys

Fatty acids present in many parts of the body, which are associated with the sensation of pain and have an effect on the nervous system, blood pressure and in particular the uterus at menstruation
Prostaglandin E1 (PGE1) induces a sense of well being in Depression sufferers [scientific research - persons who suffer from Depression generally have very low levels of PGE1].

Amino Acids

Glutamine improves Mood in Depression sufferers [scientific research - humans: Glutamine supplementation @ 250-1,000 mg per day clearly demonstrated anti-depressive properties]. glutamine
amino acid in protein
Methionine alleviates Depression where the Depression is caused by excess Histamine.
Phenylalanine alleviates Depression [scientific research - humans - Phenylalanine supplementation totally alleviates symptoms of depression in 80% of sufferers after 2 weeks of supplementation].

Proline brings a sense of relief/happiness to many short term Depression cases [caution: Proline can sometimes induce anger]. COMMENT: amino acids all contain carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen and oxygen, as well as other elements. Some amino acids are produced in the body itself, but others have to be absorbed from food. The eight essential amino acids are: isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine, phenylalanine, threonine, tryptophan and valine

Threonine alleviates some cases of Depression.
Tryptophan alleviates some types of Depression - the types of Depression that can be alleviated by Tryptophan are characterized by intense cravings for Carbohydrates and include the Depression associated with Menopause.

amino acid in protein which is a component of thyroxine alleviates Depression (due to its ability to stimulate the production of Norepi
nephrine) [scientific research - humans - tyrosine supplementation is 80% effective in totally eliminating depression symptoms after 2 weeks of supplementation].

Glycosides - Saponins

Glycyrrhizin alleviates Depression.


Depression can occur as a result of Bromine deficiency.
Post-menopausal females who suffer from Depression are often deficient in Calcium [scientific research - humans].
Lithium (in correct dosages) alleviates Depression (where the Depression is caused by malfunctions in the body's internal transportation of Sodium).

Depression is a symptom of Magnesium deficiency [scientific research - humans] [caution: excessive magnesium can also CAUSE depression].
Manganese alleviates some forms of Depression.
Depression can occur as a result of Potassium deficiency.

Organic Acids

Anacardic Acid possesses anti-depressant properties.


Phosphatidylserine alleviates Depression - especially in elderly subjects [scientific research - humans using 300-400 mg per day for 30-60 days].

Smart Drugs

Acetyl-L-Carnitine alleviates Depression in the elderly [scientific research - humans - 500-3,000 mg per day].
Cytidine Diphosphate Choline (CDP) alleviates severe Depression by increasing the utilization of Oxygen within the Brain.
Deprenyl is very effective at relieving many forms of Depression [scientific research - humans: average 68% full remission from depression and 21% moderate improvement @ dosage of 5-10 mg per day combined with 1-6 grams of Phenylalanine].

Diapid has produced positive results in some patients with histories of severe Depression [scientific research - humans].
Diethylaminoethanol (DEAE) alleviates Depression [scientific research - humans].
Dimethylaminoethanol (DMAE) decreases Apathy and increases Motivation in Depression sufferers.

Minaprine alleviates Depression.
Nimodipine alleviates Depression in Dementia sufferers [scientific research - humans].
Oxiracetam alleviates Depression in elderly sufferers of Depression [scientific research - humans].
Vincamine alleviates Depression.

Vinpocetine alleviates Depression [scientific research - humans - 74% success rate].


Depression is a symptom of Biotin deficiency [scientific research - humans].
Depression is a symptom of Folic Acid deficiency [scientific research - humans].

- "Happy" people have high Folic Acid levels.

Inositol is an adjunct to the treatment of Depression (due to it enhancing the ability of Vitamin B3 to bind to the Benzodiazepine Receptors in the Brain - @ 5 grams daily).
Para Aminobenzoic Acid (PABA) deficiency can cause Depression.
Depression can occur as a result of Vitamin B1 deficiency.

Depression can occur as a result of Vitamin B2 deficiency [scientific research - humans].
The Nicotinic Acid form of Vitamin B3 binds to the Benzodiazepine Receptors in the Brain.
Depression is a symptom of Vitamin B5 deficiency.
Vitamin B6 alleviates some types of Depression [scientific research - humans: 20% of depression sufferers are deficient in Vitamin B6]:

- Acts as a catalyst for the formation of the inhibitory Neurotransmitter - Gamma Aminobutyric Acid (GABA) from Glutamic Acid).
- Acts as a catalyst for the conversion of Tryptophan into Serotonin (which is sometimes deficient in Depression sufferers).

Depression can occur as a result of Vitamin B12 deficiency [scientific research - humans].
32% of Depression sufferers are found to be deficient in Vitamin C [scientific research - humans - psychiatric patients suffering depression improved on depression measurement tests after 1 gram per day for 3 weeks].

Volatile Oils

Anacardiol possesses anti-depressant properties.

These Foods or Herbs Alleviate Depression

Active Constituents
Damiana has anti-Depressant properties when Depression stems from Sexual Factors.
Flax Seed Oil effectively treats some cases of Depression [scientific research - humans].
Ginkgo Biloba can assist Depression by improving circulation to the Brain.
Ginsengs alleviate Depression [scientific research].
Gotu Kola alleviates Depression.
Lavender (Oil rubbed onto the temples; or added to a bath).
Mango alleviates Depression. Anacardic Acid
Saint John's Wort significantly alleviates Depression [scientific research - humans]. Hypericin
Valerian alleviates Depression.

Orthodox Medical Treatment of Depression

Pharmaceutical Drugs

Pharmaceutical Antidepressants (i.e. Pharmaceutical MAO Inhibitors and Tricyclic Antidepressants
) are commonly prescribed by physicians in the treatment of Depression [caution: most Pharmaceutical Antidepressants have toxic side effects].

These Substances Cause/Exacerbate Depression

Amino Acids - Toxic Byproducts

Excessive accumulation of Homocysteine [scientific research - humans - 17% of aged people with depression have elevated Homocysteine levels].


Excessive production of Cholecystokinin (CCK) can cause Depression.
Excessive production of Cortisol can cause Depression [scientific research - humans: depression sufferers given Cortisol blocking drugs were alleviated of depression symptoms].


Excessive levels of Histamine can cause Depression [although Histamine deficiency can also cause Depression].


Prostaglandin E2 levels are often elevated in Depression sufferers [scientific research - humans: 97% of depression subjects had elevated PGE2 levels].


Formaldehyde can cause Depression by damaging the Central Nervous System.


Cocaine overuse may cause depression (due to Norepinephrine & Vasopressin deficiencies).

Amino Acids

Tyramine can cause Depression (by overstimulating the Adrenal Glands and depleting reserves of Norepinephrine).

Environmental Toxins (Exotoxins)

Chloroform [after testing thousands of depression subjects in Texas, it was found that chloroform exposure was the cause in approx. 33%].


Excessive Bromine consumption can cause Depression.
Excessive Lead accumulation can cause Depression.

Pharmaceutical Drugs

The Contraceptive Pill can cause Depression (due to Oestrogens blocking the Serotonin manufacturing actions of Vitamin B6) [scientific research - 50% of female depression sufferers were found to suffer from vitamin B6 deficiency].

Recreational Drugs

Excessive consumption of Alcohol can cause Depression.
Amphetamine overuse can cause Depression (due to continual usage of Amphetamine causing Norepinephrine and Vasopressin deficiencies).

These Food Additives can Cause Depression

Active Constituents
Aspartame can cause Depression. Aspartic Acid

These Ailments can Cause Depression

Digestive System

Depression can occur as a result of Candida albicans over-proliferation.
Chronic Constipation may cause Depression.

Immune System

Depression is closely correlated with Immune System deterioration.

Nervous System

Depression is a side-effect of excessive Stress.

Nutritional Ailments

Depression is a symptom of Pellagra.

Sexual System - Female

Depression is a side-effect of Female Menopause.
Depression can occur as a result of the PMT-D (Depression) form of Pre-Menstrual Tension (PMT) [scientific research - humans].

Sexual System - Male

Depression is a side-effect of Male Menopause.

Side-Effects of Depression

Digestive System

Loss of Appetite is a side-effect of Depression.


Fatigue is a side-effect of Depression.

Nervous System

Insomnia is a side-effect of Depression.

Types of Depression:

Endogenous Depression
Manic Depression
Post Partum Depression
Reactive Depression
Unipolar Depression
Manic Depression

Also known as: Bipolar Depression; MDP

Severe type of Bipolar Depression characterized by repeated episodes of Depression and/or Mania.
There is a genetically inhereted predisposition to this ailment.
The sufferer is usually mentally healthy during the intervals between Manic Depression attacks.

These Substances Alleviate Manic Depression

Amino Acids

Tryptophan alleviates Manic Depression and is beneficial when suicidal tendencies exist in Manic Depression sufferers.


Lithium can prevent or reduce the frequency and severity of MDP attacks as Manic Depression is a symptom of Lithium deficiency [Lithium should always be used under the guidance of a physician: Lithium is effective in treating Manic Depression but has acquired a bad reputation due to many physicians over-prescribing it].


Folic Acid is the most common deficiency found in Bipolar Depression sufferers [scientific research - humans: folic acid is found to be deficient in 25% of hospitalized bipolar depressives].

Smart Drugs

Deprenyl is very effective at relieving Manic Depression [scientific research - humans: average 68% full remission from depression and 21% moderate improvement @ dosage of 5-10 mg per day combined with 1-6 grams of Phenylalanine].

Manic Depression Sufferers Should Avoid these Substances


Excessive consumption of Copper can cause MPD.
Excessive Vanadium can cause Manic Depression [scientific research - humans].


People who suffer from MPD should avoid AL 721 due to its Phosphatidylcholine content which can cause over-production of Acetylcholine, deepening the depressive phase of this disorder.


People who suffer from MPD should not consume Choline as Choline can deepen the depressive phase (due to over-production of Acetylcholine).

See Also:

Endogenous Depression

Copyright 1995 In-Tele-Health


Depression - Reactive

Reactive Depression is also known as: Exogenous Depression

Type of Depression resulting from the "way the depressed individual reacts to something that has happened to him/her".
For example death of loved ones, loss of job etc.

This form of Depression is not regarded as a clinical illness. It is only if a person doesn't recover after the causative effect has passed and a permanently depressed state manifests that a clinical illness arises.

These Herbs Alleviate Specific Causes of Reactive Depression

Damiana alleviates Reactive Depression where Depression stems from Sexual factors [folklore].

Depression - Unipolar


Type of Depression.

These Substances Alleviate Unipolar Depression

Smart Drugs

Deprenyl has anti-depressant effects for sufferers of Unipolar Depression [scientific research - humans: 5-10 mg Deprenyl combined with 250 mg Phenylalanine per day caused full remission in 68% and moderate improvement in 21% of unipolar depression sufferers].

Central Nervous System

Also known as: CNS

The Brain, Brain Stem, Cerebullum, and Spinal Chord.
The CNS is responsible for the coordination of all of the nervous activities assocated with the Nervous System.

These Substances Enhance the General Health of the CNS

Smart Drugs

Centrophenoxine retards the accumulation of Lipofuscin in the CNS.
Dilantin stabilizes and normalizes the electrical activities of the CNS without exerting stimulant or sedative effects [scientific research - humans].
Nootropics (class of Smart Drugs including Piracetam) enhance the function of the CNS. [however, Nootropics do not stimulate nor sedate the CNS and they do not affect the Cardiovascular System - their method of action is still being studied].


Folic Acid enhances the general health of the CNS.

These Foods or Herbs Enhance the General Health of the CNS

Cocoa acts as a tonic for the CNS.
Ginkgo biloba improves the transmission of Nerve Signals through the CNS.
Hibiscus (tea) acts as a general tonic for the CNS.

These Substances Sedate (depress) the CNS

Substances that sedate the CNS are often described as "calming the nerves".


Dimethylvinylcarbinol sedates the CNS.

Amino Acids

Glycine sedates the CNS.
Threonine sedates in the CNS.
Taurine sedates the CNS.


Phthalide Coumarins sedate the CNS.


Brahminoside sedates the CNS[scientific research].
Brahmoside sedates the CNS [scientific research].


Lithium sedates the CNS [caution: excessive Lithium can cause over-depression of the CNS].
Magnesium sedates the CNS [caution: excessive Magnesium can cause over-depression of the CNS].

Pharmaceutical Drugs

Barbiturates sedate the CNS by enhancing the activity of Gamma-Amino Butyric Acid (GABA) [caution: many side-effects].
Opiates strongly depress the CNS by binding to the Opioid Receptors located on some Neurons within the Brain.
Pharmaceutical Tranquillizers sedate the CNS.


Luctucin sedates the CNS (when consumed in large quantities).

Pharmaceutical Drugs

Barbiturates depress the CNS.

Recreational Drugs

Marijuana sedates the CNS [caution: Marijuana usage is generally illegal and Marijuana has several toxic side-effects].


Inositol sedates the CNS [scientific research].

Volatile Oils

Apiol sedates the CNS.

These Foods or Herbs Sedate (depress) the CNS

Active Constituents
Balm (tea) sedates the CNS [folklore].
Basil sedates the CNS.
Celery sedates the CNS. Phthalide Coumarins
Chamomile sedates the CNS.
Damiana sedates the CNS [anecdotal].
Gotu Kola [scientific research]. Brahminoside
Jasmine (tea) sedates the CNS [folklore].
Lemon (oil) slightly sedates the CNS.
Lemon Grass slightly sedates the CNS.
Lettuce sedates the CNS. Lactucin
Linden sedates the CNS
Passion Flower sedates the CNS. Harmala Alkaloids
Passionfruit sedates the CNS. Harmala Alkaloids
Skullcap reputedly sedates the CNS [folklore].
Valerian sedates the CNS.

These Substances Stimulate the CNS


Cocaine strongly stimulates the CNS [caution: cocaine is an illegal recreational drug and has various detrimental side-effects].
Ephedrine stimulates the CNS by imitating the actions of Adrenaline.

Amino Acids

Asparagine stimulates the CNS.

Amino Acid Derivatives

Pangamic Acid stimulates the CNS.


Caffeine is the Methylxanthine with the highest CNS stimulatory effect.
Theobromine stimulates the CNS.


Copper stimulates the CNS.

Smart Drugs

Centrophenoxine stimulates the CNS.
Deprenyl stimulates the CNS [caution: excessive dosages of Deprenyl can cause over-stimulation of the CNS causing a feeling of "speediness" similar to that experienced with Amphetamines].
Dimethylaminoethanol (DMAE) mildly stimulates the CNS.

Minaprine stimulates the CNS.


Fenchone stimulates the CNS.
Pinene stimulates the CNS.
Sinigrin stimulates the CNS.
Triterpenoid Saponins stimulate the CNS.

These Foods or Herbs Stimulate the CNS

Active Constituents
Coffee stimulates the CNS. Caffeine
Ephedra stimulates the CNS by imitating the action of Adrenaline. Ephedrine
Fennel stimulates the CNS. Fenchone
Goldenseal stimulates the CNS.
Horseradish stimulates the CNS. Sinigrin
Marjoram stimulates the CNS.
Rosemary stimulates the CNS.
Schizandra stimulates the CNS without over-exciting it. It strengthens and quickens reflexes.

These Substances are Toxic to the CNS


Lipofuscin accumulates in and damages various components of the CNS.


Excessive Magnesium can cause over-depression (manifesting as drowsiness) of the CNS [although non-excessive dosages of Magnesium improve the function of the CNS].


Some types of Mycotoxins cause damage to the Central Nervous System (CNS).

These Herbs are Toxic to the CNS

Active Constituents
Habitual use of Marijuana can lead to CNS damage, especially among adolescents. Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC)
Organs of the Central Nervous System:

Spinal Cord

Mental Function - Ailments


Ailments of the Central Nervous System that relate to Intelligence, Mood, Reasoning and Thought.

These Substances Prevent Mental Function Ailments (Generally)


Lithium (in non-excessive dosages) lowers the incidence of Mental Function Ailments [scientific research - humans: geographical areas of the world whose water contains the highest Lithium levels have a lower incidence of Mental Disorders and Suicides].

Mental Function Ailments:

Age Associated Memory Impairment
Attention Deficit Disorder
Down's Syndrome
Mental Retardation


Mental Retardation


Mental Retardation is defined as significantly subaverage Intelligence - IQ levels below 70.


Mental Retardation affects 1-3% of the population.
Mental Retardation is more prevalent in males than females.

These Substances Alleviate Mental Retardation

Amino Acids

Glutamine (after its conversion to Glutamic Acid within the body) improves the Intelligence of Mental Retardation sufferers [scientific research - humans: Glutamine increased the IQ of intellectually impaired children].

These Herbs Alleviate Mental Retardation

Gotu Kola reputedly alleviates Mental Retardation [folklore].

These Substances Cause/Exacerbate Mental Retardation

Amino Acids - Toxic Byproducts

Homocysteine can cause Mental Retardation if it builds up in the body:

- Excess Methionine consumption can cause Mental Retardation (due to Homocysteine).


If Galactose is not eliminated from the diets of Galactosaemia sufferers, Mental Retardation can result.


Aflatoxin (produced from incorrectly stored/grown Peanuts, Onions or Potatoes) can cause Mental Retardation.

Minerals - Toxic

Lead accumulation can cause Mental Retardation.

Recreational Drugs

Marijuana can cause Mental Retardation in the offspring of Marijuana users.

These Ailments can Cause Mental Retardation


Phenylketonuria can cause Mental Retardation.

Nervous System

80% of persons afflicted with Autism are also regarded as suffering from Mental Retardation.
Mental Retardation is the primary symptom of Down's Syndrome.

See Also:

Down's Syndrome
Mental Function Ailments



Hallucinations are a disorder of the Central Nervous System that involve a sense perception without relevant or adequate sensory stimulation.

These Substances Alleviate or Prevent Hallucinations

Smart Drugs

Diapid alleviates Hallucinations in people who are prone to them.


The Nicotinic Acid form of Vitamin B3 terminates the Hallucinations associated with LSD usage [scientific research - humans: 1-3 grams of Nicotinic Acid terminates the "bad trip" associated with LSD usage in approximately 1 hour].

These Substances may Cause Hallucinations

Amino Acids - Toxic Byproducts

Excessive accumulation of Ammonia within the Brain can cause Hallucinations.

Hormones - Toxic Byproducts

Adrenochrome can cause Hallucinations [scientific research].

Minerals - Essential

Excessive consumption of Bromine can cause Hallucinations.

Minerals - Toxic

Excess Lead causes Hallucinations.

Recreational Drugs

LSD is a potent initiator of Hallucinations.
Excessive usage or overdosage of Marijuana can cause Hallucinations.

These Herbs can Cause Hallucinations

Active Constituents
Nutmeg can cause Hallucinations. Myristicin

These Ailments can Cause Hallucinations

Alcohol-Related Ailments

Hallucinations are a common side-effect of Alcoholism.

Nervous System

Delirium sufferers frequently encounter Hallucinations.



General term for approximately 30 chronic disorders of the Brain's electrical balance.
Epilepsy manifests as severe Convulsions known as seizures that invoke rapid jerking of the body's limbs.

These Substances Treat, Alleviate or Prevent Epilepsy

Amino Acids

Alanine alleviates Epilepsy sufferers (by stimulating the Inhibitory Neurotransmitters in the Brain).
Glycine helps to prevent Epilepsy.
Epilepsy is a symptom of Taurine deficiency.
Threonine helps to control Epileptic seizures.


Germanium alleviates Epilepsy.
Epilepsy is a symptom of Magnesium deficiency and Magnesium improves the condition of people diagnosed as suffering from Epilepsy [scientific research - humans: Magnesium reduces the incidence of seizures in epileptics via its ability to relax the CNS and muscles].
Manganese alleviates some forms of Epilepsy.

Potassium alleviates Epilepsy (due to is role as an electrolyte in the electrical balance of the body).

Smart Drugs

Dilantin is probably the most effective "cure" for Epilepsy yet discovered [scientific research - humans @ 200-400 mg daily - even orthodox practitioners are well aware of this use for Dilantin] [caution: the high dosages of Dilantin used in Epilepsy can slow reaction times and reduce intelligence].
Nimodipine improves cognitive function in Epilepsy sufferers.

Piracetam improves most aspects of cognitive function in Epilepsy sufferers without interfering with anti-epileptic pharmaceutical drugs [scientific research - humans]:

- Enhances the ability of some anti-epileptic pharmaceuticals (e.g. Carbamazepine) to protect against Seizures in Epilepsy sufferers [scientific research - humans].


Vitamin B5 is an adjunct to the treatment of Epilepsy.
Vitamin B6 is an adjunct to the treatment of Epilepsy.
Vitamin E improves seizure control in Epilepsy sufferers.

These Herbs are Useful in the Treatment of Epilepsy

Blue Vervain is an adjunct in the treatment of Epilepsy.
Sarsaparilla reputedly alleviates Epilepsy.

These Substances May Cause Epilepsy

Amino Acids

Persons afflicted with Epilepsy are often found to have elevated levels of Aspartic Acid.

Minerals & Toxic Minerals

Excessive consumption of Copper is implicated in Epilepsy.
Blood Plasma Lithium levels above 1.4 mg per 100 ml can cause Epilepsy.
Mercury ingestion can cause Epilepsy.

Epilepsy Sufferers Should Not Use These Substances

Fatty Acids

Epilepsy sufferers should refrain from using Gamma-Linolenic Acid (GLA) supplements.

Food Additives

Epilepsy sufferers should not consume Aspartame as Aspartame can further exacerbate Epilepsy (due to Aspartic Acid and Methanol).

Smart Drugs

Epilepsy sufferers should not use Adrafinil.
Epilepsy sufferers should not use Diapid.
Epilepsy sufferers should not consume supplemental Dimethylaminoethanol (DMAE) unless they are monitored by a physician.
Epilepsy sufferers should not consume Gamma-Hydroxybutyric Acid (GHB).

Epilepsy sufferers should not use Minaprine.

See Also:

Central Nervous System
Neuromuscular Ailments


Down's Syndrome

Formerly known as: Mongolism

Mental ailment due to a chromosome defect limiting the sufferers maximum possible IQ to 50-60.

These Substances are utilized in Modern Treatments for Down' Syndrome


Zinc is often utilized in the treatment of Down's Syndrome.


Folic Acid is often utilized in the treatment of Down's Syndrome.
Vitamin B1 is often utilized in the treatment of Down's Syndrome.
Vitamin B3 is often utilized in the treatment of Down's Syndrome.
Vitamin B12 is often utilized in the treatment of Down's Syndrome.


Dementias that occurs in elderly people are known as: Senile Dementia
Dementias that occurs in young or middle-aged people are known as: Pre-Senile Dementia
Dementia that occurs as a result of pockets of dead brain cells as a result of inadequate blood supply is known as:
Multiple-Infarct Dementia

Chronic or persistent disorder of mental processes due to organic Brain disease.

Symptoms of Dementia are Memory loss, Personality changes, lack of interest in personal care, impaired reasoning ability and disorientation.

These Substances Alleviate or Prevent Dementia


Insufficient manufacture of Acetylcholine can cause Senile Dementia.

Sexual Steroid Hormone Precursors

Dementia sufferers routinely display abnormally low levels of Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) [scientific research - humans].
Dementia sufferers routinely display abnormally low levels of Pregnenolone [scientific research - humans].


Phosphatidylserine alleviates the symptoms associated with Dementia [scientific research - humans].

Smart Drugs

Fipexide improves cognition in Dementia sufferers by up to 60% [scientific research - humans].
Nimodipine alleviates Depression and improves Memory and Mood in Dementia sufferers [scientific research - humans].
Piracetam improves these aspects of Mental Function of Dementia sufferers:

- Increases Alertness [scientific research - humans - alertness increases by average 50%].
- Alleviates Depression [scientific research - humans - decreases depression by average 32%].
- Improves Memory [scientific research - humans - increases memory capacity by average 45%].
- Alleviates Sleep Disorders [scientific research - humans - reduces sleep disorders by average 37%].

Pyroglutamate improves Attention Span, Short Term Memory retrieval and Long Term Memory storage and retrieval in persons afflicted with Dementia [scientific research - humans].
Vinpocetine improves the symptoms of Senile and Multiple-Infarct Dementia sufferers [scientific research - humans - significant improvement in 77% of subjects].

These Substances can Cause Dementia

Amino Acids - Toxic Byproducts

Excessive accumulation of Homocysteine [scientific research - humans].


Alcoholism can cause Dementia.


Excessive consumption of Copper can cause Dementia.

Pharmaceutical Drugs

Adverse reactions to some Pharmaceutical Drugs can cause Dementia.

These Ailments are Associated with or cause Dementia

Cardiovascular System

Atherosclerosis of the Brain can cause Dementia.
Strokes can cause Dementia.

Excretory System

Long term Dehydration can cause Dementia.

Immune System

Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) can cause Dementia when the underlying HIV virus penetrates (via Monocytes) the Blood-Brain Barrier and gains entrance into the Brain - deterioration of Mental Function occurs in approximately 60% of persons afflicted with AIDS.

Nervous System

Alzheimer's Disease is a form of Dementia.

Types of Dementia:

Alzheimer's Disease
Pick's Disease

Attention Deficit Disorder

Also known as: ADD; ADHD; Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
Formerly known as: Hyperactivity

Syndrome characterized by inability to focus Attention and periods of Hyperactivity - commonly exhibited in children but also affecting adults.

ADD is believed to occur as a result of insufficient development of the Corpus Callosum of the Brain - this component of the Brain is responsible for the interhemispheric flow of information.


ADD is more prevalent in males than in females and is estimated to afflict approximately 3% of the population.

These Substances Alleviate or Prevent Attention Deficit Disorder

Amino Acids

Taurine alleviates the Hyperactivity associated with ADD (by sedating the Central Nervous System).

Electromagnetic Radiation

Full Spectrum Fluorescent Light prevents ADD [scientific research - children who attend schools where shielded full spectrum fluorescent light is provided are less prone to hyperactivity than those working under other forms of fluorescent light].
Optimal levels of Sunlight prevents ADD [however, over-exposure to Sunlight can exacerbate or cause ADD].


ADD can occur as a result of Magnesium deficiency and Magnesium alleviates ADD.

Smart Drugs

Diethylaminoethanol (DEAE) has been approved by the FDA in the USA for the treatment of ADD.
Dilantin is very beneficial in the treatment of ADD Dilantin alleviates the hyperactivity associated with ADD and increases various aspects of Intelligence in ADD sufferers [anecdotal reports from people given Dilantin for ADD during childhood report vastly improved performance on IQ tests].

Dimethylaminoethanol (DMAE) alleviates the behavioural problems and other side effects associated with Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) [scientific research - humans - DMAE increases Attention Span, decreases Aggression, improves Learning ability and sometimes increases Intelligence in 70% of ADD sufferers]:
Piracetam alleviates the Learning difficulties associated with ADD [scientific research - humans @ 1,200-2,400 mg per day].


Choline alleviates ADD in children.

These Foods or Herbs Alleviate Attention Deficit Disorder

Black Bean (juice) alleviates ADD [anecdotal reports from chemists in japan].
Valerian alleviates the symptoms of ADD [scientific research - Valerian eliminates the anxiety, fear, restlessness and aggression associated with ADD and improves motor coordination in ADD sufferers].

Orthodox Medical Treatment of Attention Deficit Disorder

Pharmaceutical Drugs - Amphetamine Derivatives

Pemoline is often prescribed in the treatment of ADD - Pemoline increases Attention Span in ADD sufferers [Pemoline is believed to be a safer therapy for ADD than Ritalin].
Ritalin is often prescribed by physicians in the treatment of ADD [caution: Ritalin can cause depletion of the Neurotransmitter - Norepinephrine].

Symptoms of Attention Deficit Disorder

Nervous System

Periods of inappropriate Aggressiveness are a symptom of ADD.
Inability to Concentrate for extended periods is a symptom of ADD.
Periods of inactivity followed by periods of hyperactivity are a symptom of ADD.

These Substances may Cause/Exacerbate Attention Deficit Disorder


Excessive production of Testosterone is implicated in ADD (it is believed that excessive Testosterone impairs the Corpus Callosum of the Brain) - this may account for the increased prevalence of ADD in males.

Amino Acids

Excessive consumption of Aspartic Acid can cause ADD (by causing over-stimulation of the N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) Receptors in the Brain.
Excessive consumption of Glutamic Acid can cause ADD (by causing over-stimulation of the N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) Receptors in the Brain.
Monosodium Glutamate (MSG) can cause ADD (by causing over-stimulation of the N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) Receptors in the Brain.

Electromagnetic Radiation

Excessive exposure to Cool White Fluorescent Light may cause Attention Deficit Disorder [scientific research - humans].
Excessive exposure to Sunlight can cause ADD [however, optimal levels of Sunlight exposure prevent ADD].


ADD has been correlated with excessive Copper consumption [scientific research].
Toxic levels of Lead in the body causes ADD in children.

Recreational Drugs

Alcohol (Ethanol) consumption during Pregnancy can cause ADD [scientific research - humans].




Loss of the ability to recall (a given period) of past experience.

These Substances Alleviate Amnesia

Smart Drugs

Diapid can cure Amnesia (by causing the release of Vasopressin) [scientific research - humans: Diapid administration to Amnesia sufferers has resulted in many cases of "miraculous" recovery of Memory].

These Substances Can Cause Amnesia

Smart Drugs

Extreme overdoses of Hydergine can cause (reversible) Amnesia.


Also known as: Vasopressin

Synthetic form of the Vasopressin Neurotransmitter.

Health Benefits of Diapid

Detoxification - Recreational Drugs

Diapid alleviates the delayed long term Mental Function after-effects of Recreational Drug abuse [scientific observation - physician treated "burnt-out" victim of 60s drug culture who suffered memory loss, anxiety and confusion: marked improvement within 48 hours].
Diapid counteracts the Vasopressin deficiency experienced by users of recreational drugs such as Cocaine, LSD, Amphetamines, Alcohol and Marijuana [scientific research - humans].

Excretory System

Diapid is an effective treatment for the side-effects of Diabetes Insipidus - Diapid Prevents the frequent Urination that occurs in this disease.
Diapid regulates the volume of Urine produced.

Nervous System

Diapid's mental enhancement effects are effective for both normal, healthy humans and age impaired persons.

Diapid can very effectively and rapidly cure Amnesia by stimulating the release of Vasopressin [scientific research - humans - results of these studies were often described by physicians as astounding].
Diapid improves Attention [scientific research - humans].
Diapid improves Concentration [scientific research - humans].

Diapid improves Co-ordination [scientific research - humans].
Diapid increases Creativity by stimulating brain Theta Wave activity.
Diapid has produced positive results in some patients with histories of severe Depression [scientific research - humans]:

- People suffering from Depression usually have lower levels of Vasopressin in their Cerebrospinal Fluid [scientific research - humans - USA national institute of mental health].

Diapid alleviates Hallucinations in many people who suffer from them.
Diapid facilitates more effective Learning by helping to "imprint" new information in the memory centers of the Brain:

- Vasopressin is essential for new Learning to occur. It transforms the Nerve Impulses associated with Learning into chemically encoded Memory:
- Very effective in situations where there is a large amount of new information to
Learn [scientific research - humans].

Diapid improves Short Term and Long Term Memory by stimulating the release of Vasopressin [scientific research - humans - hundreds of clinical studies totally attest to this effect].

- Diapid helps you "search" your Memory and then retrieve the desired information back into consciousness.

Diapid improves Visualization ability.

Sexual Function

Diapid improves Sexual Performance by intensifying and prolonging Orgasm.


Diapid alleviates some Sleep disorders:
Diapid facilitates the Vasopressin release that precedes Rapid Eye Movement (REM) Sleep during which Dreaming occurs.

Diapid Enhances the Function of these Substances


Diapid causes the release of Vasopressin in the Brain.

Possible Side-Effects of Diapid

Research has shown Diapid to be extremely safe with no major side-effects however these mild side-effects occur occasionally and mildy.

Digestive System

Diapid can cause Abdominal Cramps [infrequently and mild].
Diapid can cause Diarrhoea [infrequently and mild].

Respiratory System

Do not snort Diapid as part of a deep breath as some people have experienced spasms of the Larynx.
Diapid can cause runny Nose, nasal congestion, nasal ulceration [infrequently and mild].


Cardiovascular System

People who suffer from Angina should not use Diapid as it can stimulate further Angina pains.
Large doses of Diapid can further increase Blood Pressure in Hypertension sufferers.

Nervous System

People who are afflicted with Epilepsy should not use Diapid.


Diapid's safety during Pregnancy has not been established.

Forms of Diapid

Research indicates that these different forms of Diapid have identical activity and effects. The amino acid forms were developed by rival pharmaceutical companies in order to evade existing patents and lay claim to new patents.

All of the forms of Vasopressin listed here are in the form of Nasal Sprays.

Arginine Vasopressin (AVP): Also known as: Argipressin, Rinder-Vasopressin
Lysine-Vasopressin (LVP): Also known as: Lypressin, Postacton, Syntopressin
1-de samino-8-D-arginine (DDAVP): Also known as: Adiuretin SD, DAV Ritter, Desmopressin, Desmospray, Minirin

Dosage Recommendations

Human studies usually use: 12-16 USP Posterior Pituitary Units per day.
This translates to 1 spray to each nostril 3-4 times per day.


Diapid is absorbed and acts quickly (i.e. 10 seconds) and effectively via Nasal Spray:

- Rapidly absorbed by the Nasal Mucosa and travels directly to and readily crosses the blood-brain barrier.

When sniffing the Nasal Spray, do not snort it as part of a deep breath, but try to snort it into the upper part of your nasal cavities from which it is transported to your brain.

Commercial Availability of Diapid

In the USA Diapid is classified as a Prescription Drug and has only been approved by the FDA for use in the treatment of Diabetes Insipidus.

Country Company Product Strength/Price
Inhome Health Services Sandoz Vasopressin 5 ml SPRAY/US $ 12.50

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Vasopressin

Also known as: Anti-Diuretic Hormone (ADH)

Stimulatory Neurotransmitter produced by the Hypothalamus and stored and released by the posterior Pituitary Gland.

Chemically, Vasopressin is an Oligopeptide containing 9 Amino Acids.

Biological Functions of Vasopressin


Vasopressin regulates Electrolytes in the body.

Excretory System

Diabetes Insipidus occurs as a result of Vasopressin deficiency.
Vasopressin controls Urine volume and prevents Frequent Urination.

Nervous System

Depression can occur as a result of Vasopressin deficiency.
Vasopressin is responsible for some aspects of human Intelligence.
Vasopressin is essential for new Learning to occur as Vasopressin transforms the Nerve Impulses associated with Learning into chemically encoded Memory.

Vasopressin is released in large quantities during Trauma or the anticipation of Trauma and is responsible for seeing your "life flash before your eyes".

Sexual System

Vasopressin enhances and improves Sexual Performance by prolonging and intensifying Orgasm.

These Substances Enhance the Body's Production of Vasopressin


Acetylcholine is the precursor for the release of Vasopressin within the Brain.


Lithium increases blood plasma levels of Vasopressin.

Smart Drugs

Diapid is a synthetic form of Vasopressin.

These Drugs cause the Release (and Destruction) of Vasopressin

Recreational Drugs

Cocaine causes depletion of Vasopressin due to its over-stimulation of the Central Nervous System causing the sudden release and non-replacement of the body's reserves of Vasopressin.
Amphetamine (and Amphetamine Derivatives such as Ritalin) causes the Brain to release Vasopressin and to block the recycling of Vasopressin, resulting in the high concentration of Vasopressin in the Synapses between Neurons that is responsible for the stimulatory effects of Vasopressin [however long term or excessive usage of Amphetamine causes Vasopressin depletion due to the large amounts of Vasopressin that are released but not replaced].

LSD causes the release and destruction of Vasopressin.

These Substances Inhibit the Release of Vasopressin

Recreational Drugs

Alcohol prevents the release of Vasopressin within the Brain.
Marijuana prevents the release of Vasopressin within the Brain.

Commercial Availability of Synthetic Vasopressin

Synthetic Vasopressin is manufactured and sold under the name Diapid.

Age Associated Memory Impairment

Also known as: AAMI

Memory decline of people aged 50 and over.

These Substances Alleviate Age Associated Memory Impairment


The decline of Norepinephrine levels in tandem with the Aging Process is associated with the progression of AAMI.


Phosphatidylcholine (PC) helps to prevent AAMI.
Phosphatidylserine improves Memory in persons afflicted with Age-Associated Memory Impairment (AAMI) [scientific research - humans: 300 mg per day for 12 weeks: best results were seen in those with the worst memory impairment - the improvement in memory lasted for up to 1 month after the cessation of Phosphatidylserine therapy].

Smart Drugs

Acetyl-L-Carnitine (ALC) improves Creativity, Memory and Mood in persons afflicted with Age Associated Memory Impairment [scientific research - humans].
Nimodipine alleviates AAMI [scientific research - humans - 90 mg per day improved memories in AAMI sufferers in 65% of cases].
Ondansetron significantly improves Memory in persons afflicted with Age-Associated Memory Impairment [scientific research - humans: the degree of memory improvement attributable to Ondansetron is equivalent to the amount of memory that is normally lost in 6 years].

Vincamine normalizes the brain-wave patterns of persons afflicted with Age-Associated Memory Impairment.
Zatosetron significantly improves Memory in persons afflicted with Age-Associated Memory Impairment [scientific research - humans: the degree of memory improvement attributable to Zatosetron is equivalent to the amount of memory that is normally lost in 6 years].


Also known as: Muscle Spasms; Seizures; Spasms

An involuntary contraction of the Muscles producing contortions of the the body and limbs.
Convulsions are caused by biochemical abnormalities within the Brain that lead to unco-ordinated electrical activity in the motor or sensory areas of the Central Nervous System.

These Substances Alleviate or Prevent Convulsions

Substances that alleviate or prevent Convulsions are known as Anti-Convulsants.


Scoparone and Scopoletin prevent Convulsions.

Amino Acids

Taurine helps to prevent Convulsions.


Magnesium deficiency causes Convulsions.

Smart Drugs

Dilantin effectively prevents Convulsions (by normalizing electrical activity and Nerve Impulses in the Central Nervous System).
Nimodipine prevents Convulsions caused by chronic Alcohol consumption or Ischaemic Heart Disease [scientific research - animals].


Vitamin B6 deficiency can cause Convulsions (due to Vitamin B6 deficiency causing degeneration of the Peripheral Nervous System) [scientific research].

Volatile Oils

Carvacrol prevents Convulsions (spasms).
Thiol alleviates Convulsions.

These Foods or Herbs Prevent Convulsions

Active Constituents
Catnip helps to prevent Convulsions [folklore].
Eggplant prevents Convulsions. Scopoletin
Skullcap alleviates Convulsions that are caused by Nervousness.
Valerian helps to prevent Convulsions.

These Substances Cause Convulsions


Strychnine poisoning causes painful Convulsions.

Amino Acids

Excessive consumption of Glutamic Acid may cause Convulsions.
Excessive consumption of Monosodium Glutamate (MSG) can cause Convulsions.
Excessive consumption of Ornithine may cause Convulsions.


Aluminium can cause Convulsions within the Brain.
Toxic accumulation of Barium can cause Convulsions.
Boric Acid (the Mineral Acid form of Boron) can cause Convulsions.

Pharmaceutical Drugs

Long term use of Barbiturates causes Convulsions.
Convulsions can occur as a withdrawal symptom after the cessation of usage of Minor Tranquillizers.

Smart Drugs

People who suffer from frequent Convulsions should not use Centrophenoxine.

Volatile Oils

Thujone (in amounts other than those normally ingested via some Herbs) can cause Convulsions.

These Foods can Cause Convulsions

Toxic Constituents
Aspartame can cause Convulsions. Aspartic Acid
Consumption of Fennel Oil can cause Convulsions.

Convulsions are a Symptom of these Ailments


Convulsions often occur as a result of Alcoholism during Alcohol (Ethanol) withdrawal.

Cardiovascular System

Convulsions can occur as a result of Ischaemic Heart Disease.

Nervous System

Persons afflicted with Autism are more prone to Convulsions.
Epilepsy manifests primarily via Convulsions.
Severe Convulsions (often FATAL) are the primary symptom of Tetanus.


Also known as: Scurf

Medical name: Pityriasis capitis


Condition in which the Scalp is covered in flakes of dead skin.

These Substances Alleviate or Eliminate Dandruff

Fatty Acids

Alpha-Linolenic Acid (LNA) deficiency can cause Dandruff.

Linoleic Acid (LA) deficiency can cause Dandruff.


Dandruff can occur as a result of Sulphur deficiency.

Zinc deficiency may cause Dandruff.


Biotin deficiency may cause Dandruff.

Vitamin B2 helps to eradicate Dandruff.

Dandruff can occur as a result of Vitamin B6 deficiency.

Vitamin C deficiency may cause Dandruff.

These Foods or Herbs Alleviate Dandruff

Almond Oil (applied topically to the Scalp) helps soften Dandruff.

Burdock (root) helps to eradicate Dandruff [folklore].

Flax Seed Oil is helpful in the treatment of Dandruff.

Jojoba Oil (applied topically) alleviates Dandruff (by lubricating the Scalp and thereby reducing the flaking of Skin associated with Dandruff) [scientific research].

Neem Oil (applied topically to the Scalp) alleviates Dandruff.

Olive Oil (applied topically to the Scalp) helps soften Dandruff.

Tea Tree Oil (as a component of shampoo) is excellent for Dandruff.

Diabetes Mellitus

Also known as: Hyperglycaemia


Ailment that occurs when the Pancreas is unable to secrete enough Insulin to maintain a normal blood sugar (Glucose) level, leading to high Blood Sugar levels.

A person is regarded as having Diabetes Mellitus if their Blood Sugar concentration is greater than 140 mg per deciliter after an overnight fast.

These Substances Alleviate Diabetes Mellitus


Immune System Chemicals

Persons afflicted with Diabetes Mellitus are usually found to produce insufficient quantities of endogenous Interferon Alpha.


Series 1 Prostaglandins (including Prostaglandin E1) alleviate Diabetes Mellitus (by improving the effectiveness of Insulin).


Amino Acids

Carnitine helps to prevent Diabetes Mellitus.

Taurine alleviates Diabetes Mellitus (by potentiating the effects of Insulin).


Cellulose helps to lower Blood Sugar levels.

Inulin helps to regulate Blood Sugar levels in Diabetes Mellitus sufferers.

Pectin delays the emptying of the stomach after meals.

Lignin alleviates Diabetes Mellitus.

Gums help to lower Blood Sugar levels.

Fatty Acids

Lipoic Acid alleviates many of the complications associated with Diabetes Mellitus [scientific research - animals].


Diabetes Mellitus can occur as a result of Chromium deficiency [scientific research - animals].

Magnesium helps to keep Diabetes Mellitus under control.

Potassium alleviates Diabetes Mellitus (by facilitating the conversion of Glucose to Glycogen).

Vanadium may alleviate Diabetes Mellitus (by mimicking the effects of Insulin).

Zinc supplementation counteracts the inability of Diabetes Mellitus sufferers to absorb Zinc and their tendency to excrete Zinc.


Charantin has the ability to lower Blood Sugar levels.

Polypeptide-P alleviates Diabetes Mellitus (due to its ability to substitute for Insulin within the body) [scientific research - Polypeptide-P has fewer side effects than supplementary Insulin for Diabetes Mellitus sufferers].


Coenzyme Q10 alleviates Diabetes Mellitus [scientific research - humans: 8% of Diabetes sufferers are deficient in Coenzyme Q10. Reduces Blood Sugar levels by at least 20% in 36% of diabetes mellitus sufferers and reduces Blood Sugar levels by at least 30% in 31% of sufferers].

Smart Drugs

Aminoguanidine prevents the Cross-Linking of the body's endogenous Proteins with Glucose which is greatly accelerated in Diabetes Mellitus sufferers and which leads to most of the complications inherent in this disease [scientific research - animals].

Sulphuric Compounds

Allyl Propyl Disulphide (APDS) - found in Onions - helps Diabetes sufferers to lower their Blood Sugar levels [scientific research - in vitro].

- APDS competes with Insulin for breakdown sites in the Liver, thereby increasing Insulin's lifespan [scientific research - in vitro].


Inositol improves the function of the Myelin Sheaths of Diabetes Mellitus sufferers.

Vitamin C reduces the Insulin requirements of Diabetes Mellitus sufferers.

These Foods or Herbs Alleviate Diabetes Mellitus

Active Constituents

Alfalfa reputedly alleviates Diabetes Mellitus [folklore].

Asparagus (juice) reputedly alleviates Diabetes Mellitus[anecdotal].

Bilberry helps to prevent Retinopathy developing in persons who are afflicted with Diabetes Mellitus [scientific research - humans]. Anthocyanosides

Bitter Melon (unripened) alleviates Diabetes Mellitus (due to its Blood Sugar lowering capabilities and the ability of Polypeptide-P to substitute for Insulin within the body) [scientific research - humans: Bitter Melon lowers Blood Sugar levels more effectively than the pharmaceutical drug - Tolbutamide]. Charantin


Blue Cohosh reputedly alleviates Diabetes Mellitus [anecdotal].

Celery (juice) alleviates Diabetes Mellitus [anecdotal].

Dandelion alleviates Diabetes Mellitus.

Fenugreek Seeds lower Blood Sugar levels in Diabetes Mellitus sufferers.

Essiac (a mixture of Herbs - primarily Sheep Sorrell) reportedly allows persons afflicted with Diabetes Mellitus to discontinue supplemental Insulin treatment (by vastly improving the function of the Pancreas [anecdotal].

Flax Seed Oil alleviates Diabetes Mellitus by lowering Insulin requirements.

Garlic alleviates Diabetes Mellitus by lowering Blood Sugar levels.

Ginsengs lower serum Blood Sugar levels in Diabetes Mellitus sufferers. Rbe, Rb1

Globe Artichokes improve the metabolic function of Diabetes Mellitus sufferers (due to Inulin improving Blood Sugar control). Inulin

Goldenseal reputedly alleviates Diabetes Mellitus.

Jerusalem Artichokes potently regulate Blood Sugar levels in persons afflicted with Diabetes Mellitus. Inulin

Legumes are excellent Insulin regulators and can eliminate the need for Diabetes Mellitus sufferers to receive Insulin injections. Polysaccharides

Lentils effectively regulate Blood Sugar levels in Diabetes Mellitus sufferers. Polysaccharides

Onions alleviate Diabetes Mellitus [scientific research - in vitro]. Allyl Propyl Disulphide (APDS)

Spinach alleviates Diabetes Mellitus. Manganese

These Substances are Toxic for Diabetes Mellitus sufferers



Excessive production (or consumption) of Phenylethylamine (PEA) increases the body's Blood Sugar levels.


Amino Acids

Diabetics should avoid Arginine supplementation (due to Arginine's Insulin raising effect).

Diabetics should not consume Cysteine supplements.


Fructose can cause elevated serum Triglyceride levels in Diabetes Mellitus sufferers [scientific research - humans].

Fatty Acids

Excessive consumption of Long-Chain Saturated Fatty Acids can cause Diabetes Mellitus.

Trans-Fatty Acids increase the Insulin response of Diabetes Mellitus sufferers.

Smart Drugs

Propranolol should not be used by Diabetes Mellitus sufferers except under the guidance of a Physician.

Diabetes Mellitus Sufferers Should Not Consume these Herbs

Diabetes Mellitus sufferers should not consume Ephedra.

Side-Effects of Diabetes Mellitus

Immune System

Diabetes Mellitus sufferers are more prone to Infections.


Diabetes Mellitus sufferers may not be able to manufacture the Delta-6-Desaturase enzyme.

Diabetes Mellitus causes Fatigue.

Diabetes Mellitus interferes with Vitamin A absorption:

- Diabetics are unable to convert Beta-Carotene into Vitamin A.

Musculoskeletal System

People who are afflicted with Diabetes Mellitus are at greater risk of developing Cataracts.

People who are afflicted with Diabetes Mellitus are at greater risk of developing Retinopathy.

Nervous System

Neuralgia can occur as a side-effect of Diabetes Mellitus.

Neuropathy can occur as a side-effect of Diabetes Mellitus.

Oxidation & Free Radicals

Diabetes Mellitus greatly accelerates the rate of Cross-Linking of the body's endogenous Proteins with Glucose - this accelerated Cross-Linking is responsible for the majority of the complications associated with Diabetes Mellitus.

Sexual System - Female

Diabetes Mellitus increases the risk of Vaginitis in females.

Myths Dispelled

Many persons who suffer from Diabetes Mellitus are not suffering from Insulin insufficiency as is widely proposed - persons afflicted with Diabetes Mellitus are capable of manufacturing Insulin, but they are less capable of secreting it (due to the body's self destruction of the Islets of Langherans Cells in the Pancreas that normally secrete Insulin) and their bodies resist the blood sugar lowering function of Insulin.

Types of Diabetes Mellitus:

Diabetes Mellitus Type 1

Diabetes Mellitus Type 2



Polypeptide Hormone released by the beta cells of the Islets of Langerhans in the Pancreas - Pancreatic Juice is the carrier vehicle for Insulin.

Biological Functions of Insulin


Diabetes Mellitus can occur as a result of insufficient production of Insulin.

Insulin lowers serum Glucose (blood sugar) levels in response to elevated blood sugar levels.

- Insulin stimulates the absorption of Glucose from the bloodstream into Muscles and Adipose Tissues.

- Insulin stimulates the conversion of Glucose into Glycogen within the Liver and Muscles, thereby lowering blood sugar levels.

- Insulin stimulates the conversion of Glucose into 2 molecules of Pyruvic Acid (i.e. Glycolysis) within all cells of the body.

- Insulin stimulates the conversion of Glucose into Triglycerides (i.e. lipogenesis) within the Liver for storage as Adipose Tissue.

Insulin prevents the buildup of excessive quantities of Ketones (ketosis) within the body.

Toxic Effects of Excessive Insulin Production

Cardiovascular System

Excessive Insulin production increases the risk of Atherosclerosis.

- Excessive Insulin production decreases the breakdown of Fibrin, increasing the likelihood of abnormal Blood Clotting.

- Excessive Insulin production increases lesions in Blood Vessel walls.

Excessive Insulin production causes a buildup of Cholesterol deposits.

Excessive Insulin production increases the risk of Heart ailments.


Hypoglycaemia can be caused by Insulin over-compensating for high Blood Sugar levels and lowering Blood Sugar to the extent that Hypoglycaemia results.

Excessive Insulin production increases the production of endogenous Triglycerides that are stored in Adipose Tissue and contribute to Obesity.

Myths Dispelled


Many persons afflicted with Diabetes Mellitus are not lacking in Insulin as is commonly proposed - persons afflicted with Diabetes Mellitus still produce Insulin but are less capable of secreting it and their bodies are often resistant to the blood sugar lowering functions of Insulin.

These Substances Enhance the Production & Absorption of Insulin



Adrenaline decreases the release of Insulin within the body.


Prostaglandin E1 improves the effectiveness of Insulin.


Amino Acids

Arginine increases Insulin production.

Cystine enhances the supply of Insulin to the Pancreas and Cystine comprises 12% of Insulin.

Glutamine stimulates the production of Insulin.

Phenylalanine is a precursor for the production of Insulin.

Taurine potentiates the effects of Insulin.


Trivalent Chromium when combined with Sulphuric Amino Acids enhances the production of Insulin.

Manganese facilitates the production of Insulin.

Vanadium mimics the effects of Insulin [scientific research - animals].

Zinc is essential for the production of Insulin - Zinc also facilitates the binding of Insulin to Liver Cells.

Proteins - dietary

Polypeptide-P (Vegetable Insulin) is chemically similar to and can substitute for Insulin within the body.

Sulphuric Compounds

Allyl Propyl Disulphide (APDS) competes with Insulin for breakdown sites in the Liver, thereby increasing Insulin's lifespan.


Vitamin C reduces the body's requirements for Insulin.

These Foods Enhance the Function of Insulin

Active Constituents

Bitter Melons (unripened) contain a substance that is chemically similar to and can substitute for Insulin. Polypeptide-P

Legumes are excellent Insulin regulators. Polysaccharides

Oats stabilize Insulin levels within the body. Polysaccharides

Spirulina increases the body's production of Insulin.

These Substances Interfere with the function of Insulin


Excessive consumption of Sucrose causes the production of excessive amounts of Insulin.

Fatty Acids

Eicosapentaenoic Acid (EPA) decreases the body's secretion of Insulin [scientific research - humans - however this is not necessarily detrimental as it has also been proven that EPA decreases the body's requirement for Insulin].

Long Chain Saturated Fatty Acids cause Insulin insensitivity.

These Ailments Interfere with the Body's Utilization of Insulin


Diabetes Mellitus interferes with the body's use or production of Insulin.

- Diabetes Mellitus Type 1 is characterized by the body's self-destruction of the Insulin secreting Islets of Langerhans Cells in the Pancreas.

- Although Diabetes Mellitus Type 2 sufferers can still produce Insulin, their bodies resist its Blood Sugar lowering function.

Blood Sugar

Also known as: Blood Glucose


The level of Glucose in the Blood.

Normal Blood Sugar Levels

After Fasting: 60-70 mg per dl

After eating Carbohydrate: 120-130 mg per dl

Between Meals: 80-100 mg per dl

These Substances Regulate Blood Sugar Levels



Glucose Tolerance Factor (GTF) is strongly involved in the regulation of Blood Sugar levels.


Adrenaline & Glucagon (Hormones) raise Blood Sugar levels by stimulating the conversion of Glycogen into Glucose in the Liver and releasing it into the Blood.

Cortisone raises Blood Sugar levels by decreasing Glucose uptake by the body's tissues.


Amino Acids

Isoleucine regulates and stabilizes Blood Sugar levels.

Leucine regulates and stabilizes Blood Sugar levels.

Carbohydrates - Polysaccharides

Cellulose normalizes Blood Sugar levels.

Several types of Gums normalize Blood Sugar levels:

- Guar Gum normalizes Blood Sugar levels (especially in cases of Diabetes Mellitus Type 2).

Electromagnetic Radiation

Negative Ions help to stabilize Blood Sugar levels.

These Herbs Normalize Blood Sugar Levels

Active Constituents

Fenugreek Seeds normalize Blood Sugar levels. Mucilages

Flax Seeds normalize Blood Sugar levels.

Ginsengs are able to normalize Blood Sugar levels (Ginsengs' "adaptogen" properties are illustrated by its capability to both raise or lower Blood Sugar levels depending on the Blood Sugar status of the individual person).

Guar Seeds help to stabilize Blood Sugar levels. Guar Gum

These Substances Reduce Blood Sugar Levels



Insulin lowers Blood Sugar levels by increasing Glucose uptake by the body's tissues.


Amino Acids

Leucine lowers Blood Sugar levels.

Organic Acids

Panaxic Acid lowers Blood Sugar levels.


Charantin lowers Blood Sugar levels.

These Foods Lower Blood Sugar Levels

Active Constituents

Bitter Melon (unripened) lowers Blood Sugar levels [scientific research - humans: lowers blood sugar levels even more effectively than the pharmaceutical drug - Tolbutamide]. Charantin

These Substances Interfere with Blood Sugar Levels

Amino Acids

Tryptophan can cause excessive reductions in Blood Sugar levels if Vitamin B6 deficiency prevents the conversion of Tryptophan conversion to Serotonin.


Simple Sugars (Fructose, Glucose and Sucrose) cause vastly fluctuating peaks and troughs in the body's Blood Sugar levels (due to the rapid absorption of Simple Sugars).

Blood Sugar Ailments:

Diabetes Mellitus




Chronic or acute frequent passing of loose, watery Stools.

Diarrhoea is a symptom of other ailments and is not in itself a disease.

These Substances/Factors Alleviate or Cure Diarrhoea


Lactobacillus acidophilus often cures Diarrhoea (by re-establishing the Beneficial Bacteria balance within the Intestines).

Bifidobacteria bulgaricus often cures Diarrhoea (by re-establishing the Beneficial Bacteria balance within the Intestines).


Lactase prevents undigested Lactose from causing Diarrhoea.


Infant Diarrhoea can be a symptom of Copper deficiency.

The Iron Phosphate form of Iron alleviates Diarrhoea.

Diarrhoea can be a symptom of Magnesium deficiency.

Diarrhoea causes excessive excretion of Potassium.

The Sodium Sulphate form of Sodium alleviates Diarrhoea - Diarrhoea can cause Sodium depletion.


Anthocyanosides very effectively cure Diarrhoea [scientific research - humans].


Chronic long-term Diarrhoea sufferers are at risk of Folic Acid deficiency [scientific research - humans: 40-60 mg per day restored normal stools in 2-5 days].

Diarrhoea can occur as a result of Vitamin A deficiency.

Diarrhoea can occur as a result of Vitamin K deficiency.

Other Factors

Fasting can alleviate Diarrhoea.

These Foods or Herbs Alleviate (or Cure) Diarrhoea

Active Constituents

Bananas (mashed) alleviate Diarrhoea.

Bayberry alleviates Diarrhoea (but not the cause) [scientific research - humans].

Bentonite Clay absorbs poisons from the intestinal tract

Black Beans alleviate Diarrhoea [according to chemists in Japan].

Blackberry (juice) alleviates Diarrhoea.

Blackcurrants prevent and treat Diarrhoea (by thwarting the growth of E. Coli).

Black Walnut alleviates Diarrhoea.

Blueberries are a very effective cure for Diarrhoea. Anthocyanosides

Charcoal absorbs poisons from intestinal tract.

Cider Vinegar alleviates Diarrhoea.

Cinchona (bark) is a traditional treatment for Diarrhoea [folklore].

Hawthorn Berries alleviates Diarrhoea.

Oatmeal alleviates Diarrhoea.

Paprika alleviates Diarrhoea.

Peppermint alleviates Diarrhoea.

Radish alleviates Diarrhoea.

Slippery Elm alleviates Diarrhoea.

Yarrow alleviates Diarrhoea.

Yoghurt alleviates Diarrhoea. Bifidobacteria bulgariucs

Lactobacillus acidophilus

These Factors/Substances Cause/Exacerbate Diarrhoea

Amino Acids

Excessive consumption of dietary Taurine can cause Diarrhoea.

Bacteria - Detrimental

Infection of the Intestines by various types of Detrimental Bacteria causes Diarrhoea.

Clostridium welchii causes Diarrhoea.

Excessive proliferation of Eschericia coli causes Diarrhoea.

Infection by Salmonella (as commonly occurs in Food Poisoning) can cause Diarrhoea within 12-36 hours of Salmonella ingestion and usually lasts for 1-8 days.

Food Poisoning caused by Staphylococci aureus can cause Diarrhoea.


Undigested Lactose (occurs due to Lactase deficiency) can cause Diarrhoea.


Excessive consumption of Barium can cause Diarrhoea.

Blood Plasma levels of Lithium above 1 mg per 100 ml causes Diarrhoea.

Excessive consumption of Phosphorus (more than 1 gram per day) can cause Diarrhoea.

Smart Drugs

Diapid occasionally causes mild Diarrhoea.

Diarrhoea can occur as a temporary initial side-effect of Xanthinol Nicotinate usage - this side-effect usually disappears after continued usage of Xanthinol Nicotinate.

Sugar Alcohols

Excessive consumption of Mannitol can cause Diarrhoea.

Excessive consumption of Sorbitol can cause Diarrhoea.


Excessive consumption of the Choline Bitartrate or Choline Chloride forms of Choline can cause Diarrhoea.

Excessive consumption (dosages above 100 mg per day) of the Nicotinic Acid form of Vitamin B3 can cause Diarrhoea (rarely) in some persons.

Diarrhoea can occur as a result of excessive Vitamin C consumption [this is useful as it signals an individuals Bowel Tolerance Level for Vitamin C at a given point in time and is easily remedied by slightly decreasing Vitamin C consumption].

Excessive consumption of Vitamin D can cause Diarrhoea.

Volatile Oils

Thymol (when ingested orally in doses greater than 67 mg) causes Diarrhoea.

These Foods or Herbs can Cause Diarrhoea

Excessive consumption of raw Garlic can cause Diarrhoea [scientific research - humans].

Excessive consumption of Ginsengs occasionally causes Diarrhoea.

Excessive consumption of Olive Oil can cause mild Diarrhoea.

Diarrhoea Can Cause these Complications


Diarrhoea can cause Acidosis (through excessive loss of Alkaline substances through the Intestinal Tract).

Nervous System

Diarrhoea can cause excessive Thirst.

Diarrhoea is a Symptom of these Ailments

Digestive System

Diarrhoea can occur as a result of Candida albicans over-proliferation.

Bloody, mucous-filled Diarrhoea is a symptom of Colitis.

Crown’s Disease can cause Diarrhoea.

Diarrhoea is a symptom of Diverticulitis.

Painful Diarrhoea is a symptom of Dysentery.

Gastroenteritis is the most common cause of Diarrhoea.

Diarrhoea is a symptom of Giardiasis.

Chronic Diarrhoea that continues for many years is a symptom of Irritable Bowel Syndrome.

Bloody Diarrhoea is a symptom of Ulcerative Colitis.

Diarrhoea can occur as a result of Zollinger-Ellinson Syndrome.

Immune System

Infection by the HIV virus that is implicated in Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) often causes Diarrhoea.

Diarrhoea is a side effect of many forms of Food Poisoning:

Infection of the Intestine with Viruses can cause Diarrhoea.

Nervous System

Diarrhea can be caused by Anxi

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