Saturday, April 25, 2009




Absence of bleeding during Menstruation or total suppression of Menstruation.

These Foods or Herbs Alleviate Amenorrhea

Foods/Herbs/Medicines that stimulate Menstrual Flow are described as Emmenagogues.

Active Constituents

Beetroot (juice) alleviates suppressed Menstruation.

Black Cohosh and Blue Cohosh stimulate menstrual flow [according to American Indian folklore].

Chamomile (tea drunk cold) stimulates menstrual flow.

Garlic stimulates menstrual flow (it is claimed that the Kyolic form of Garlic works best).

Licorice (root) successfully induces normal menstrual flow [scientific research - Japanese females]. GlizestroneDihydrostigmasterolWhole Plant

Orthodox Medical Treatment of Amenorrhea

Pharmaceutical Drugs - Hormones

Frame # is 1 Synthetic Progestogens are often prescribed to alleviate Amenorrhea.

Infertility - Female


Inability of females to induce conception.

These Substances Alleviate Female Infertility



Frame # is 1 Gonadotrophic Hormones are synthesized and released by the Pituitary Gland to act on the

Ovaries to promote the production of Sexual Steroid Hormones and Ova.


Frame # is 1 The Potassium Chloride form of Potassium alleviates Female Infertility.


Frame # is 1 Female Infertility can occur as a result of Inositol deficiency.

Frame # is 1 Females who suffer from unexplained Infertility experience a higher conception rate after Vitamin B6

Supplementation [scientific research - 85% of females using 100-800 mg of supplemental Vitamin B6 per day

achieved an increase in their fertility rate].

Frame # is 1 Vitamin C alleviates female Infertility.

Frame # is 1 Vitamin E alleviates female Infertility.

These Herbs Alleviate Female Infertility

Ginsengs may alleviate Female Infertility [anecdotal].

These Substances Cause/Exacerbate Female Infertility


Frame # is 1 Excessive consumption of Caffeine impairs female fertility.

Recreational Drugs

Frame # is 1 Excessive consumption of Alcohol can cause Female Infertility.

Frame # is 1 Tobacco smoking can cause Female Infertility.

These Foods can Cause or Exacerbate Female Infertility

Frame # is 1 Consumption of 0.5 kg or more of Carrots per day causes a temporary contraceptive effect.



The production and secretion of human breast milk by females during the period following Pregnancy.

Human Breast Milk Contains these Substances

Fatty Acids

Frame # is 1 Alklylglycerols are a component of human breast milk.

Frame # is 1 Dihomo-Gamma Linolenic Acid (DGLA) is a component of human breast milk.

These Substances Improve Lactation



Frame # is 1 Oxytocin stimulates Lactation by initiating contractions in the muscle fibres of the Breasts.

Frame # is 1 Prolactin stimulates Lactation in females after childbirth [caution: excessive Prolactin production interferes

with Lactation].



Frame # is 1 The female body's requirement for Calcium increases during the Lactation period.


Frame # is 1 Folic Acid improves Lactation.

Frame # is 1 Vitamin A improves Lactation.

These Herbs Improve Lactation

Blessed Thistle improves Lactation [folklore].

Dill Seeds stimulate Lactation [folklore].

Nettle (tea) improves Lactation [folklore].

Raspberry Leaf improves Lactation (by enriching the Colestrum in Breast Milk).

These Substances Should not be Consumed During the Lactation Period

Fatty Acids

Frame # is 1 Trans-Fatty Acids interfere with Lactation (by lowering the quality of breast milk and by decreasing

the quantity of cream in human breast milk) [scientific research].


Frame # is 1 Supplemental Melatonin should not be consumed during the Lactation period.

Smart Drugs

Frame # is 1 Centrophenoxine should not be consumed during the Lactation period.

Frame # is 1 The safety of Xanthinol Nicotinate during the Lactation period has not been established.

Myths Dispelled

Fatty Acids

Frame # is 1 Human mother's milk does NOT contain Gamma-Linolenic Acid (GLA) as is often claimed in GLA



Also known as: Leucorrhea; Trichomonas; Vaginal Discharge


Excessive white or yellow discharge of Mucous from the Vagina or Cervix.

These Foods or Herbs Alleviate Leucorrhea

Active Constituents

Blue Cohosh reputedly alleviates Leucorrhea.

Sarsaparilla alleviates Leucorrhea.

Tea Tree Oil (diluted and applied as a douche) alleviates Leucorrhea.

Yoghurt (applied internally on a tampon applicator prior to sleep). Lactobacillus acidophilus

These Substances/Factors/Ailments Can Cause Leucorrhea

Cosmetics & Toiletries

Frame # is 1 Vaginal Deodorants can cause Leucorrhea.

Pharmaceutical Drugs

Frame # is 1 The Contraceptive Pill can cause Leucorrhea.

Sexual System - Female

Frame # is 1 Leucorrhea can occur as a result of Vaginitis.

Yeasts - Detrimental

Frame # is 1 Candida albicans proliferation can cause Leucorrhea.

These Ailments can Cause Leucorrhea

Immune System

Frame # is 1 Leucorrhea can be a symptom of Cancer of the sexual organs.

Menopause - Female


The time in a female's life when the Ovaries cease to produce an egg cell every four weeks and therefore

Menstruation ceases and the woman are no longer able to become pregnant.

Female Menopause usually occurs between the ages of 45 and 55.

These Substances Alleviate the Side Effects of Female Menopause

Smart Drugs

Frame # is 1 Bromocriptine can reset the biological clock involved in the regulation of sexual cycling in

Post-menopausal females [scientific research - humans: Bromocriptine has reinstated Menstruation in some

Post-menopausal females].

Frame # is 1 the side effects of Female Menopause respond well to Vinpocetine.

These Herbs Alleviate the Side Effects of Female Menopause

Dong Quai facilitates female transition through Menopause.

Female Menopause Inhibits these Substances



Frame # is 1 Production of Melatonin declines rapidly after the Female Menopause.

Sexual Steroid Hormones

Frame # is 1 Production of Oestrogens declines after Female Menopause.

Frame # is 1 Production of Progestogens (Progesterone) declines after the onset of Female Menopause.



Frame # is 1 Post-menopausal females absorb dietary Calcium less efficiently - this accounts for the greater risk

of Osteoporosis in post-menopausal females.

Side-Effects Occurring during Female Menopause

Cardiovascular System

Frame # is 1 Females are more susceptible to Varicose Veins during and after Menopause.

Musculoskeletal System

Frame # is 1 Females are more susceptible to Bone Loss after Menopause (due to declining Oestrogens


Frame # is 1 Females are more susceptible to Osteoporosis after Menopause (due to declining Oestrogens


Nervous System

Frame # is 1 Depression occurs as a side effect of Menopause.

Sexual System - Female

Frame # is 1 Females are more susceptible to Vaginitis after Menopause (due to declining Oestrogens



Also known as:

Epimenorrhagia; Heavy Menstruation


Abnormally heavy bleeding at Menstruation that may or may not be associated with long periods.

These Substances Alleviate Menorrhagia


Frame # is 1 Chronic Iron deficiency can cause Menorrhagia [scientific research - humans: 75% success rate].


Frame # is 1 Menorrhagia sufferers are usually deficient in Folic Acid.

Frame # is 1 Vitamin A alleviates Menorrhagia [scientific research - humans: 25,000 IU twice per day for 15 days returned

menstruation to normal in 57% of sufferers and improved in a further 35%].

Frame # is 1 Menorrhagia can occur as a result of Vitamin B12 deficiency and Menorrhagia accelerates the

depletion of the body's Vitamin B12 reserves.

These Foods Alleviate Menorrhagia

Chestnuts (ground) alleviate the abnormally heavy bleeding associated with Menorrhagia.



The discharge of blood and fragments of the Endometrium (Mucous Membrane of the Uterus) from the

Vagina at intervals of about one month in females of child-bearing age.

These Substances Facilitate Menstruation


Frame # is 1 Iron alleviates some of the side effects associated with Menstruation Disorders.

Frame # is 1 Magnesium is often deficient in females during the Menstruation Period.

These Herbs Facilitate Menstruation

Blue Cohosh facilitates Menstruation.

Dong Quai alleviates Anemia related to Menstruation.

Lovage alleviates various Menstruation ailments.

Parsley regulates and facilitates Menstruation.

Raspberry Leaf is effective for many Menstruation disorders.It decreases the Menstrual flow without stopping it abruptly.

Rosemary regulates and facilitates Menstruation.

Beneficial Biological Effects of Menstruation

Cardiovascular System

Frame # is 1 It has recently been proposed that women's monthly loss of Iron containing blood protects them

against Cardiovascular Disease (CVD) which has been theorized to result from excess Iron.

Menstruation Causes Depletion of these Substances



Frame # is 1 the female body's Serotonin levels decline rapidly in the immediate period prior to Menstruation.

Ailments Relating to Menstruation:



Pre-Menstrual Tension




Unplanned evacuation of the Foetus from the Uterus during pregnancy.

These Substances Help to Prevent Miscarriage

Fatty Acids

Frame # is 1 Miscarriages can occur as a result of Linoleic Acid (LA) deficiency.

Lipid Alcohols

Frame # is 1 Octacosanol helps to prevent Miscarriages.


Frame # is 1 Vitamin E helps to prevent Miscarriages.

Frame # is 1 Miscarriage may occur due to deficiency of Vitamin K.

These Herbs Help to Prevent Miscarriage

Cramp Bark is highly effective in preventing Miscarriages of Nervous origin.

Raspberry Leaf helps to prevent Miscarriages.

Witch Hazel helps to prevent Miscarriages.

These Substances Increase the Risk of Miscarriage


Amino Acids - Toxic Byproducts

Frame # is 1 Excessive accumulation of Homocysteine [scientific research - humans - women who suffer from repeated

Miscarriages have elevated Homocysteine levels].

These Herbs can cause Miscarriage

Toxic Constituents

Large doses of Black Cohosh during Pregnancy can cause Miscarriage.

Blue Cohosh used during Pregnancy can cause Miscarriage. Caulosaponin

Goldenseal can cause Miscarriage if consumed during Pregnancy.

Orthodox Medical Treatments for Miscarriage

Pharmaceutical Drugs - Hormones

Frame # is 1 Synthetic Progestogens (often Progesterone) are often prescribed to treat threatened or habitual




The 2 main female reproductive organs that are located to the right and left of the Uterus and connected by

Fallopian Tubes. The Ovaries are Endocrine Glands.

Biological Function of the Ovaries


Frame # is 1 Sexual Steroid Hormones are manufactured in the Ovaries in response to messages from

Gonadotrophic Hormones:

- Androgens (including Androsterone and Testosterone) are manufactured in very small

Amounts by the Ovaries.

- Oestrogens are manufactured in the Ovaries.

- Progesterone is manufactured in the Ovaries in response to messages from Luteinising

Hormne (LH).

Sexual System - Female

Frame # is 1 Ova (gg cells) are manufactured within the Ovaries (this process is known as Ovulation) - these

eggs are released during Menstruation.

These Substances Enhance the Function of the Ovaries



Frame # is 1 Luteinising Hormone (LH) stimulates the process of Ovulation in the Ovaries.

Frame # is 1 Prolactin stimulates the production of Progesterone within the Ovaries.



Frame # is 1 Vitamin C concentrates in the Ovaries.

Ailments of the Ovaries:

Ovarian Cancer



The period during which a woman carries a developing Foetus as a result of fertilization of the Endometrium

Of the Uterus.

The duration of the normal pregnancy is 226 days.

These Endogenous Substances are produced during Pregnancy


Frame # is 1 Large amounts of Chorionic Gonadotrophic Hormone are produced within the body by

Trophoblasts during Pregnancy.

Frame # is 1 Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) stimulates the growth of Ovarian Follicles and Oocytes in

the Ovaries of Women during Pregnancy [caution: excessive production of FSH during Pregnancy increases

the likelihood of pregnant females bearing twins].

Frame # is 1 Oestrogens help to prepare the female body for Pregnancy (by stimulating the production of


Frame # is 1 Oxytocin causes contractions in the Uterus during the Labour phase of Pregnancy.

Frame # is 1 Progesterone prepares the inner lining (endometrium) of the Womb for Pregnancy and if fertilization

occurs, it maintains the Womb throughout Pregnancy and prevents the further release of eggs from

the Ovaries.

Frame # is 1 Progestogens maintain the normal course of Pregnancy in females.

Pregnancy Increases the Body's Requirements for these Substances


Frame # is 1 Calcium is often "leached" from females' Bones during Pregnancy and this Calcium deficiency can

contribute to Osteoporosis later in life (after Menopause).

Frame # is 1 Calcium alleviates the Leg (muscular) Cramps that often occur during Pregnancy [scientific research -

humans: 1 gram daily caused leg cramps to cease or ease in 99% of pregnant women].


Frame # is 1 The body's requirement for Folic Acid doubles during Pregnancy (to 800 mcg per day):

- Folic Acid deficiency during Pregnancy can cause low birth weight in offspring [scientific

research - humans].

- Folic Acid supplementation during Pregnancy prevents Neural Tube defects in offspring (by

increasing the production of Nucleic Acids that are in strong demand by the body during

Pregnancy) [scientific research - humans: 50% of women who delivered children with Spina Bifida or

Anencephaly were found to be deficient in Folic Acid. Subsequent Folic Acid supplementation prevented

Neural Tube defects in subsequent offspring in 100% of cases].

Frame # is 1 The body's requirement for Vitamin C increases during Pregnancy.

Frame # is 1 The body's requirement for Vitamin K increases during Pregnancy [scientific research - 33% of pregnant

women are found to be deficient in Vitamin K].

These Foods or Herbs are Beneficial during Pregnancy

Basil improves Blood Circulation during Pregnancy.

Flax Seed Oil can make Pregnancies less "eventful", makes deliveries easier and produces healthier offspring.

These Substances are Beneficial During the Childbirth Stage of Pregnancy

Smart Drugs

Frame # is 1 Gamma-Hydroxybutyric Acid (GHB) acts as an aid to the childbirth stage of Pregnancy [scientific

research - pregnant women during childbirth - GHB spectacularly dilates the Cervix, increases the intensity and

frequency of uterine contractions, increases sensitivity to oxytocic drugs, preserves reflexes and protects the foetus

from foetal cardiac anoxia].

These Herbs are Beneficial during the Post-Pregnancy Period

Calendula (Marigold) accelerates post-Pregnancy healing (especially in women who deliver via Caesarean Section) [internal consumption of Calendula petals 3 times daily for one month after delivery].

Pregnant Females Should Avoid or Reduce Consumption of these Substances



Frame # is 1 Supplemental Melatonin should not be consumed during Pregnancy.



Frame # is 1 Females should not consume Yohimbine during Pregnancy.

Amino Acids

Frame # is 1 Females should not consume Arginine during Pregnancy.

Fatty Acids

Frame # is 1 Trans-Fatty Acids increase the incidence of complications during Pregnancy [scientific research].


Frame # is 1 Arbutin hydrolyzes to form Hydroquinone within the body which can cause abnormal contraction in

the Uterus of Pregnant females.

Minerals - Toxic

Frame # is 1 Exposure to excessive amounts of Mercury during Pregnancy can cause birth defects in offspring.

Pharmaceutical Drugs

Frame # is 1 Females who consume Aspirin during Pregnancy are at greater risk of delayed or prolonged

childbirth, Anaemia and Bleeding.

Recreational Drugs

Frame # is 1 Alcohol consumption during Pregnancy can result in Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) in offspring

[scientific research - humans].

Frame # is 1 Marijuana usage during Pregnancy can result in Mental Retardation in offspring.

Smart Drugs

Frame # is 1 Females should consume Acetyl-L-Carnitine (ALC) during Pregnancy (due to its effect on pregnant

women not having been studied yet).

Frame # is 1 The safety of Diapid usage during Pregnancy has not been established.

Frame # is 1 Dilantin should not be consumed during Pregnancy.

Frame # is 1 Nimodipine should not be consumed during Pregnancy.

Frame # is 1 the safety of Propranolol usage during Pregnancy has not been established.

Frame # is 1 the safety of Vincamine during Pregnancy has not been established.

Frame # is 1 the safety of Xanthinol Nicotine during Pregnancy has not been established.


Frame # is 1 Vitamin A (@ dosages above 150,000 IU per day) can cause foetal malformation [scientific research -


Pregnant Females should Avoid/Limit Consumption of these Foods/Herbs

Active Constituents

Females should avoid the consumption of Barberry during Pregnancy.

Females should avoid the consumption of Bearberry during Pregnancy. Arbutin

Blue Cohosh should not be used during Pregnancy as it can cause Miscarriage. Caulosaponin

Women should limit Coffee consumption during Pregnancy to 2 cups of Coffee per day to avoid possible Birth Defects in their offspring.

Women should not consume Ephedra during Pregnancy (due to it mimicking the effects of Adrenaline). Ephedrine

Women should not consume Juniper during Pregnancy (due to Juniper's ability to stimulate contractions of the Uterus).

Excessive consumption of Sweet Potatoes during Pregnancy increases the likelihood of pregnant females bearing twins (due to Sweet Potatoes triggering the release of Follicle Stimulating Hormone) [scientific research].

Females should not use Yohimbe during Pregnancy. Yohimbine

Susceptibility to these Ailments Increases during Pregnancy

Cardiovascular System

Frame # is 1 Females are more susceptible to Anaemia during Pregnancy (due to females requiring additional

Iron during Pregnancy - if the requirement for additional Iron is not met, Anaemia can result).

Frame # is 1 Females are more susceptible to Varicose Veins during Pregnancy.

Musculoskeletal System

Frame # is 1 females often experience Leg (muscular) Cramps during Pregnancy.

Water & Water Balance

Frame # is 1 Oedema often occurs in conjunction with Pregnancy.


Also known as: Womb


Pear shaped female Sexual Organ that is lined with a thick Mucous Membrane known as the Endometrium.

Biological Function of the Uterus Sexual System - Female

Frame # is 1 Fertilized human eggs are implanted in the Endometrium of the Uterus during the process of


Frame # is 1 In the absence of Pregnancy, the outer cells of the Endometrium are shed (along with Blood) during


These Herbs Improve the Health of the Uterus

Calendula (Marigold) (tea used as douche) alleviates Inflammation of the Uterus.

Chamomile functions as a definite tonic for the Uterus [scientific research - animals].

Raspberry Leaf strengthens the Uterus [scientific research].

Tea Tree Oil (diluted and used as a douche) alleviates Inflammation of the Uterus.

These Substances are Toxic to the Uterus


Frame # is 1 Large amounts of Arbutin can cause abnormal contractions of the Uterus (via Hydroquinone) [scientific


These Herbs are Toxic to the Uterus

Toxic Constituents

Very large doses of Bearberry cause abnormal contractions in the Uterus. ArbutinHydroquinone



Inflammation of the Vagina that is usually caused by a disruption in the normal chemical balance of the


These Substances Alleviate Vaginitis


Sexual Steroid Hormones

Frame # is 1 Vaginitis can occur as a result of insufficient production of Oestrogens.


Amino Acid Derivatives

Frame # is 1 Dimethyl Glycine (DMG) alleviates Vaginitis.


Frame # is 1 Vitamin A can successfully treat (senile) Vaginitis.

Frame # is 1 Vitamin E alleviates Vaginitis.

These Herbs Alleviate Vaginitis

Blue Cohosh alleviates Vaginitis.

Calendula (douche of cold Calendula petal infusion) reduces the incidence of Vaginitis [anecdotal].

Tea Tree Oil (diluted and used as a douche) helps to kills the Detrimental Bacteria and Detrimental Yeasts that cause Vaginitis.

Symptoms of Vaginitis

Excretory System

Frame # is 1 Painful Urination is a symptom of Vaginitis.

Immune System

Frame # is 1 Itching of the Vagina is a symptom of Vaginitis.

Sexual System - Female

Frame # is 1 Dryness of the Vagina is a symptom of Vaginitis.

Frame # is 1 Leucorrhea is a symptom of Vaginitis.

These Substances/Factors Can Cause Vaginitis


Frame # is 1 Diabetes Mellitus increases the susceptibility of females to Vaginitis.

Pharmaceutical Drugs

Frame # is 1 Excessive consumption of Pharmaceutical Antibiotics can cause Vaginitis.

Sexual System - Female

Frame # is 1 Vaginitis is more prevalent in females following the female Menopause (due to the decline in

Oestrogens production associated with female Menopause).

Yeasts - Detrimental

Frame # is 1 Candida albicans proliferation disrupts the Beneficial Bacteria that normally reside in the Vagina -

This can lead to Vaginitis (when Vaginitis is caused by Candida albicans, the resulting Vaginitis is

often known as Thrush).

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