Tuesday, April 28, 2009




Mental or physical tiredness.

These Substances Alleviate or Prevent Fatigue

Amino Acids

Aspartic Acid (in its Magnesium Aspartate or Potassium Aspartate forms) causes pronounced relief in Fatigue sufferers [scientific research - humans: 85% success using dosage of 1 gram per day after 5 days treatment].

Citrulline alleviates Fatigue.

Glutamic Acid alleviates Fatigue.

Glutamine alleviates Fatigue.

Methionine helps to alleviate and prevent Fatigue.

Amino Acid Derivatives

Pangamic Acid alleviates Fatigue (by preventing the buildup of excessive Lactic Acid within the Muscles of those who heavily exercise).

Electromagnetic Radiation

Sunlight alleviates the Fatigue that often occurs as a result of excessive exposure to Artificial Lighting.


Caffeine can temporarily alleviate Fatigue (by stimulating the Central Nervous System).


Triterpenoid Saponins alleviate Fatigue.


Fatigue is sometimes a symptom of Calcium deficiency.

Iron [Caution: Iron is only beneficial for Fatigue when the sufferer is deficient in this mineral] [scientific research - humans].

Magnesium alleviates Fatigue by enhancing the production of endogenous Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP) [scientific research - humans: Magnesium alleviates the tiredness associated with fatigue in 99% of cases] [caution: excessive consumption of Magnesium also causes Fatigue due to over-sedation of the CNS].

Manganese alleviates Fatigue [some scientific evidence repudiates this claim].

Chronic Fatigue commonly occurs as a result of Potassium deficiency.


Inosine can decrease Fatigue by increasing the Oxygen-carrying capacity of the blood [scientific research - humans].

Organic Acids

Panaxic Acid alleviates Fatigue.


Some Pyrones (those found in Kava Kava) alleviate Fatigue [scientific research].

Smart Drugs

Dimethylaminoethanol (DMAE) alleviates Fatigue by increasing the body's Energy production.

Dimethylglycine (DMG) reduces the Fatigue that occurs after intense Exercise (by improving the body's utilization of Oxygen).


Fatigue can occur as a result of Biotin deficiency.

Fatigue can occur as a result of Folic Acid deficiency [scientific research - fatigue disappears in humans who are suffering from Folic Acid deficiency].

Fatigue can occur as a result of Para Aminobenzoic Acid (PABA) deficiency.

Fatigue can occur as a result of Vitamin B1 deficiency.

Vitamin B2 helps to prevent Fatigue (due to its role in the production of Energy).

Fatigue is a symptom of Vitamin B5 deficiency [scientific research - humans who are deprived of Vitamin B5 soon exhibit symptoms of fatigue].

Vitamin B6 can increase resistance to Fatigue [scientific research - rats are able to maintain muscle contractions for longer when Vitamin B6 is added to their diet].

Vitamin B12 can reduce the tiredness associated with Fatigue [scientific research - humans].

Vitamin C alleviates and prevents Fatigue [scientific research - humans who consume high levels of Vitamin C suffer from 50% less fatigue than those who consume low doses of Vitamin C].


Insufficient Water consumption can cause Fatigue due to Dehydration.

Other Substances

Panaxic Acid

These Foods or Herbs Alleviate Fatigue

Active Constituents

Astragalus stimulates the body to produce more Energy to combat Fatigue.

Bee Pollen reputedly alleviates Fatigue [anecdotal].

Chillis alleviate Fatigue.

Essiac (a mixture of Herbs - primarily Sheep Sorrell) prevents Fatigue [anecdotal reports].

Ginkgo biloba alleviates Fatigue.

Ginsengs alleviate Fatigue.

Gotu Kola alleviates Fatigue.

Guarana alleviates Fatigue. Caffeine

Kava Kava alleviates Fatigue [scientific research]. Pyrones

Ligustrum is used in China to alleviate Fatigue [folklore].

Sage reputedly alleviates Fatigue.

Fatigue is a Symptom of these Ailments

Cardiovascular System

Fatigue can occur as a result of Anaemia.

Fatigue is a symptom of poor Blood Circulation.

Digestive System

Malabsorption (inability to absorb nutrients)

Immune System

Allergies cause the release of excessive Histamine from the body's Mast Cells that then manifests in the form of mild Fatigue.

Chronic Fatigue can be a symptom of Cancer.

Candida albicans proliferation can cause Fatigue.

Fatigue can occur as a result of the System Lupus Erythematosus form of the Autoimmune Disease - Lupus Erythematosus.


Fatigue can occur as a result of Diabetes.

Fatigue can occur as a result of Hypoglycaemia.

Fatigue can occur as a result of Hypothyroidism.

Fatigue can occur as a result of Dehydration.

Nervous System

Fatigue can occur as a result of Delayed Sleep Phase Disorder (DSPD).

Fatigue can occur as a result of Depression.

Fatigue can occur as a result of Jet-Lag.

Fatigue can occur as a result of excessive Stress.

Sexual System - Female

Fatigue can occur as a result of the PMT-C (Cravings) form of Pre-Menstrual Tension (PMT) [scientific research - humans].

Sexual System - Male

Fatigue can occur as a side-effect of Male Menopause.

Water & Water Balance

Fatigue can occur as a result of Dehydration.

These Substances Can Cause Fatigue


Amino Acids - Toxic Byproducts

Excessive accumulation of Ammonia can cause Fatigue.


Methaemoglobin (formed when the Iron atoms in Haemoglobin become oxidized) causes a form of Anaemia that results in Fatigue.


Amino Acids

Excessive consumption of Glycine causes Fatigue (although the correct dosage of Glycine remedies Fatigue).


Excessive consumption of Simple Sugars can cause Fatigue.


Fatigue can occur as a result of Arsenic ingestion.

Fatty Acids

Excessive consumption of dietary Fats can cause Fatigue.

Electromagnetic Radiation

Excessive exposure to Cool White Fluorescent Light can cause Fatigue [scientific research - humans].

Minerals & Toxic Heavy Metals

Excessive consumption of Bromine.

Cadmium causes Fatigue.

Excessive exposure to Inorganic Chlorine - including Chlorinated Water in swimming pools can cause Fatigue.

Excessive consumption of Magnesium can cause Fatigue (due to over-sedation of the CNS) [although non-excessive consumption of Magnesium alleviates Fatigue].

These Food Additives can Cause Fatigue

Active Constituents

Aspartame can cause Fatigue. Aspartic Acid


Feet - Odour Of


Form of Body Odour characterized by unpleasant odour emanating from the Feet.

These Substances Alleviate Foot Odour


Magnesium Phosphate alleviates Food Odour.

Magnesium Sulphate (Epsom Salts) (used as a foot bath) alleviates Foot Odour.

Zinc alleviates Foot Odour.


Seawater (used as a footbath) alleviates Food Odour.

Possible Causes of Foot Odour


Excessive consumption of Alcohol can cause Food Odour.

Cardiovascular System

Malfunctions of the Circulatory System can cause Foot Odour.

Caffeine-containing Beverages

Excessive consumption of Coffee can cause Foot Odour.

Excessive consumption of Tea can cause Food Odour.

Excretory System

Kidney malfunction can cause Foot Odour.


Medical name: Pyrexia


Body temperature that is elevated above the normal range of 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit (37 degrees Celsius).

Biological Function of Fever

Immune System

Body temperature is normally regulated by the Hypothalamus - Fever is regarded as a defence mechanism of the Immune System against Infections - elevated temperature prevents the survival of some Viruses and Bacteria.

These Substances Alleviate Fevers


Excessive proneness to Fever can be a symptom of Magnesium deficiency.

Fevers can occur as a result of Sodium deficiency.

Pharmaceutical Drugs

Aspirin reduces Fever (by blocking the Cyclooxygenase enzyme that produces the Prostaglandin E2 that is implicated in Fever) [caution: Aspirin also inhibits numerous beneficial Enzymes and Prostaglandins].


Vitamin C reduces Fever (by inhibiting Prostaglandin E2 production).

These Foods or Herbs Reduce Fevers

Active Constituents

Aloe Vera reduces Fevers.

Balm (tea) reputedly reduces Fevers [folklore]. Volatile Oils

Blackberry (juice) reduces Fevers.

Blue Vervain reduces Fevers.

Borage (tea) reputedly reduces Fevers [folklore].

Catnip reputedly reduces Fevers [folklore].

Chamomile reduces Fevers.

Cinchona (bark) reputedly reduces Fevers [folklore].

Fenugreek Seeds reduce Fevers.

Gentian reduces Fevers.

Gotu Kola reputedly alleviates Fevers [folklore].

Grapefruit reduces Fevers.

Feverfew reduces Fevers.

Lavender (diluted in water) reduces Fevers.

Neem Oil reduces Fevers.

Radish reduces Fevers.

Sage reduces Fevers.

These Substances Cause or Exacerbate Fevers



Prostaglandin E2 is implicated in Fevers.


Bacteria - Detrimental

Salmonella-induced Food Poisoning causes Fever within 12-36 of Salmonella ingestion that lasts for 1-8 days.

Fever Interferes with these Substances


Fevers reduce the body's ability to absorb Vitamin C.

These Ailments can Cause Fevers

Digestive System

Fever often occurs in conjunction with Crohn's Disease.

Fever often occurs as a result of Food Poisoning.

Immune System

Fever is a symptom of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS).

Fever is a symptom of Lymphomas including Hodgkin's Disease.

Fever (for 2-4 days) is a symptom of Influenza.

Fever is a symptom of the Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) form of Lupus Erythematosus (LE).

Intense Fever is the primary symptom of Malaria.

Fever is a symptom of Measles.

Fever is a symptom of Rheumatic Fever.

Fever is a symptom of Tuberculosis.


Fever is a symptom of Hepatitis.

Respiratory System

Fever is a symptoms of Pneumonia.

Fever is a symptom of Tonsilitis.

Fevers can Cause these Ailments

Cardiovascular System

Nosebleeds can occur as a side-effect of Fever.

Tachycardia (increased Hearbeat rate) occurs as a normal side-effect of Fever.

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