Inflammation of the Liver usually caused by Viruses.
These Substances Alleviate or Prevent Hepatitis
Amino Acids
Glutathione repairs the Liver damage caused by Hepatitis.
Immune System Chemicals
Exogenous, synthetic forms of Interferon Alpha (which is normally manufactured endogenously) are approved treatments for Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C.
Magnesium deficiency can cause increased susceptibility to Hepatitis infection.
The Polyunsaturated Fatty Acid form of Phosphatidylcholine is beneficial in the treatment of Hepatitis [scientific research - humans: 1.8 grams per day successfully treated Hepatitis A and Hepatitis B - achieved faster resolution of symptoms and reduced the number of relapses]:
- Benefits are speculated to accrue from Phosphatidylcholine's ability to repair damage to Liver Cell Membranes.
Silymarin improves the Liver function of Hepatitis sufferers [scientific research - humans: Liver function of Hepatitis patients improves after 3 months @ 240 mg per day].
Choline alleviates the symptoms of Hepatitis.
Hepatitis dramatically increases body's need for Vitamin B6.
Vitamin C protects against Hepatitis infection.
These Herbs Alleviate Hepatitis
Active Constituents
Dandelion alleviates Hepatitis.
Gotu Kola may alleviate Hepatitis.
Milk Thistle improves the Liver function of Hepatitis sufferers [scientific research - humans: Liver function of Hepatitis sufferers improves after 3 months @ 240 mg per day]. Silymarin
Rhubarb (juice) is an adjunct in the treatment of Hepatitis.
Schizandra very effectively alleviates Hepatitis [scientific research - humans: Schizandra caused complete recovery in 76% of Hepatitis sufferers].
Tea is a good treatment for Hepatitis.
Symptoms of acute Hepatitis
Digestive System
Nausea is a symptom of Hepatitis.
Pancreatitis can occur as a result of complications arising from Hepatitis.
Immune System
Fever is a symptom of Hepatitis.
Jaundice is a symptom and side-effect of Hepatitis.
Toxic Side-Effects of chronic Hepatitis
Chronic Hepatitis causes Cirrhosis.
Chronic Hepatitis can cause permanent Liver damage.
Musculoskeletal System
Chronic Hepatitis causes a tendency to bruise easily.
These Viruses can cause Hepatitis
Herpes Viruses
The Epstein-Barr virus can cause a mild form of Hepatitis.
Types of Hepatitis:
Hepatitis A
Hepatitis B
Hepatitis C
Hepatitis B
Type of Hepatitis Virus more prevalent amongst Asian people.
Half of all Hepatitis B infections are sexually transmitted or transmitted via infected blood.
These Substances Alleviate Hepatitis B
Immune System Chemicals
Synthetic, exogenous forms of Interferon Alpha (which is normally manufactured endogenously) are approved in the treatment of Hepatitis B.
The Polyunsaturated Fatty Acid form of Phosphatidylcholine accelerates the recovery from Hepatitis B [scientific research - humans: 1.8 grams per day successfully treated Hepatitis A: achieved faster resolution of symptoms and reduced the number of relapses].
Hypericin can rapidly resolve Hepatitis B by utilizing Singlet Oxygen to inhibit the Virus that causes Hepatitis Virus [scientific research - humans: only a few doses of Hypericin were required to achieve rapid resolution of Hepatitis B].
These Herbs Alleviate Hepatitis B
Active Constituents
Saint John's Wort inhibits the Hepatitis B Virus [scientific research]. Hypericin
Aloe Vera
Perennial succulent plant that looks like a cactus and is native to
Botanical Name: Aloe vera from the Lily (Liliaceae) family
Part Used: Aloe vera Gel (a thin, clear, jelly-like material) is derived from parenchymal tissue that comprises the inner portion of the leaves. Aloe vera Latex (i.e. Aloe vera juice) is obtained from specialized cells known as pericyclictubules that occur just beneath the epidermis or rind of the same leaves from which the gel is derived.
Health Benefits of Aloe Vera
Cardiovascular System
Aloe Vera (gel applied topically) dilates Capillaries, increasing Blood Circulation to the Skin.
Aloe Vera (gel applied topically) alleviates Frostbite (by increasing Blood Circulation to the Skin).
Digestive System
Aloe Vera (juice consumed orally) alleviates Constipation (by cleansing the
Aloe Vera (juice consumed orally) alleviates Heartburn.
Aloe Vera (juice consumed orally) alleviates some types of Peptic Ulcers (those between the Stomach and the Jejunum).
Immune System
Aloe Vera (gel applied topically for long periods) prevents Detrimental Bacteria from penetrating the Skin.
Aloe Vera (gel applied topically for long periods) prevents Detrimental Fungi from penetrating the Skin.
Aloe Vera (juice consumed orally) reduces Fevers.
Musculoskeletal System
Aloe Vera accelerates the healing of Decubitis Ulcers (Bed Sores) (gel applied topically).
Aloe Vera (gel applied topically) accelerates the healing of Burns.
Aloe Vera (ointment or gel applied topically)accelerates the healing of Herpes Simplex lesions .
Aloe Vera (gel applied topically) alleviates the Itching associated with Hives.
Aloe Vera (gel applied topically) alleviates the Itching associated with Insect Bites and Stings.
Aloe Vera (gel applied topically) alleviates Itching.
Aloe Vera (ointment applied topically or as an ingredient in Shampoos) alleviates Psoriasis.
Aloe Vera (as an ingredient in Shampoos) alleviates Itching of the Scalp.
Aloe Vera (gel applied topically) prevents Scarring.
Aloe Vera (gel applied topically) temporarily improves the appearance of the Skin and cleanses the Skin.
Aloe Vera (gel applied topically) alleviates Sunburn.
Aloe Vera (gel applied topically 4 times per day) alleviates Tinea.
Aloe Vera (gel applied topically every 3 hours) can eliminate Warts [anecdotal].
Aloe Vera (applied topically) accelerates the healing of Wounds and prevents the infection of Wounds [scientific research - humans].
Aloe Vera Contains these Substances
(mg of Substance per 100 grams)
Amino Acids: Alanine Arginine
Aspartic Acid Glutamic Acid
Glycine Cystine
Histidine Hydroxyproline
Isoleucine Leucine
Lysine Methionine
Phenylalanine Proline
Serine Threonine
Tyrosine Valine
Carbohydrates: Mannose Glucose
Arabinose Xylose
Minerals: Germanium
Iron Silicon
Calcium Sodium
Copper Manganese
Potassium Chlorine
Organic Acids: Cinnamic Acid Chrysophanic Acid
Uric Acid
Vitamins: Vitamin B1 Vitamin B2
Vitamin B3 Vitamin B6
Vitamin C Choline
Water: 96,000
Other: Anthraquinones Resitannol
Barbaloin Resin
Aloins Emodin
Ethereal Oil Isobarbaloin
Aloe Vera Gel is able to penetrate the Skin when applied topically.
Also known as: Leopard's Bane; Wolf's Bane
Herb from the Asteracea family with orange-yellow daisy-like flower heads.
Botanical Name: Arnica
Arnica fulgens [this species is used in
Arnica sororia
Arnica latifolia
Arnica cordifolia
All species of Arnica belong the the Sunflower (Asteraceae) family.
Part Used: Flower heads
Health Benefits of Arnica
Digestive System
Arnica flowers contain substances that can (when applied topically) dramatically decrease the Detrimental Bacteria that cause Body Odour .
Musculoskeletal System
Arnica (applied topically) accelerates the healing of Bruises and Sprains (due to Helenalin and Dihydrohelanin) [scientific research].
Arnica Contains these Substances
Bitter Principle: Arnicin
Sesquiterpene Lactones: Helenalin Dihydrohelanin
Other: Polyacetrylenes
Toxic Effects of Arnica
Arnica should never be consumed internally (orally).
Cardiovascular System
Internal (oral consumption) of Arnica can cause dangerously large increases in the Blood Pressure of Hypertension sufferers and normally, healthy persons.
Internal (oral) consumption of Arnica is extremely toxic to the Heart.
Musculoskeletal System
Arnica (applied topically) can cause Dermatitis in some persons (due to Helenalin) [scientific research].
Some varieties of Barberry are also known as: Oregon Grape
Evergreen shrub with holly-like leaves and black-bluish berries.
Botanical Name: Berberis vulgaris (Common Barberry)
Mahonia aquifolium (often referred to as Oregon Grape)
Mahonia nervosa (often referred to as Oregon Grape)
All species of Barberry belong to the Barberry (Berberidaceae) family.
Parts Used: Berries, Fruit, Root, Bark
possible Health Benefits of Barberry
None of the folklore claims for Barberry have been validated by modern scientific methods - largely this herb has been relegated to the history books.
Barberry suppresses some types of Cancer cells (due to Berberine).
Cardiovascular System
Barberry helps to lower Blood Pressure in Hypertension sufferers (due to Berbamine).
Barberry decreases Heartbeat rate in Tachycardia sufferers [folklore - American Indians].
Digestive System
Barberry promotes the flow of Bile [folklore].
Barberry alleviates Heartburn [folklore - American Indians].
Barberry stimulates Intestinal movement [folklore - American Indians].
Barberry stimulates the Appetite [folklore - American Indians].
Barberry reputedly alleviates ailments of the Liver [folklore].
Respiratory System
Barberry reduces constriction of the Bronchial Tubes.
Barberry helps to alleviate the symptoms of Pharyngitis (Sore Throat).
Barberry Contains these Substances
Isoquinoline Alkaloids: Berbamine Berberine
Oxycanthine Palmatine
Columbamine Berberrubine
Hydrastine Jatrorrhizine
Minerals: Manganese
Vitamins: Vitamin C
Other: Chelidonic Acid
Sexual Function - Female
Barberry should not be consumed during Pregnancy.
Also known as: Marigold
Member of the Asteracea family.
Native of
Cultivated on a wide scale for medicinal purposes.
Botanical Name: Calendula officinalis (this is the only type of Calendula that should be used for therapeutic purposes)
Parts Used: Flower head and petals - See Cautions
Health Benefits of Calendula
Only the traditional orange pot marigold should be used for herbal purposes
The flowers and petals of the newer, multi-coloured hybrid varieties do not contain the beneficial properties of Calendula officinalis.
Cardiovascular System
Calendula (applied topically) is effective in the treatment of Haemorrhoids.
Calendula (infusion of cold petals applied topically on cotton wool to the nostrils) inhibits Nosebleeds .
Calendula (applied topically) effectively heals Varicose Veins.
Digestive System
Calendula kills some forms of Detrimental Bacteria (including Staphylococci aureus)
Calendula Flowers contain substances that dramatically decrease the proliferation of the Detrimental Bacteria that cause Body Odour.
Calendula assists the treatment of problems of the Gall Bladder:
- Stimulates the flow of Bile [caution: Calendula stimulates the flow of Bile so effectively that bilousness often results].
Musculoskeletal System
Calendula (applied topically) eliminates the blemishes associated with Acne without any scarring.
Calendula (applied topically) effectively heals Bed Sores (Decubitis Ulcers).
Calendula produces remarkable healing of Blisters - they decrease their fluid content and act like normal skin again (Calendula petals or ointment applied topically).
Calendula (applied topically) accelerates the healing of Bruises.
Calendula (crushed petals applied topically) heal Calluses and Corns.
Effective in the treatment of Eczema (especially long term Eczema) (applied topically).
Calendula petal accelerate the healing of Topical Eye Ailments (wash the eyes with an infusion of Calendula petals strained through a coffee filter):
- Bloodshot Eyes
- Conjunctivitis
- Styes
Calendula petals ease aching Feet (ointment applied topically).
Calendula (infusion of petals applied topically as a rinse) will give a new depth of color to Blonde Hair, highlights brown and auburn Hair and treats Oily Hair.
Calendula (applied topically) alleviates Itching - including the itching associated with Chicken Pox and Measles.
Calendula (applied topically to the Gums) alleviates Periodontal Disease.
Calendula (applied topically) alleviates Psoriasis.
Calendula successfully treats the damage caused to Skin by Radiation Therapy [anecdotal report: In one case, skin had vanished on the neck after treatment of throat cancer, leaving raw flesh exposed - application of Calendula ointment healed the wound smoothly, quickly and perfectly].
Calendula (applied topically) alleviates the lesions that occur as a result of Shingles.
Calendula (applied topically) is an effective treatment for nappy Rash in babies.
Calendula (applied topically) is effective in the treatment of Wounds of the skin's Tissues - heals rapidly by promoting granulation, reduces swelling, eliminates throbbing and Scarring and inhibits inflammation and infection (applied topically).
Rubbing a freshly plucked Calendula flower onto Bee and Wasp Stings provides instant relief of pain and swelling.
Calendula (applied topically) accelerates the healing of Tinea.
Sexual System - Female
Calendula (cold infusion of petals used as a douche) alleviates Dysmenorrhea (painful Menstruation).
Calendula (internal consumption 3 times daily for one month after delivery) accelerates the internal post-Pregnancy healing process (especially in females who deliver via Caesarean section).
Calendula (cold infusion of petals used as a douche) alleviates inflamed Uterus.
Calendula (used as a douche) reduces the incidence of Vaginitis.
Calendula Contains these Substances
Carbohydrates: Mucilage
Carotenoids: Beta Carotene Calenduline
Lycopine Cryptoxanthin
Lipids: Saponins
Minerals: Potassium
Other: Resin Bitter Principle
Minor Side-Effects of Calendula
Digestive System
Calendula is so effective in the stimulation of Bile flow that it can awaken a sluggish Liver too rapidly, thereby producing Bilousness. Therefore do not overconsume Calendula internally.
Musculoskeletal System
Wounds heal so rapidly after treatment with Calendula that Stitches can become difficult to remove.
Commercial Availability of Calendula Supplements
Calendula Ointment is preferably made with a base of Lard (the Lard acts as an agent for extracting the carotenoids in Calendula and is the closest fat to human skin - this allows the active constituents of Calendula to penetrate the skin).
Group of Herbs from the Composite (Compositae) family.
Botanical Names: Anthemis nobilus (also known as: Chamaemelum nobile) (Roman or English Chamomile)
Matricaria chamomilla (also known as: Matricaria recutita and Chamomilla recutita
) (German Chamomile and also known as Hungarian Chamomile)
Parts Used: Whole Plant
Health Benefits of Chamomile
Cardiovascular System
Chamomile (ointment applied topically) alleviates Haemorrhoids.
Digestive System
Chamomile stimulates the Appetite.
Chamomile (tea) alleviates Colic.
Chamomile alleviates the symptoms of Colitis.
Chamomile stimulates the Digestive System.
Chamomile alleviates Diverticulosis.
Chamomile alleviates Flatulence.
Chamomile alleviates Halitosis where Halitosis is due to bad diet.
Chamomile alleviates Jaundice.
Immune System
Chamomile kills some forms of Detrimental Bacteria.
Chamomile reduces Fever.
Chamomile reduces Inflammation (due to Chamazulene).
Chamomile helps to expel Intestinal Parasites (tea first thing in the morning on an empty Stomach).
Chamomile can kill some forms of Detrimental Yeasts.
Excretory System
Chamomile improves the health of the Bladder.
Musculoskeletal System
Chamomile alleviates Arthritis.
Chamomile (oil applied topically) assists the treatment of Eczema.
Chamomile alleviates Muscle Cramps.
Chamomile (compress applied topically) soothes the Eyes and accelerates their healing.
Chamomile (tea applied topically) lightens fair Hair (due to Apigenin).
Chamomile (oil applied topically) alleviates Hives.
Chamomile (oil applied topically) alleviates Itching.
Chamomile (oil applied topically) alleviates dry Lips.
Chamomile alleviates Muscle Cramps.
Chamomile (ointment - especially Camocare brand ointment) helps to repair the Skin damage caused by Psoriasis (due to Levomenol).
Chamomile alleviates Rheumatism.
Chamomile improves the health of the Skin:
- Excellent at soothing Dry Skin (due to Levomenol).
- Smoothes out the lines and Wrinkles of Aging Skin (due to Levomenol).
- Reduces the damage to Skin caused by Ultra-Violet Radiation (due to Levomenol).
Nervous System
Chamomile sedates the Central Nervous System (CNS).
Chamomile (tea) alleviates Headache.
Chamomile alleviates Insomnia.
Chamomile alleviates Pain.
Respiratory System
Chamomile alleviates Asthma.
Chamomile alleviates the Common Cold.
Sexual System - Female
Chamomile (tea drunk cold) alleviates Amenorrhea (suppressed Menstruation) by stimulating Menstrual Flow.
Chamomile (tea drunk cold) alleviates the Uterus congestion that often occurs in conjunction with Pre-Menstrual Tension (PMT).
Chamomile acts as a definite tonic for the Uterus [scientific research - animals].
Chamomile Contain these Substances
Bioflavonoids: Flavones: Apigenin
Minerals: Calcium Phosphate Iron
Manganese Potassium Phosphate
Magnesium Phosphate
Organic Acids: Malic Acid
Polyphenols: Flavones: Luteolin
Tannins Coumarins
Terpenes: Pinene Anthemal
Triterpenic Acids: Angelic Acid
Tiglic Acid
Vitamins: Vitamin A
Volatile Oils: Chamazulene Farnesine
Bisabolol Proazulenes
Other: Antheme Anthemic Acid
Levomenol Valerianic Acid
Tiglic Acid Anthesterol
Chamomile Enhances the Function of these Herbs
Chamomile interacts very favourably with Passion Flower.
Commercial Availability of Topical Chamomile Products
CamoCare (topical cosmetic cream designed for the Skin) is widely recognized as containing significantly higher levels of the active ingredient Levomenol than other Chamomile based products.
Genus of 40 species and hybrids of evergreen tree.
Botanical Name: Cinchona succirubra from the Madder (Rubiaceae) family
Part Used: Bark from Tree
Health Benefits of Cinchona
Digestive System
Cinchona (bark) alleviates Diarrhoea [folklore].
Immune System
Cinchona (bark) alleviates Fever [folklore].
Musculoskeletal System
Cinchona (bark) alleviates Leg Cramps (due to Quinine) [scientific research - humans].
Parasitic Diseases
Cinchona (bark) is a traditional and effective treatment for Malaria (due to Quinine) [scientific research - humans].
Cinchona (bark) reputedly alleviates Typhoid [folklore].
Cinchona Bark Contains these Substances
Alkaloids: Quinoline Alkaloids: Quinidine
Bitter Glycosides: Quinovin
Other: Tannic Acids Quinic Acid
Cinchona Red
Toxic Effects of Cinchona Bark
Cardiovascular System
Large doses of Cinchona have a depressant effect on the Heart.
Nervous System
Large or prolonged dosages of Cinchona can cause Tinnitus.
Also known as: Chili
The powder ground from dried Red Chillis is known as:
Small, "hot" pepper commonly used as a spice.
Paprika is a (milder) variety of Chilli.
Botanical Names: Capsicum frutescens
Capsicum minimum from the Nightshade (Solanaceae) family.
Part Used: Fruit
Health Benefits of Chillis
Cardiovascular System
Chillis improve general & peripheral Blood Circulation.
Chillis prevent Blood Clots (due to Capsaicin).
Chillis lowers systemic Blood Pressure [scientific research].
Nervous System
Chillis are beneficial in the relief of Pain.
- Stimulates the release of Endorphins (which are released by the body in order to block the pain of Capsaicin contained in Chilli).
Digestive System
Chillis induce Perspiration (i.e. act as a diaphoretic).
Chillis increases the body's Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR).
Chillis lower serum Cholesterol levels (due to Capsaicin) [scientific research - animals].
- Inhibits the body's absorption of dietary Cholesterol (due to Capsaicin).
- Increases the excretion of Cholesterol via the faeces (due to Capsaicin).
Chillis alleviate Fatigue.
Chillis facilitate Weight Reduction in Obesity sufferers.
Chillis stimulate the Thyroid.
Chillis lower serum levels of Triglycerides (due to Capsaicin).
Musculoskeletal System
The "heat" of Chillis can cool down the inflammation associated with Arthritis.
Chillis (applied topically by rubbing into the Scalp) may stimulate some regrowth of Hair in Male Pattern Baldness sufferers (by stimulating the release of Histamine in the Scalp which can stimulate Cell division).
Chillis facilitate the elimination of excessive Mucous from the body (due to Capsaicin).
Respiratory System
Chillis assist Asthma by helping to clear the Respiratory Passages.
Chillis help to prevent Bronchitis.
Chillis act as a decongestant for the Common Cold.
Chillis clear excessive Mucous from the Lungs.
Chillis alleviate Sinusitis by clearing the Sinuses.
Chillis Contain these Substances
(mg of Substance per 100 grams)
Although many of Chilli's benefits are attributed to its constituent Capsaicin, scientific studies have proven that whole Chillis are more effective than isolated Capsaicin for the therapeutic benefits listed above.
Alkaloids: Capsaicin* Dihydrocapsaicin
Carotenoids: Capsanthine
Vitamins: Vitamin C
Volatile Oils:
* Responsible for the burning sensation caused by the consumption of Chillis.
Myths Dispelled
Digestive System
Chillis do NOT damage the Stomach or Intestines [to prove this, researchers sprayed liquid Chilli directly onto a human stomach and observed absolutely no damage to the stomach or its linings].
Toxic Effects of Excessive Chilli Consumption
Immune System
Large quantities of Chilli can cause Cancer (due to Capsaicin).
Also known as: True Cinnamon
Botanical Name: Cinnamomum zeylanicum from the Laurel (Lauraceae) family.
Part Used: Dried inner bark of the shoots
Do Not confuse True Cinnamon with Cassia (bark) that is often known as Chinese Cinnamon.
Health Benefits of Cinnamon
Digestive System
Cinnamon alleviates Flatulence.
Cinnamon alleviates Halitosis (1/2 teaspoon added to a glass of water and used as a mouthwash).
Cinnamon alleviates Heartburn.
Cinnamon alleviates Nausea.
Cinnamon alleviates Vomiting.
Immune System
Cinnamon suppresses some forms of Detrimental Bacteria.
Cinnamon helps to reduce the incidence of Cancer caused by several synthetic Food Additives (due to Cinnamic Acid) [scientific research - British Columbia Cancer Research Centre].
Cinnamon inhibits the growth of some forms of Detrimental Yeasts and Moulds:
- Cinnamon inhibits the growth of Aflatoxin.
- Cinnamon inhibits the growth of Candida albicans.
- Cinnamon (applied topically) inhibits the progression of the fungus that causes Tinea.
Cinnamon Contains these Substances
Volatile Oils: Cinnamaldehyde Eugenol
Other: Cinnamic Acid
Also known as: Creosote Bush; Greasewood
Strong-scented, olive-green bush from the Caltrop (Zygophyllaceae) family.
Botanical Names: Larrea tridentata
Larrea divericata
Larrea mexicana
Part Used: Leaves
Health Benefits of Chaparral
Adrenal System
Chaparral increases Vitamin C levels in the Adrenal Glands (due to NDGA) [scientific research].
Aging & Life Extension
Chaparral possesses very powerful Antioxidant properties (due to Nordihydroguaiaretic Acid (NDGA) [scientific research - humans].
Chaparral possesses Life Extension possibilities (due to Nordihydroguaiaretic Acid [NDGA]) [scientific research - animals: extends the lifespan of mosquitos].
Chaparral stimulates respiration in the Mitochondria of the body's Cells [scientific research].
Nervous System
Chaparral alleviates Pain (due to Nordihydroguaiaretic Acid NDGA).
Electromagnetic Radiation
Chaparral protects the body from the toxic effects of excessive Radiation exposure.
Excretory System
Chaparral improves the function of the Kidneys.
Immune System
Chaparral kills some forms of Detrimental Bacteria.
Chaparral may protect against Cancer (due to NDGA) [folklore].
- Good treatment for Skin Cancer.
Chaparral improves the function of the Liver.
Musculoskeletal System
Chaparral alleviates Acne [folklore].
Chaparral reduces the painful symptoms of Arthritis [scientific research].
Chaparral alleviates Boils.
Chaparral accelerates the healing of Bruises [folklore].
Chaparral alleviates Leg Cramps.
Chaparral (tea) alleviates Eczema [folklore].
Rinsing the mouth with Chaparral (tea) retards Tooth Decay by 73-83% (due to NDGA) [scientific research - humans].
Respiratory System
Chaparral improves the function of the Lungs.
Chaparral Contains these Substances
Minerals: Sodium
Other: Nordihydroguaiaretic Acid
Possible Toxic Effects of Excessive Consumption of Chaparral
Immune System
Excessive ingestion of Chaparral May be implicated in some forms of Cancer (due to Nordihydroguaiaretic Acid) [scientific research - animals]:
- Excessive Chaparral has produced lesions in the Lymph Nodes and Kidneys of animals (due to Nordihydroguaiaretic Acid) [scientific research - animals].
Also known as: Purple Coneflower; Rudbeckia; Black Samson
Botanical Names: Echinacea angustifolia (the more potent variety)
Echinacea purpurea from the Composite (Compositae) family.
Parts Used: Roots, Leaves
Health Benefits of Echinacea
Cardiovascular System
Echinacea increases and stabilizes the body's Red Blood Cell count [scientific research].
Immune System
Echinacea is very beneficial for the Immune System [scientific research - humans].
Echinacea is a valuable adjunct to the treatment of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS).
Echinacea destroys some forms of Detrimental Bacteria [folklore].
Echinacea helps to prevent the Common Cold.
Echinacea at first depresses the body's levels of certain Complement factors and then greatly increases the body's levels of those same Complement factors.
Echinacea increases Cytokine levels.
Echinacea increases the number of circulating Granulocytes [scientific research - animals].
Echinacea can combine with receptors on the Hyaluronidase enzyme and neturalize it (Hyaluronidase can weaken the Connective Tissues surrounding Cells, allowing the entrance of Allergens, Detrimental Bacteria and Viruses.
Echinacea helps to prevent Influenza.
Echinacea increases the production of Interleukin-1 by Macrophages (due to an unidentified Polysaccharide) [scientific research].
Echinacea stimulates Stem cells in the Lymphatic System.
Echinacea increases the phagocytic effect of Macrophages on Cancer cells (due to an unidentified Polysaccharide).
Echinacea stabilizes the ratio of Neutrophils to other White Blood Cells.
Echinacea stimulates Phagocytosis.
Echinacea increases serum Properdin levels.
Echinacea suppresses many Viruses.
Musculoskeletal System
Echinacea inhibits the Hyaluronidase enzyme that can be stimulated by pathogens to break apart the connective tissues surrounding the body's cells.
Echinacea accelerates the healing of various Skin infections caused by Detrimental Bacteria (by stimulating phagocytosis).
Respiratory System
Echinacea alleviates Pleurisy.
Echinacea Contains these Substances
Alkaloids: Betaine
Carbohydrates: Rhamnose Fructose
Galactose Glucose
Glucuronic Acid
Xylose Sucrose
Glycosides: Echinacoside
Minerals: Copper Potassium
Vitamins: Vitamin A Vitamin C
Vitamin E
Other: Cichoric Acid Isobutylamides
Pentadecadiene Echinacen B
Tannic Acids Inulin
Echinacen Echinoline
Dosage Maximum effects are achieved when Echinacea is consumed for about 4 days then stopped for 3 days followed by continuation of this cycle.
Also known as: Bottlebrush; Horsetail; Horsetail Grass; Pewterwort; Scouring Rush; Shave Grass:
Botanical Name: Equisetum arvense from the Equisetaceae family.
Health Benefits of Equisetum
The major benefits arising from Equisitum consumption are due to its high Silicon content.
Musculoskeletal System
Equisetum promotes Hair growth in people suffering Hair Loss (if the Hair Follicles are still alive).
Nervous System
Equisetum alleviates Headaches.
Equisetum Contains these Substances
(mg of substance per 100 mg)
Flavoglycolides: Isoquercitrin Equisetrine
Minerals: Silicon 10,000 Calcium
Phosphorus Iron
Saponins: Equisetonin
Vitamins: Vitamin B1 Vitamin B2
Vitamin B3 Vitamin C
Botanical Name: Turnera diffusa from the Turneraceae family
Parts Used: Leaves, Roots, Tops
Health Benefits of Damiana
Digestive System
Damiana stimulates contractions of the Intestines.
Excretory System
Damiana alleviates Incontinence.
Nervous System
Damiana sedates the Central Nervous System [anecdotal].
Damiana alleviates Anxiety where Anxiety stems from Sexual factors [folklore].
Damiana possesses anti-depressant properties where Depression stems from Sexual Factors [folklore].
Damiana alleviates Headaches.
Damiana improves the quality of Sleep in some persons [anecdotal].
Respiratory System
Damiana alleviates Coughs.
Sexual System - Male
Damiana alleviates Male Impotence.
Damiana improves Sexual Desire (libido) in males.
Damiana Contains these Substances
Chromoproteins: Chlorophyll
Glycosides: Arbutin
Sterols: Beta-Sitosterol
Volatile Oils: Cineole Pinene
Other Substances: Cadinene Tannic Acids
Damianan Cymol
Damiana Interferes with these Substances
Damiana interferes with Iron absorption.
Botanical Name: Zingiber officinale from the Ginger (Zingiberaceae) family.
Part Used: Root/Rhizome.
Health Benefits of Ginger
Aging & Life Extension
Ginger possesses Antioxidant properties (due to Shogaol & Zingerone).
Cardiovascular System
Ginger prevents Blood Clots by inhibiting Platelet Aggregation (due to Gingerol).
Ginger improves Blood Circulation.
Ginger helps to lower serum Cholesterol levels.
Digestive System
Ginger improves the function of the Digestive System.
Ginger (tea) alleviates Colic.
Ginger cleanses the
Ginger alleviates Diverticulosis.
Ginger temporarily alleviates Gastritis and Indigestion.
Ginger temporarily alleviates Flatulence.
Ginger temporarily alleviates Nausea [scientific research].
Ginger is more effective than any prescription drugs at preventing and relieving Travel Sickness.
Ginger prevents Vomiting.
Ginger stimulates the body's production of Energy.
Ginger induces Perspiration.
Musculoskeletal System
Ginger alleviates Cramps.
Nervous System
Ginger temporarily relieves Pain.
Ginger alleviates Toothache (fresh Ginger Root).
Respiratory System
Ginger alleviates the symptoms of the Common Cold (due to its warming effects).
Ginger Contains these Substances
(mg of Substance per 100 grams)
Carbohydrates: Mucilage
Enzymes: Proteolytic Enzymes
Polyphenols: Gingerol Zingerone
Terpenoids: Sesquiterpene
Vitamins: Vitamin B3 Vitamin B6
Choline PABA
Volatile Oils: Bisabolene Borneol
Camphene Cineole
Citral Eucalyptol
Linalool Phellandrene
Zingiberene Zingiberol
Other: Resin
Plants from the Panax species of the Aralia (Araliaceae) family that appear to possess very similar beneficial actions.
Siberian Ginseng is not a true Ginseng as it comes from an entirely different species - there is a good argument for Siberian Ginseng to be renamed Eleuthero to avoid confusing it with true Ginsengs - although almost all of its health benefits are reported as the same as Panax Ginseng.
Part Used: Roots.
Ginsengs are often described as "Adaptogens".
Health Benefits of Ginsengs
Most of Ginseng's Beneficial Actions are attributable to its Triterpene Saponins content.
Aging & Life Extension
Ginsengs treat many ailments that increase in tandem with the Aging Process.
Ginsengs possess Anti-Oxidant properties [scientific research - animals, in vitro].
Cardiovascular System
Ginsengs alleviate Anaemia by increasing the production of Haemoglobin [scientific research].
Ginsengs help to prevent Atherosclerosis [scientific research - animals].
Ginsengs reduce Blood Pressure in Hypertension sufferers [scientific research].[but other scientific research contradicts this claim].
Ginsengs improve Blood Circulation.
Ginsengs enhance the health of the Heart:
- Can reduce the pain of Angina [scientific research - humans].
- Can normalize Heartbeat.
- Ginsengs protect against Heart damage from Ischaemic Heart Disease [scientific research - animals].
Ginsengs reduces serum Triglyceride levels.
Nervous System
Ginsengs improve various aspects of Mental Function.
Ginsengs increase Alertness in elderly humans [scientific research - humans].
Ginsengs measurably increase Blood Circulation to the Brain via the Cerebral and Carotid Arteries in 90% of subjects [scientific research - humans].
Ginsengs increase Coordination in normal healthy humans [scientific research - humans].
Ginsengs increase Concentration in normal healthy humans [scientific research - humans].
Ginsengs enhance the treatment of Depression [scientific research].
Ginsengs enhance the function of the Hypothalamus Gland [scientific research: it is believed that numerous health benefits attributed to Ginsengs are due directly to its enhancement of the Hypothalamus].
Ginsengs accelerate Learning [scientific research - humans & animals: Ginsengs increased the ability of normal, healthy humans to perform mental arithmetic].
Ginsengs improve Short Term and Long Term Memory and Memory Consolidation [scientific research - animals].
Ginsengs enhance the function of the Pituitary Gland [scientific research].
Ginsengs often alleviate Sleep disorders including Insomnia [however, Ginseng combined with Caffeine can cause or exacerbate Insomnia].
Ginsengs increase resistance to Stress by inhibiting the alarm stage of Stress and reducing the activation of the Adrenal Cortex during periods of Stress [scientific research]:
Ginsengs protects the Liver from Alcohol intoxication by accelerating Alcohol clearance from the blood [scientific research].
Ginsengs increase resistance to many toxic Pharmaceutical Drugs.
Ginsengs reduce some of the toxic side effects of Radiation Therapy.
Digestive System
Ginsengs improve the function of the Digestive System.
Electromagnetic Radiation
Ginsengs may protect the body from the toxic effects of toxic forms of Electromagnetic Radiation [scientific research].
Immune System
Ginsengs generally stimulate the Immune System [scientific research - animals & in-vitro].
Ginsengs improve the general health of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) sufferers [scientific research - humans: Ginsengs enhanced some Immune parameters in AIDS sufferers including increasing their production of Interferons].
Ginsengs increase the production of White Blood Cells [scientific research].
Ginsengs are presently being investigated as possible Cancer inhibitors [scientific research]:
- Ginsengs may suppress the proliferation of Cancer cells and lower the incidence of tumour formation.
- Can return human Liver Cancer cells to normal (due to Ginsenosides) [scientific research - in vitro].
Ginsengs minimize the toxic side-effects of Chemotherapy.
Ginsengs increase the activity of Lymphocytes (due to Ginsenosides).
Ginsengs improve Athletic Performance [scientific research - humans].
Ginsengs normalize Blood-Sugar levels (Ginsengs' adaptogen properties are illustrated by its capability to both raise or lower Blood Sugar levels depending on the Blood Sugar status of the individual person).
Ginsengs reduce the Liver's production of endogenous Cholesterol, reduce total serum Cholesterol levels, raise HDL Cholesterol levels and lower LDL Cholesterol levels.
Ginsengs are beneficial for Diabetes Mellitus sufferers [scientific research - humans].
Ginsengs increase the body's production of Energy.
Ginsengs shorten the body's recovery time after Exercise and reduce the Stress associated with Exercise.
Ginsengs alleviate Fatigue.
Ginsengs are beneficial for the Liver.
- Ginsengs protect the Liver from various toxins [scientific research - animals, in-vitro].
- Ginsengs can regenerate damaged Liver Cells.
Ginsengs increase Stamina and Endurance [scientific research - humans].
Ginsengs alleviate Hypoglycaemia.
Ginsengs alleviate Hypothyroidism by stimulating the Thyroid Gland.
Musculoskeletal System
Ginsengs reduce recovery time from Surgery [scientific research].
Sexual System
Ginsengs reduce the symptoms of Pre-Mentrual Tension (PMT).
Ginsengs alleviate Male Impotence [anecdotal].
Ginsengs improve fertility in Female Infertility sufferers [anecdotal].
Ginsengs reputedly improve Sexual Performance [however scientific research currently refutes this claim].
Ginsengs Contain these Substances
Minerals: Calcium Cobalt
Germanium Iodine
Magnesium Manganese
Potassium Sodium
Copper Iron
Triterpene Saponins: Ginsenosides# Eleutherosides*
Vitamins: Biotin Folic Acid
Vitamin A Vitamin B1
Vitamin B2 Vitamin B2
Vitamin B12 Vitamin C
Vitamin E
Other Panaxic Acid
# Found only in "True" Ginsengs
* Found only in Siberian Ginseng
Ginsengs Enhance the Function of these Substances
Ginsengs increases the activity of the RNA Polymerase enzyme.
Immune System Chemicals
Ginsengs stimulate the production of Interferon.
Ginsengs enhance the metabolism of Acetylcholine.
Ginsengs increase Norepinephrine levels when the body is under Stress [scientific research].
Ginsengs enhance the metabolism of Serotonin.
Ginsengs stimulate the synthesis of many endogenous Proteins.
Amino Acids
Ginsengs facilitate the movement of Phenylalanine into the Brain.
Minor Negative Effects of Ginsengs
Cardiovascular System
People with Hypertension should not use large quantities of Ginseng as it can cause elevated Blood Pressure [there is some contradictory scientific research against this caution].
Digestive System
Ginsengs occasionally cause Diarrhoea.
Nervous System
Ginsengs occasionally cause Insomnia (only when consumed in conjunction with Caffeine) [scientific research - humans].
People who respond to Stress by increasing Anxiety levels or Hyperactivity should NOT consume Ginseng.
Dosage Recommendations
In Chinese medicine Ginseng is used as a "tonic", i.e. not necessarily taken every day.
Therapeutic Dosage: 500-3,000 mg per day in divided doses.
Ginseng should be taken on an empty Stomach to ensure maximum absorption.
Commercial Availability of Ginseng Supplements & Potency
A random survey of Ginseng products showed that 60% of them were diluted or adulterated.
Standardized Ginseng Extracts in pill form are now available which are labelled with G115 (e.g. Ginsana - See under Oriental Ginseng).
Actual supplements are listed under each variety of Ginseng.
Physical Form Comment
Extracts: Easily Absorbed
Granular Teas: Easily Absorbed
Tablets, Pills, Capsules
Dried Roots
Food Additives e.g. Wine, Confectionery: Usually contain very little or no active Ginseng constituents
Types of Ginsengs:
True Ginsengs
Siberian Ginseng
Also known as: Aaron's Rod; Cow's Lungwort; Lady Foxglove
Biennial Herb with a skin-like texture.
Botanical Names: Verbascum
Verbascum thapou
All species of Mullein are from the Figwort (Scrophulariaceae) family.
Parts Used: Dried Leaves & Flowers
Health Benefits of Mullein
Musculoskeletal System
Mullein facilitates the elimination of excessive Mucous from the body.
Recreational Drugs
Mullein (tea) helps to reduce the craving for Tobacco [folklore].
Respiratory System
Mullein (tea) alleviates the symptoms of Asthma.
Mullein alleviates the symptoms of Bronchitis [folklore].
Mullein alleviates Coughs.
Mullein alleviates the symptoms of Emphysema.
Mullein Contains these Substances
Carbohydrates: Gums Mucilages
Polyphenols: Hesperidin
Saponins: Verbascoside
Other: Aucubin
Perennial Herb that is a hybrid of Spearmint and Water Mint and is distinguished from Spearming by the greater length of its leaf stalks.
Botanical Name: Mentha piperita from the Mint (Labiatae) family.
Parts used: Leaves, Flowering Tops
Health Benefits of Peppermint
Nervous System
Peppermint helps to relieve Headaches.
Peppermint helps to relieve Migraines.
Peppermint alleviates the Nausea associated with Travel Sickness.
Digestive System
Peppermint improves many aspects of the Digestive System.
Peppermint (tea) alleviates the symptoms of Colic.
Peppermint alleviates Diarrhoea.
Peppermint alleviates Flatulence.
Peppermint (drop of Peppermint Oil placed on the tongue) alleviates Halitosis.
Peppermint (tea) alleviates the discomfort of Hiatus Hernias.
Peppermint (drop of Peppermint Oil placed on the tongue) alleviates Hiccups.
Peppermint (tea) improves the function of the Intestines.
Peppermint (oil in capsules that must be enteric coated to prevent premature release of the oil) alleviates the symptoms of Irritable Bowel Syndrome [scientific research - humans: 3-6 capsules per day i.e. 0.2 ml per capsule].
Peppermint alleviates Nausea.
Peppermint improves the function of the Stomach.
Peppermint alleviates Vomiting.
Respiratory System
Peppermint clears the Respiratory Passages.
Peppermint clears the Sinuses.
Peppermint Contains these Substances
Vitamins: Vitamin C
Polyphenols: Rutin
Volatile Oils: Menthol
Other: Terpenes Methyl Acetate
Menthone Jasmone
Botanical Names: Smilax aristolochiaefolia (Mexican Sarsaparilla)
Smilax febrifuga (Ecuadorian Sarsaparilla)
Smilax ornata
Smilax regelii (Honduran Sarsaparilla)
All species of Sarsaparilla belong to the Sarsaparilla (Smilacaceae) family.
Part Used: Root
Health Benefits of Sarsaparilla
Sarsaparilla protects the body against some of the toxic effects of Radioactivity.
Excretory System
Sarsaparilla alleviates some ailments of the Kidneys.
Sarsaparilla stimulates the production of Urine (i.e. acts as a diuretic):
Immune System
Sarsaparilla kills some forms of Detrimental Bacteria.
Sarsaparilla is a valuable adjunct to other treatments for Leprosy [scientific research].
Sarsaparilla increases the body's production of Energy.
Sarsaparilla improves the function of the Liver.
Musculoskeletal System
Sarsaparilla alleviates Arthritis (due to Saponins).
Sarsaparilla (tea) alleviates Eczema.
Sarsaparilla alleviates Gout (by facilitating the excretion of excessive Uric Acid).
Sarsaparilla reputedly alleviates Psoriasis [folklore].
Sarsaparilla reputedly alleviates Rheumatism.
Nervous System
Sarsaparilla alleviates excessive Stress.
Sarsaparilla reputedly alleviates Epilepsy [folklore].
Sarsaparilla has a minor diaphoretic effect - i.e. induces Perspiration.
Sexual System - Female
Sarsaparilla alleviates Leucorrhea.
Sexual System - Male
Sarsaparilla may alleviate Male Impotence [folklore].
Sarsaparilla Contains these Substances
Minerals: Copper
Iron Manganese
Zinc Iron
Saponins -Steroid: Sarsaponin Parillin
Sarsapogenin Smilagenin
Vitamins: Vitamin A Vitamin D
Myths Dispelled
Sarsaparilla does NOT contain Testosterone.
Commercial Availability of Sarsaparilla Supplements
Country Company Product Strength/Price
Golden Glow Sarsaparilla Tablets 500 mg
100 TABS/AU $4.50
Also known as: Garden Heliotrope
Coarse, erect, perennial Herb.
Botanical Name: Valeriana officinalis from the Valerian (Valerianaceae) family.
Part Used: Roots & Rhizome
Health Benefits of Valerian
Cardiovascular System
Valerian lowers Blood Pressure in Hypertension sufferers (by increasing Blood Circulation) [scientific research - humans & animals].
Musculoskeletal System
Valerian alleviates Muscle Cramps.
Nervous System
Valerian decreases Aggressiveness.
Valerian alleviates Anxiety [scientific research - animals].
Valerian alleviates the symptoms of Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) [scientific research - Valerian eliminates the anxiety, fear, restlessness and aggression associated with ADD and improves motor coordination in ADD sufferers].
Valerian sedates the Central Nervous System (CNS).
Valerian increases Concentration ability.
Valerian prevents Convulsions.
Valerian alleviates Depression.
Valerian alleviates Headaches.
Valerian alleviates Insomnia by helping to promote Sleep and improving the quality of Sleep [scientific research - humans].
Sexual System - Female
Valerian alleviates the Pain associated with Dysmenorrhea.
Valerian Contains these Substances
Alkaloids: Terpenoid Alkaloids: Valerianine
Iridoids: Valepotriates: Didrovaltrate
Minerals: Calcium Magnesium
Organic Acids: Valeric Acid
Volatile Oils: Borneol Pinene
Valeranon Camphene
Do not administer Valerian to Children.
Excretory System
People who suffer from Kidney malfunctions should not use Valerian supplements.
People who suffer from Liver malfunctions should not use Valerian supplements.
Pharmaceutical Drugs
Valerian interacts adversely with Antihistamines.
Valerian interacts adversely with Muscle Relaxant Drugs.
Valerian interacts adversely with Psychotropic Drugs.
Recreational Drugs
Valerian interacts adversely with Alcohol.
Valerian interacts adversely with Opiates.
Dosage Recommendations
It is unlikely that the adverse effects mentioned above will occur at a dosage of up to 1,000 mg per day (or two cups of Valerian tea).
Botanical Name: Corynanthe yohimbe
Pausinystalia yohimba
Both species of Yohimbe belong to the Madder (Rubiaceae) family.
Part Used: Bark
Health Benefits of Yohimbine
Yohimbe's effects on the male Sexual System are attributable to its Yohimbine content.
Yohimbe alleviates Obesity by reducing weight - by an average of 5.3 pounds per week [scientific research - humans].
Nervous System
Yohimbe blocks the Alpha-2 Adrenergic Receptors of the Adrenergic Nervous System.
Sexual System - Male
Yohimbe alleviates Male Impotence [scientific research - humans: Yohimbe alleviates male impotence in 62% of males whose impotence is a result of physical malfunctions and alleviates impotence in 46% of males whose impotence is a result of psychological factors - using 6 mg of Yohimbine per day for 10 weeks].
Yohimbe increases Sexual Desire in males [scientific research - humans].
Yohimbe improves Sexual Performance in males [scientific research - humans: Yohimbe rapidly increases sexual arousal and sexual activity of naive and experienced males].
- Yohimbe increases blood flow into the Penis while decreasing the outflow of blood from the Penis (by blocking Alpha-2 Adrenergic Receptors) [scientific research].
Yohimbe Contains these Substances
(mg of substance per 100 mg)
Alkaloids: 6,000 Yohimbine
Cardiovascular System
People who suffer from Heart Disease should not use Yohimbe.
Digestive System
People who are afflicted with Peptic Ulcers should not use Yohimbe.
Excretory System
People who suffer from Kidney malfunction should not use Yohimbe.
Sexual System - Female
Female should not use Yohimbe during Pregnancy.
Dosage Recommendations
To alleviate Male Sexual problems: 1 x 5.4 mg tablet 3 times a day for up to 10 weeks
Endogenous Proteins that are produced in one part of the body (by an Endocrine Gland), passed into the bloodstream and carried to distant organs for use in biological processes.
Adrenal Hormones:
Platelet Aggregating Factor
Digestive Hormones:
Intrinsic Factor
Hypothalamus Hormones:
Luteinising Hormone Releasing Hormone
Thyrotrophin-Releasing Hormone
Ovarian Hormones:
Pancreatic Hormones:
Parathyroid Hormones:
Pineal Hormones:
Pituitary Hormones:
Adrenocorticotropic Hormone
Chorionic Gonatrophic Hormone
Human Growth Hormone
Follicle Stimulating Hormone
Luteinising Hormone
Melanocyte-Stimulating Hormone
Testes Hormones:
Thymus Hormones:
Thyroid Hormones:
Non-Endocrine Hormones:
Epidermal Growth Factor
Nerve Growth Factor
Sex Hormone Binding Globulin
Low Blood Pressure.
These Substances Raise Blood Pressure in Hypotension Sufferers
Adrenaline alleviates Hypotension by increasing Blood Pressure.
Aldosterone alleviates Hypotension by increasing Blood Pressure.
Serotonin increases Blood Pressure.
Ephedrine increases systolic and diastolic Blood Pressure.
Nicotine raises Blood Pressure in Hypotension sufferers by causing Blood Vessels to constrict.
Amino Acids
Phenylalanine can increase Blood Pressure.
Tyramine can cause increases in Blood Pressure [caution: Tyramine has various toxic side-effects].
Tyrosine can increase Blood Pressure.
Glycosides - Saponins
Glycyrrhizin raises Blood Pressure in Hypotension sufferers (due to Glycyrrhizin mimicking the structure and actions of Aldosterone).
These Foods or Herbs Increase Blood Pressure in Hypotension Sufferers
Active Constituents
Blue Cohosh normalizes Blood Pressure in Hypotension sufferers. Methylcytisine
Blue Vervain normalizes Blood Pressure in Hypotension sufferers.
Butcher's Broom sometimes increases Blood Pressure [scientific research]. Ruscogenins
Ephedra increases Blood Pressure. Ephedrine
Licorice (root) increases Blood Pressure. Glycyrrhizin
American and European Mistletoe increase Blood Pressure.
Nettle (tea) increases Blood Pressure.
These Ailments Can Cause Hypotension
Nervous System
Adrenal Insufficiency is often an underlying cause of Hypotension.
Hypotension Can Cause These Side-Effects
Nervous System
Hypotension can cause sufferers to have decreased levels of Concentration.
Vertigo (dizziness) is a side-effect of Hypotension.
Hypotension Sufferers Should Avoid These Substances
Smart Drugs
Hypotension sufferers should not use Propranolol (as Propranolol can further reduce Blood Pressure).
Hypotension sufferers should reduce their dosage of Vinpocetine and monitor their Blood Pressure whilst using this Smart Drug.
Hypotension sufferers should not use Xanthinol Nicotinate.
Also known as: Hemorrhoids; Piles
Varicose Veins of the Anus, characterized by tender, painful swellings at the anal margin.
These Substances Alleviate/Prevent Haemorrhoids
Anthocyanosides alleviate Haemorrhoids by strengthening the Capillaries.
Rutin deficiency may cause Haemorrhoids.
Cellulose helps to prevent Haemorrhoids.
Hemicelluloses help to prevent Haemorrhoids.
Normal levels of Fluoride (form of Fluorine) strengthen the walls of the Blood Vessels in the Anus that are weakened in Haemorrhoid sufferers.
Ruscogenins (Ruscogenin and Neoruscogenin) alleviate Haemorrhoids (by improving Blood Circulation) [scientific research].
Skin Improvers
Preparation H (applied topically) alleviates Haemorrhoids (due to Skin Respiratory Factor).
Vitamin A (cream applied topically) alleviates the Itching associated with Haemorrhoids.
Vitamin C alleviates Haemorrhoids by strengthening Blood Vessels and Vitamin C deficiency can cause Haemorrhoids.
Vitamin E (cream applied topically) alleviates the Itching associated with Haemorrhoids and Vitamin E deficiency can cause Haemorrhoids.
These Foods or Herbs Alleviate Haemorrhoids
Active Constituents
Bilberry alleviates Haemorrhoids by strengthening the Capillaries. Anthocyanosides
Butcher's Broom is useful in the treatment of both external and internal Haemorrhoids [scientific research]. Ruscogenins
Calendula (Marigold) alleviates Haemorrhoids (crushed petals or ointment applied topically) [anecdotal].
Chamomile alleviates Haemorrhoids.
Comfrey (ointment applied topically) relieves the itching associated with Haemorrhoids.
Chamomile (ointment applied topically) alleviates Haemorrhoids.
Goldenseal (applied topically or ingested orally) alleviates Haemorrhoids (due to its vasoconstrictive action).
Kelp relieves the Anaemia associated with Haemorrhoids.
Witch Hazel (ointment applied topically) alleviates the Itching associated with Haemorrhoids.
Yellow Dock helps to treat Haemorrhoids.
These Factors can Cause Haemorrhoids
Digestive System
Straining to bring on a bowel motion causes Haemorrhoids.
Constant Constipation can cause Haemorrhoids.
Liver disorders restrict the flow of blood to the Portal Vein.
Increased pressure in the Anus Veins, combined with a decrease in the strength of the Walls of the Veins causes Haemorrhoids.
Nervous System
Excessive Stress can cause Haemorrhoids.
See Also:
Blood Vessels
Blood Vessel Ailments
Varicose Veins
Copyright 1995 In-Tele-Health
passage or opening which has been made abnormally between two organs, often near the rectum or anus
anal fistula or fistula in ano = fistula which develops between the rectum and the outside of the body after an abscess near the anus
biliary fistula = opening which discharges bile on to the surface of the skin from the gall bladder, bile duct or liver
branchial fistula = cyst on the side of the neck of an embryo
vesicovaginal fistula = abnormal opening between the bladder and the vagina
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