Also known as: Ague; Marsh Fever; Periodic Fever; Paludism
Often fatal infectious Parasitic Disease that is caused by the presence of any of 4 types of parasitic protozoa of the genus Plasmodium (Plasmodium falciparum, Plasmodium vivax, Plasmodium ovale and Plasmodium malariae) within the Red Blood Cells.
The Anopheles mosquito transmits the Parasite that causes Malaria.
Malaria occurs mainly in the tropical regions of the world and it is estimated that 270 million new Malaria infections occur each year - 2 million deaths occur each year as a result of Malaria.
Biology of Malaria
Plasmodium Parasites, once in the bloodstream, travel to the Liver and reproduce asexually within cells in the Liver.
These cells burst and release the parasites back into the bloodstream.
The Parasites then enter Red Blood Cells, where they reproduce asexually, and feed on the Haemoglobin in the cells.
The red blood cells burst, releasing both asexual and potential sexual forms of the parasite.
Symptoms of Malaria
Central Nervous System (CNS)
Headache is a symptom of Malaria.
Immune System
Intense Fever is the primary symptom of Malaria.
Enlarged Spleen is a side-effect of Malaria.
These Substances Kill the Malaria Parasite
Quinine kills the Malaria Parasite [scientific research - humans].
Fatty Acids
Alpha-Linolenic Acid (LNA) can kill the Malaria Parasite [scientific research - animals].
These Herbs Kill the Malaria Parasite
Active Constituents
Cinchona (bark) successfully treats Malaria [scientific research - humans]. Quinine
Pau D'Arco successfully treats Malaria [scientific research - in vitro]. Lapachol
The range of processes involved the storage and retrieval of information within the Central Nervous System.
These Organs/Cells of the Body are Involved in the storage of Memory
Nervous System
The Hippocampus is integral to Memory.
The transmission of Nerve Impulses from Axons to Dendrites of Neurons is integral to the storage of Memory.
The Frontal and Temporal Lobes of the Cerebral Cortex of the Brain are integral to Memory.
These Substances Improve Memory
Acetylcholine relays Nerve Signals involved in Memory.
Norepinephrine enhances Memory.
Vasopressin improves Memory.
Nucleic Acids
Polyribosomes are responsible for the synthesis of some endogenous Proteins that become part of the Structure of Neurons, allowing new information to be stored in Memory.
Ribonucleic Acid (RNA) is believed to be the molecule responsible for the storage of Memory [scientific research - humans: supplemental RNA has improved memory in some cases].
Sexual Steroid Hormone Precursors
Pregnenolone improves Memory [scientific research - animals: supplemental Pregnenolone is 100 times more effective at improving Memory than other Steroids].
Amino Acids
Glutamic Acid improves Memory (due to its function as a stimulatory Neurotransmitter).
Glutamine improves Memory.
Spermine may improve Memory (by stimulating the production of endogenous Ribonucleic Acid) [scientific research - humans: people with Memory loss have lower levels of Spermine compared to those with good memory].
Manganese improves Memory.
Poor Memory can occur as a result of Potassium deficiency.
Phosphatidylserine improves Memory in persons afflicted with Age-Associated Memory Impairment (AAMI) [scientific research - humans: 300 mg per day for 12 weeks: best results were seen in those with the worst memory impairment - the improvement in memory lasted for up to 1 month after the cessation of Phosphatidylserine therapy].
Smart Drugs
Acetyl-L-Carnitine (ALC) improves Memory in normal, healthy subjects [scientific research - normal, healthy animals].
Adrafinil improves Memory.
Aniracetam improves Memory [scientific research - humans].
Centrophenoxine improves Memory.
Diapid improves both types of Memory by stimulating the release of Vasopressin [scientific research - humans - hundreds of clinical studies attest to this effect].
Deprenyl improves the Memory of Alzheimer's Disease and Parkinson's Disease sufferers [scientific research - humans @ 10 mg per day].
Dimethylaminoethanol (DMAE) improves Memory.
Hydergine improves Memory [scientific research - normal healthy humans using 12 mg Hydergine for 2 weeks improved their memory].
Minaprine improves Memory.
Nimodipine improves Memory in elderly sufferers of Dementia and in young and old healthy subjects [scientific research - humans].
Ondansetron improves Memory in persons afflicted with Age-Associated Memory Impairment and also improves Memory in normal, healthy persons [scientific research - humans].
Oxiracetam increases the ability to acquire new Memory and improves Memory retention [scientific research - humans & animals: Oxiracetam's Memory enhancing properties exceed those of Piracetam].
Piracetam improves Memory in normal, healthy and age-impaired subjects [scientific research - humans]:
- Increases the synthesis of endogenous Proteins responsible for Memory by Polyribosomes and increases the production of Polyribosomes themselves.
- Protects against Memory loss caused by Physical injury and Chemical poisoning.
- Helps to reverse the Memory loss associated with Marijuana use [many anecdotal reports].
Pramiracetam improves the Memory of persons afflicted with Alzheimer's Disease [scientific research - humans].
Pyroglutamate counteracts Memory problems that affect persons who have consumed excessive quantities of Alcohol and improves Memory in normal, healthy subjects [scientific research - animals].
Zatosetron improves Memory in persons afflicted with Age-Associated Memory Impairment and also improves Memory in normal, healthy persons [scientific research - humans].
Choline improves Memory (due to Choline's role as a precursor for the production of Acetylcholine) [scientific research - humans: 3 grams of Choline per day improved the memories of students].
Poor memory can be a symptom of Vitamin B1 deficiency.
Vitamin B12 improves Memory (due to its role in the synthesis of endogenous Ribonucleic Acid within the Neurons of the Brain) [scientific research - humans].
The Nicotinic Acid form of Vitamin B3 improves Memory [scientific research - humans: Nicotinic Acid improves memory in normal, healthy middle-aged adults by 10-40%].
These Foods/Herbs improve Memory
Active Constituents
Balm (tea) is reputed to strengthen Memory [anecdotal evidence]
Ginsengs improve Long and Short Term Memory and improve Memory consolidation [scientific research - animals].
Lecithin helps prevent mild age related Memory loss. Phospholipids
Rosemary (tea ingested orally or Rosemary oil massaged topically onto the temples) reputedly improves Memory [folklore].
Sage (tea) refreshes Memory.
These Substances Cause Temporary Improvement in Memory but are ultimately Detrimental
Recreational Drugs
Amphetamine temporarily increases Memory by rapidly releasing stored Norepinephrine - [caution: this effect is followed by a decrease in Memory (due to depletion and destruction of Norepinephrine)].
These Substances are Detrimental to Memory
Age related increases in Gamma Aminobutyric Acid (GABA) are detrimental to Memory.
Formaldehyde impairs Memory by interfering with the Central Nervous System.
Arsenic poisoning causes Memory impairment.
Excessive consumption of Bromine causes Memory loss.
These Food Additives are Detrimental to Memory
Active Constituents
Aspartame can impair Memory. Aspartic Acid
These Ailments can Cause Memory Impairment
Sexual System - Female
Memory impairment can occur as a result of the PMT-D (Depression) form of Pre-Menstrual Tension (PMT) [scientific research - humans].
Types of Memory Ailments:
Age Associated Memory Impairment
Alzheimer's Disease
Types of Memory:
Long Term Memory
Short Term Memory
Memory - Short Term
Type of Memory used to remember information "in use," such as a telephone numbers and addresses.
These Substances Improve the Storage or Retrieval of Short Term Memory
Iron is claimed to improve Short Term Verbal Memory.
Smart Drugs
Acetyl-L-Carnitine (ALC) improves Short Term Memory in Alzheimer's Disease sufferers [scientific research - humans - 2,500 - 3,000 mg per day].
Diapid improves Short Term Memory.
Fipexide improves Short Term Memory.
Pyroglutamate improves Short Term Memory retrieval in persons afflicted with Dementia [scientific research - humans].
Vinpocetine increases the length of time that Short Term Memory is retained [scientific research - humans - 62% success - results described by scientists as "dramatic" were achieved within 1 hour of ingestion of 40 mg of Vinpocetine]:
Xanthinol Nicotinate improves Short Term Memory in normal, healthy persons [scientific research - humans].
These Herbs Improve Short Term Memory
Ginkgo biloba improves Short Term Memory in normal, healthy humans and in Age Associated Memory Impairment (AAMI) sufferers [scientific research - humans].
Ginsengs improve Short Term Memory [scientific research - animals].
These Substances Impair Short-Term Memory
Recreational Drugs
Cocaine over-use is detrimental to Short-Term Memory (due to Norepinephrine and Vasopressin depletion).
Marijuana (temporarily and reversibly) causes loss of Short-Term Memory (due to Vasopressin depletion).
Memory - Long Term
Type of Memory involving the relatively permanent storage of sensory and other information.
Biology of Long Term Memory
Nervous System
The Brain's N-methyl-D-Aspartate (NMDA) Receptors are involved in the potentiation (i.e. retention for longer periods) of Long Term Memory.
It is presently believed that Dreams (which occur during Rapid Eye Movement Sleep) are responsible for the transfer of Memories between Short Term Memory and Long Term Memory - lack of REM Sleep is believed to inhibit Long Term Memory.
These Substances Improve Long Term Memory
Sexual Steroid Hormone Precursors
Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) enhances Long Term Memory [scientific research - animals].
Smart Drugs
Centrophenoxine improves Long Term Memory in Dementia sufferers by up to 48% [scientific research - humans].
Diapid improves Long Term Memory.
Dilantin improves Long Term Memory in normal, healthy, young and old humans [scientific research - humans].
Milacemide improves Long Term Memory in normal, healthy, young and old humans - but not in mentally impaired persons (by facilitating the metabolism of Glycine and interacting favourably with the Brain's NMDA Receptors) [scientific research - humans].
Pyroglutamate improves Long Term Memory storage and retrieval in persons afflicted with Dementia [scientific research - humans].
Xanthinol Nicotinate improves Long Term Memory in normal, healthy humans [scientific research - humans].
These Herbs Improve Long Term Memory
Ginsengs improve Long Term Memory [scientific research - animals].
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