Tuesday, April 28, 2009




Viscous, transparent liquid secreted by cells of the Salivary Glands - an average of 1 litre of Saliva is produced within the body each day.

The body's production of Saliva is controlled by the Hypothalamus.

Biological Function of Saliva

Digestive System

Saliva is the initial endogenous chemical involved in the process of Digestion and helps to neutralize acids that enter the body via the mouth.

Immune System

Saliva kills some types of Detrimental Bacteria in the Mouth before it can enter the bloodstream.

Musculoskeletal System

Saliva moistens the Mucous Membranes of the Mouth.

Saliva helps to prevent Tooth Decay by cleansing the mouth of cariogenic Carbohydrates and by neutralizing Lactic Acid (due to Sialin).


Saliva enhances the ability of the Taste Buds to detect the taste of Foods.

Constituents of Saliva

Digestive Enzymes

Amylase (also known as Ptyalin or Salivary Amylase) is responsible for the Digestive functions of Saliva.


Immunoglobulin IgA (an Antibody) is present in Saliva.

Mucin (a Glycoprotein) is responsible for Saliva's ability to moisten the Mucous Membranes of the Mouth.

Sialin is responsible for Saliva's ability to neutralize Lactic Acid that contributes to Tooth Decay.


Water is a component of Saliva.

These Herbs Stimulate the Flow of Saliva

Active Constituents



Severe Mental Disorder characterized by a disintegration of the process of thinking, loss of contact with reality and loss of emotional responsiveness.

Schizophrenia sufferers usually feel that their thoughts, sensations and actions are controlled by, or shared with others.

These Substances Alleviate Schizophrenia


Fatty Acids

Schizophrenia sufferers have low levels of Prostaglandin E1.


Amino Acids

Methionine alleviates Schizophrenia where Schizophrenia is caused by excess Histamine.


Manganese alleviates Schizophrenia.

Schizophrenics lose excessive amounts of Zinc through the Urine.


Coenzyme Q10 alleviates the symptoms of Schizophrenia.

Smart Drugs

Deprenyl is very effective at alleviating Schizophrenia [scientific research - humans: average 68% full remission from depression and 21% moderate improvement @ dosage of 5-10 mg per day combined with 1-6 grams of Phenylalanine].

Gamma-Hydroxybutyric Acid (GHB) lessens Anxiety and Inhibitions in Schizophrenia sufferers [scientific research - humans].

Ondansetron is under investigation as a treatment for Schizophrenia.

Zatosetron is under investigation as a treatment for Schizophrenia.


Schizophrenia can occur as a result of Folic Acid deficiency.

The Nicotinic Acid form of Vitamin B3 alleviates Schizophrenia by binding to the Benzodiazepine Receptors in the Brain.

Vitamin B6 alleviates Schizophrenia.

Vitamin C alleviates Schizophrenia - @ 10-20 grams per day.

These Foods Alleviate Schizophrenia

Flax Seed Oil improves the behaviour of persons afflicted with Schizophrenia [scientific research].

Orthodox Medical Treatment for Schizophrenia

Pharmaceutical Drugs

Major Tranquillizers (i.e. Butyrophenones and Phenothiazines) are often employed in the treatment of Schizophrenia - they achieve their effects by opposing the actions of Dopamine.

These Substances can Cause/Exacerbate Schizophrenia



Excessive levels of Dopamine can cause Schizophrenia (Major Tranquillizer Pharmaceuticals alleviate Schizophrenia by opposing the actions of Dopamine).

Excessive levels of Histamine can cause Schizophrenia.

Excessive levels of Norepinephrine (NE) can cause Schizophrenia.

Hormones - Toxic Byproducts

Adrenochrome is implicated in Schizophrenia.


Amino Acids

Schizophrenia sufferers should NOT consume Arginine supplements.

Schizophrenia sufferers should not consume Glutamic Acid supplements as their Brains usually contain excessive levels of Glutamic Acid.

Excessive consumption of supplementary Tyrosine may exacerbate Schizophrenia (due to Tyrosine's influence on increasing the production of Norepinephrine).


Schizophrenia sufferers should not consume Caffeine (due to its ability to elevate Norepinephrine levels).


Excessive consumption of Copper has been linked to Schizophrenia in some persons.

Excessive consumption of Manganese can cause Schizophrenia [excessive consumption of oral Manganese is extremely rate and it should be noted that non-excessive consumption of Manganese can alleviate Schizophrenia].

Schizophrenia Sufferers Should Not Consume these Herbs

Active Constituents

Schizophrenia sufferers should reduce their consumption of Coffee (due to its ability to elevate Norepinephrine levels) Caffeine

Forms of Schizophrenia

Catatonic Schizophrenia: Marked motor disturbances.

Hebephrenic Schizophrenia: Begins in adolescence or young adulthood.

Paranoid Schizophrenia: Characterized by prominent delusions.

See Also:


Endogenous Depression



Also known as: Greasy Skin; Oily Skin


Excessive production and secretion of Sebum by the Sebaceous Glands.

These Substances Alleviate Seborrhea


Seborrhea can occur as a result of Potassium deficiency.


Seborrhea can occur as a result of Biotin deficiency.

These Foods or Herbs Alleviate Seborrhea

Aniseed (tea consumed internally) can alleviate the oily Skin associated with Seborrhea.

Horseradish (juice diluted by 50% applied topically) cleanses and regenerates oily, greasy & blemished skin. [Caution: Use sparingly and only for short periods as prolonged application can cause blisters].

Lavender (oil applied topically) helps to control excessive secretion of Sebum.

Potato (applied topically) cleanses the oily Skin associated with Seborrhea.

Seborrhea Increases the Risk of these Ailments

Musculoskeletal System

Seborrhea predisposes its sufferers to Acne.

Seborrhea is implicated in Seborrheic Dermatitis.

These Ailments can Cause Seborrhea

Sexual System - Female

Seborrhea can occur as a result of some forms of Pre-Menstrual Tension (PMT).

See Also:

Acne Oily Hair

Sebaceous Glands Seborrheic Dermatitis

Sebum Skin Ailments

Skin - Dry


Lack of moisture/oil in the upper layers of the Skin.

These Substances Alleviate Dry Skin


Skin Improvers - Topical

Na-PCA is the principle natural moisturizer found in human Skin - topically applied exogenous Na-PCA effectively moisturizes the Skin, thereby alleviating Dry Skin [scientific research - humans: topically applied exogenous Na-PCA very effectively attracts water in from the atmosphere into the skin].


Cholesterol (after its secretion from glands in the Skin) protects the Skin from dehydration.


Alpha-Hydroxy Acids

Alpha-Hydroxy Acids (including Glycolic Acid and Lactic Acid) (applied topically) alleviate Dry Skin and slough off dry, flaky, dead Skin Cells that accumulate on the surface of the Skin.

Amino Acids

Tyrosine alleviates Dry Skin - but only when the underlying cause of Dry Skin is Hypothyroidism.

Fatty Acids

Dry Skin can occur as a result of Alpha-Linolenic Acid (LNA) deficiency.

Gamma Linolenic Acid (GLA) (applied topically) moisturizes Dry Skin [scientific research].

Linoleic Acid (LA) alleviates Dry Skin.


Dry Skin can occur as a result of Iodine deficiency.

Dry Skin can occur as a result of Potassium deficiency.

Zinc helps to prevent Dry Skin - rough or cracked Skin can occur as a result of Zinc deficiency - chelated forms of Zinc are especially beneficial in the treatment of rough, dry Skin.


Dry, flaky Skin can occur as a result of Biotin deficiency.

Dry Skin (especially on the arms or elbows) can occur as a result of Vitamin A deficiency [caution: extremely large dosages of supplemental Vitamin A over a long period of time can CAUSE Dry Skin].

Vitamin E (applied topically) alleviates Dry Skin.

Volatile Oils

Levomenol (applied topically) alleviates Dry Skin.

These Foods or Herbs Alleviate Dry Skin

Active Constituents

Almond Oil (applied topically) alleviates Dry Skin.

Apricot Kernel Oil (applied topically) alleviates Dry Skin.

Avocado (consumed internally) and Avocado Oil (applied topically) alleviate Dry Skin.

Carrots (consumed orally) alleviates Dry Skin.

Chamomile is excellent for relieving Dry Skin (applied topically). Levomenol

Flax Seed Oil consumed orally - 1 tablespoon per day. Alpha-Linolenic Acid (LNA)

Grapes (juice applied topically) add moisture to Dry Skin.

Jojoba Oil (applied topically) alleviates Dry Skin and is readily absorbed by the Skin.

Neem Oil (consumed internally or applied topically) alleviates Dry Skin.

These Substances or Factors Cause Dry Skin

Aging Process

Human Skin becomes drier with the progression of the Aging Process.

Environmental Factors

Dry Skin is more prevalent in Winter than in Summer as cold weather causes the body's Unsaturated Fatty Acids to flow less freely.


Hypothyroidism (underactive Thyroid Gland) can cause Dry Skin.

Musculoskeletal System

Dry Skin can occur as a result of Dermatitis.

Dry Skin can occur as a result of Eczema.

Dry Skin can occur as a result of Psoriasis.


Excessive consumption (greater than 2 grams per day) of the Nicotinic Acid form of Vitamin B3 can cause Dry Skin in some persons.

See Also:

Dermatitis Eczema

Humectants Na-Pca

Psoriasis Skin

Skin Ailments



Also known as: Parkinsonism; Shaking Palsy


Chronic disease of the Central Nervous

Parkinson's Disease

System characterized by slowness and poorness of purposeful movement, rigid Muscles and Muscular Tics.

Parkinson's Disease occurs when the Myelin Sheaths of Neurons are damaged by Oxidation.

These Substances Alleviate or Treat Parkinson's Disease



Text Box: Dopamine deficiency can cause Parkinson's Disease.


Amino Acids

Glutamic Acid may be useful in the treatment of Parkinson's Disease.

Methionine improves many of the symptoms of Parkinson's Disease [scientific research - humans: 5 grams per day improved activity level, ease of movement, rigidity, mood, sleep, attention span, muscular strength, concentration and voice in 66% of sufferers. Note: Tremors and Drooling did NOT decrease].

Taurine alleviates Parkinson's Disease by sedating the Central Nervous System.

Tyrosine is useful in the treatment of Parkinson's Disease.

Lipid Alcohol

Octacosanol often improves the condition of Parkinson's Disease sufferers [scientific research - humans using 1-2 mg of Octacosanol per day].


Germanium alleviates the symptoms of Parkinson's Disease.


Pyrroloquinoline Quinone (PQQ) is under investigation as a therapy for Parkinson's Disease.

Smart Drugs

Acetyl-L-Carnitine (ALC) is presently being studied as a treatment for Parkinson's Disease.

Cytidine Diphosphate Choline (CDP) alleviates Parkinson's Disease by increasing the utilization of Oxygen within the Brain.

Deprenyl is regarded as the most effective treatment for Parkinson's Disease:

- Deprenyl slows the progression of Parkinson's Disease, extends the lifespan of its sufferers and improves Attention Span, Memory and reaction times of its sufferers.

- Deprenyl reduces the Muscular Tics associated with Parkinson's Disease.

Dilantin alleviates some of the symptoms of Parkinson's Disease (due to its ability to normalize electrical activity in the Central Nervous System).


Choline alleviates Parkinson's Disease.

Vitamin B6 facilitates the production of Dopamine in the Brains of Parkinson's Disease sufferers [scientific research - humans: 10-100 mg of B6 per day resulted in better bladder control, steadier gait, and decreased cramps, trembling and rigidity in Parkinson's sufferers] [caution: supplemental Vitamin B6 inactivates supplemental L-Dopa in the Intestines - therefore supplemental Vitamin B6 should not be used in conjunction with L-Dopa by persons afflicted with Parkinson's Disease].

Vitamin C retards the progression of Parkinson's Disease and counteracts the side-effects of L-Dopa therapy [scientific research - humans using 1 gram of Vitamin C per day combined with 3,000 IU of Vitamin E].

Vitamin E retards the progression of Parkinson's Disease [scientific research using 3,000 IU of Vitamin E per day combined with 1 gram of Vitamin C].

These Substances can Cause/Exacerbate Parkinson's Disease

Food Additives

Persons afflicted with Parkinson's Disease should not consume Aspartame, as Aspartame can further exacerbate Parkinson's Disease.

Minerals - Toxic Heavy Metals

Aluminium is implicated in Parkinson's Disease.

Warning Signals for Parkinson's Disease

Nervous System

Recent scientific research indicates that the onset of Anosmia may be an early warning sign of Parkinson's Disease.


Muscular Tics

Also known as: Tremors; Twitches


Repeated and largely involuntary movements of Muscles varying in complexity.

These Substances Alleviate Muscular Tics

Amino Acids

Isoleucine alleviates Muscular Tics.


Magnesium alleviates Muscular Tics (by improving the electric conductance of Nerve Impulses at the junctions between the Nerves and Muscles).

Potassium alleviates Muscular Tics (by improving the electric conductance of Nerve Impulses at the junctions between the Nerves and Muscles).


Choline alleviates Muscular Tics.

These Herbs Alleviate Muscular Tics

Skullcap alleviates Muscular Tics that are initiated by Nervousness [caution: large dosages of Skullcap also CAUSE Muscular Tics].

These Substances can Cause Muscular Tics


Muscular Tics can occur as a result of excessive Lead.

Blood Plasma Lithium levels above 1 mg per 100 ml can cause Muscular Tics.

These Herbs Can Cause Muscular Tics

Large dosages of Skullcap can cause Muscular Tics [scientific research - although non-excessive dosages of Skullcap alleviate Muscular Tics of nervous origin].

These Ailments Can Exacerbate Muscular Tics

Nervous System

Parkinson's Disease is characterized by severe Muscular Tics.

Muscular Tics may become more prominent under conditions of Stress.

Multiple Sclerosis

Also known as: Disseminated Sclerosis; MS


Chronic disease of the Central Nervous System in which the Myelin Sheaths surrounding the Nerves in the Brain and Spinal Chord are damaged.

These Substances Alleviate Multiple Sclerosis


Antioxidant Enzymes

Superoxide Dismutase (LIPSOD form administered by injection) is presently under investigation as a treatment for MS [scientific research - animals: preliminary results are promising].

Immune System Chemicals

Exogenous, synthetic Interferon Beta (administered by physicians) is an approved treatment for Multiple Sclerosis.


Amino Acids

Orotic Acid (when administered by injection) alleviates MS by facilitating the transport of Minerals into cells [scientific research].

Phenylalanine increases Bladder control, improves Mobility and decreases Depression in MS sufferers [scientific research - humans: 98% success rate].

Fatty Acids

MS sufferers are usually deficient in Linoleic Acid (LA) and levels of LA tend to fall even lower during MS relapses [scientific research - humans].

Gamma-Linolenic Acid (GLA) may be beneficial for MS sufferers who are unable to convert Linoleic Acid (LA) to GLA [scientific research - humans].

Lipid Alcohol

Octacosanol alleviates MS (by repairing the damaged Myelin Sheaths that are integral to the progression of Multiple Sclerosis).

Nucleic Compounds

Poly (A)/Poly (U) (a synthetic Nucleic Acid) enhances the treatment of MS [scientific research - trials still underway but showing considerable promise].


Coenzyme Q10 alleviates Multiple Sclerosis.


Inositol improves the function and condition of the Myelin Sheaths of Multiple Sclerosis sufferers.

Vitamin B1 (administered intraspinally by injection) causes dramatic but transient improvement in the condition of MS sufferers [scientific research - humans].

The Nicotinic Acid form of Vitamin B3 (administered via IV injection) improves the condition of MS sufferers [scientific research - humans].

Vitamin B6 helps to counteract the Carbon Monoxide poisoning that is strongly implicated in MS [scientific research - humans].

It is speculated that Multiple Sclerosis may occur as a result of Vitamin D deficiency during puberty [scientific speculation].

These Foods Alleviate Multiple Sclerosis

Active Constituents

Evening Primrose Oil [scientific research - humans - 4 grams of EPO improved capillary perfusion in the muscles of MS sufferers after 3 weeks and also increases hand grip ability]. Gamma-Linolenic Acid

Flax Seed Oil alleviates the symptoms of MS.

Safflower Oil improves the condition of some MS sufferers [scientific research - humans]. Linoleic Acid (LA)

These Substances can Cause or Exacerbate Multiple Sclerosis


Amino Acids - Toxic Byproducts

Excessive accumulation of Homocysteine increases the risk of MS [scientific research - MS subjects often exhibit elevated Homocysteine levels].


Air Pollution

Carbon Monoxide Air Pollution is the one environmental factor present only in localities where MS is common [scientific research - humans; animals exposed to carbon monoxide usually develop MS].

Minerals - Toxic Heavy Metals

Excessive accumulation of Aluminium within the body has been cited as a cause of Multiple Sclerosis.

Excessive Mercury can cause Multiple Sclerosis.

Symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis

Musculoskeletal System

Muscle Weakness is a symptom of MS.

Nervous System

Lack of Coordination is a symptom of MS.

Paralysis is a symptom of MS.




Catecholamine Monoamine Neurotransmitter.

Biological Functions of Dopamine

Aging & Life Extension

Dopamine increases the release of Human Growth Hormone (hGH).

Immune System

Text Box: Dopamine affects the Immune System.

Musculoskeletal System

Dopamine controls the growth & repair of Tissues.

Nervous System

Dopamine causes Dreams to be more vivid and primal - i.e. driven more by motivational influences and primitive drives such as sex, dominance, aggression, territoriality.

Dopamine influences Mood.

Deficiency may cause Parkinson's Disease.

Sexual System

Text Box: Dopamine increases Sexual Desire.

Dopamine's Biochemical Pathway



Phenylalanine Hydroxylase

Vitamin B6

Vitamin C


Tyrosine Hydroxylase




Vitamin B6



Vitamin C



These Substances Enhance the Formation/Function of Dopamine

Substances that increase the brain's Dopamine levels are called "dopaminergic".

Smart Drugs

Acetyl-L-Carnitine (ALC) may work by increasing Dopamine activity in the part of the brain where Dopamine is made.

Bromocriptine increases brain Dopamine levels.

Deprenyl protects the Neurons that produce Dopamine, thereby increasing Brain Dopamine levels.

- Deprenyl also totally inhibits the destruction of Dopamine by Monoamine Oxidize - Type B (MAO-B).

Fipexide increases the release of Dopamine within the Brain.

Gamma-Hydroxybutyric Acid (GHB) temporarily suppresses Dopamine (for about 3 hours after ingestion), but when this suppression has worn off Dopamine levels rebound and surge above their initial baseline level [scientific research].

Quinelorane increases the effectiveness of Dopamine and effectively mimics the actions of Dopamine [Quinelorane was developed specifically to mimic the ability of Dopamine to increase Sexual Desire in males and females - it achieves this action so effectively that it may never be released onto the world market due to the social implications of such a potent "aphrodisiac"].

These Herbs Enhance the Function of Dopamine

Gingko biloba increases the body's synthesis of Dopamine [scientific research].

These Substances Inhibit Dopamine



Monoamine Oxidize causes the breakdown (by oxidation) of Dopamine.


Pharmaceutical Drugs

Major Tranquilizers (i.e. Butyrophenones and Phenothiazines) oppose the actions of Dopamine.

Smart Drugs

Gamma-Hydroxybutyric Acid (GHB) temporarily suppresses Dopamine (for about 3 hours after ingestion), but when this suppression has worn off Dopamine levels rebound and surge above their initial baseline level [scientific research].


Vitamin B6 decreases Brain Dopamine levels - although Vitamin B6 increases serum Dopamine levels and is an essential cofactor for the conversion of L-Dopa to Dopamine. S

Vitamin C acts as a Dopamine Receptor blacker - this can be beneficial when Dopamine production is excessive.

Toxic Effects of Excess Dopamine

Free Radicals

Dopamine is highly prone to oxidation, which converts it to Hydrogen Peroxide - Antioxidants prevent this autoxidation.

Nervous System

Excessive Brain levels of Dopamine cause Aggressiveness.

Irritability can occur as a result of excess Brain levels of Dopamine.

Schizophrenia can occur as a result of excessive Brain levels of Dopamine.

These Ailments Interfere with Dopamine

Aging Process

The body's production of Dopamine declines in tandem with the Aging Process.


Chemical Name: Trimethylaminoethanol


Lipotropic "B" Group Vitamin.

Health Benefits of Choline

Adrenal Glands

Text Box: Degeneration of the Adrenal Glands can occur as a result of Choline deficiency.

Cardiovascular System

Text Box: Choline maintains the health of Arteries. 	Atherosclerosis can occur as a result of Choline deficiency. 	Choline is necessary for the metabolism of Cholesterol. 	Degeneration of the Heart can occur as a result of Choline deficiency:  -	Choline lowers elevated Oestradiol levels. -	Helpful in the treatment of Heart Palpitations.  	Hypertension (High Blood Pressure) can occur as a result of Choline deficiency.

Digestive System

Text Box: Choline regulates the function of the Gall Bladder.

Excretory System

Text Box: Degeneration of the Kidneys can occur as a result of Choline deficiency.


Musculoskeletal System

Degeneration of the Eyes can occur as a result of Choline deficiency.

Weakness of the Muscles can occur as a result of Choline deficiency.

- Choline helps to alleviate Muscular Tics.

Nervous System

Choline alleviates Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) in children.

Choline improves some aspects of human Intelligence and Mental Function.

Choline increases Alertness (via Acetylcholine).

Choline slows the progression of Alzheimer's Disease.

Impaired Brain function can occur as a result of Choline deficiency.

Choline increases Concentration ability.

3 grams per day improved the ability of students to Learn lists of words.

Memory loss can occur as a result of Choline deficiency (due to Choline's role as a precursor for the production of Acetylcholine) [scientific research - humans: 3 grams of supplemental Choline per day improved the memory of students].

Choline is a component of the Myelin Sheaths that insulate the Axons of Neurons of the Nervous System.

Choline alleviates Parkinson's Disease.

Choline alleviates Tinnitus.

Choline improves Verbal Fluency.

Respiratory System

Degeneration of the Lungs can occur as a result of Choline deficiency.

Sexual System

Choline may improve Sexual Desire [scientific observation - Choline supplementation often caused in increase in sexual desire in people over the age of 50].

Sexual System - Male

Choline is a component of the Seminal Plasma component of Semen.

Choline Enhances the Function of these Substances


Amino Acids

Glycine can be synthesized within the body from Choline.

Choline facilitates the detoxification of excess Homocysteine that can result from Methionine consumption.


Choline is an essential component of Sphingomyelin (a component of the Myelin Sheaths that "insulate" the Axons of Neurons).


Choline is an essential component of Acetylcholine.

Nucleic Compounds

Choline facilitates the synthesis of endogenous Nucleic Acids.


Amino Acid Byproducts

Dimethyl Glycine (DMG) is produced as a byproduct of the endogenous synthesis of Glycine from Choline.


Choline is an essential component of Phosphatidylcholine.

Smart Drugs

Dimethyl Glycine (DMG) is an intermediary product of cellular metabolism within the body of Choline (and Glycine).

Choline is synergistic with Piracetam.

Choline is a constituent of Diethylaminoethanol (DEAE).

These Substances Enhance the Function of Choline



Acetylcholinesterase breaks Acetylcholine down into its constituents - Choline (which is subsequently utilized in the production of fresh Acetylcholine) and Acetic Acid - so that subsequent Nerve Impulses can pass.


Amino Acids

Choline can be synthesized within the body from Glycine.

Bacteria - Beneficial

The Beneficial Digestive Tract Bacteria can manufacture choline within the body.

Smart Drugs

Dimethylaminoethanol (DMAE) increases the concentration of Choline in the bloodstream (blood plasma) because it enhances the rate at which free Choline enters the blood from other tissues:

- DMAE increases the levels of Choline in the brain due to its ability to cross the blood-brain barrier.

Piracetam is synergistic with Choline.


Folic Acid enhances the function of Choline.

Vitamin B5 is a cofactor for the conversion of Choline to Acetylcholine production.

These Substances or Factors Interfere with Choline


Choline levels decline in tandem with the Aging Process.


Alcohol (ethanol) depletes the body's Choline supplies.


Sucrose depletes the body's Choline supplies.

Food Processing Techniques

The Heat generated in cooking easily destroys Choline.



Minerals - Toxic Heavy Metals


Excessive consumption of Water causes the excretion of the body's Choline.

Side-Effects of Excessive Choline Consumption

Cardiovascular System

Excess Choline may cause Arrhythmia’s.

Digestive System

Excess Choline Bitartrate or Choline Chloride consumption may cause Diarrhoea.

Excess Choline Bitartrate or Choline Chloride may cause a "fishy" Odour in the body.

Excess Choline may cause Nausea.

Neurine (a toxic Amine) is produced within the body during the bacterial decomposition of Choline in the Intestines.

Musculoskeletal System

Excess Choline may cause Muscular Tension.

Nervous System

Excess Choline can cause Headaches.

Excess Choline may cause Vertigo.


Central Nervous System

People who are Manic Depressive should not take Choline supplements because Choline can deepen the depressive phase (due to Acetylcholine over-production).

Dietary Sources of Choline

(mg of Choline per 100 grams)

Cereal Grains: Wheat Germ

Herbs: Ginger

Eggs: Egg Yolk

Legumes: Most Legumes contain Choline.

Meats: Beef 600 Brains

Liver 2,170

Nuts: Peanuts

Processed Foods: Lecithin 3,430

Seafood: Fish

Yeasts: Brewer's Yeast

Forms of Choline

Choline Bitartrate: Choline + Tartaric Acid

Choline Chloride: Choline + Chlorine (Chloride)

Cytidine Diphosphate Choline (CDP): One of the active endogenous forms of Choline.This form is responsible for Choline's Lipotrope status.

Phosphatidylcholine: Phospholipid found in Lecithin the Phosphatidylcholine in Lecithin provides Choline more efficiently to the Brain than the free form Choline in Choline itself.

Dosage Recommendations

RDA: 1,000 mg per day

Therapeutic Dose: 1,000 mg per day

To Improve Mental Function: 3,000 mg per day

Toxic Level: 6,000 mg per day


Supplemental and dietary Choline is readily absorbed from the Intestines.

Choline does not directly cross the Blood-Brain Barrier (due to the fact that it is positively charged), but does indirectly cross it:

- Some dietary Choline is metabolized to Dimethylaminoethanol (DMAE) or incorporated into Phosphatidylcholine. Both of these substances readily cross the blood-brain barrier.

Beneficial Bacteria that reside within the Digestive Tract can manufacture some Choline within the body.



Alkaline forming Electrolyte Mineral (contains a slight positive electrical charge).

Chemical Symbol: K

Health Benefits of Potassium

Cardiovascular System

Potassium regulates Blood Pressure and can lower Blood Pressure in Hypertension sufferers [scientific research - all human populations that consume high levels of Potassium have a lower incidence of Hypertension] [Potassium Bicarbonate is the recommended form of Potassium for lowering Blood Pressure].[caution: do not supplement with the Potassium Chloride form of Potassium as its Chloride content can exacerbate Hypertension].

The Blood Plasma contains approximately 4-5 mg per 100 ml of Potassium.

Bradycardia (slow, irregular Heartbeat) can occur as a result of Potassium deficiency.

Red Blood Cells contain an average of 420 mg of Potassium.


Potassium reduces the body's absorption of some types of Radioactive Isotopes.

Digestive System

Constipation can occur as a result of Potassium deficiency.

The Potassium Chloride form of Potassium alleviates Hypochlorhydria (by stimulating the production of endogenous Hydrochloric Acid).

Excretory System

Potassium (especially the Potassium Phosphate form) alleviates Incontinence.

Potassium enhances the elimination of toxins from the Kidneys.

Immune System

Potassium is an adjunct in the treatment of Leukaemia.


Loss of Appetite can occur as a result of Potassium deficiency.

Potassium helps to alleviate Diabetes Mellitus (by enhancing the conversion of Glucose to Glycogen).

Chronic Fatigue often occurs as a result of Potassium deficiency.

Hypoglycaemia can occur as a result of Potassium deficiency.

Musculoskeletal System

Acne can occur as a result of Potassium deficiency - the Potassium Chloride form of Potassium is the best form for alleviating Acne.

Eczema that is associated with Nervousness can occur as a result of Potassium deficiency.

Hair Loss can occur as a result of Potassium deficiency.

The correct Potassium:Sodium balance is required for the proper function of the Muscles.

- Potassium is required for Muscle contraction.

- Muscle weakness can occur as a result of Potassium deficiency.

Potassium alleviates Muscular Tics (by improving the electrical conductance of Nerve Impulses at the junctions between the Nerves and the Muscles).

The Potassium Bicarbonate form of Potassium is an adjunct to the treatment of Osteoporosis (by neutralizing the acids produced from the metabolism of food - a function that would otherwise be performed by Calcium removed from the Bones).

Potassium Sulphate reduces the scaling associated with Psoriasis.

Potassium alleviates Itching or dryness of the Scalp.

Seborrhea (oily Skin) can occur as a result of Potassium deficiency.

Dry Skin can occur as a result of Potassium deficiency.

Nervous System

Anorexia can occur as a result of Potassium deficiency.

Apathy can occur as a result of Potassium deficiency.

Potassium facilitates the transport of Oxygen to the Brain.

Depression can occur as a result of Potassium deficiency.

Potassium alleviates Epilepsy.

Insomnia can occur as a result of Potassium deficiency.

Irritability can occur as a result of Potassium deficiency.

Poor Memory can occur as a result of Potassium deficiency.

Potassium enhances the conduction of Nerve Impulses across the Myelin Sheaths of Neurons.

Nervousness can occur as a result of Potassium deficiency.

Lack of Willpower can occur as a result of Potassium deficiency.

Respiratory System

Potassium transports Oxygen to the Brain.

Sexual System - Female

Potassium Chloride alleviates Female Infertility.

Sexual System - Male

Potassium Phosphate alleviates Premature Ejaculation in males.

Water & Water Balance

Oedema can occur as a result of Potassium deficiency.

Continual excessive Thirst can occur as a result of Potassium deficiency

Potassium regulates the body's Water Balance (by causing the excretion of Water).

Potassium Enhances the Function of these Substances



Potassium is essential for the conversion of Glucose to Glycogen.

Digestive Juices

The Potassium Chloride form of Potassium enhances the body's production of Hydrochloric Acid (HCl).

Organic Acids

Potassium facilitates the excretion of excessive Uric Acid from the body.


Potassium is involved in the synthesis of endogenous Proteins.



Potassium enhances the function of Chlorine.

Potassium enhances the body's utilization of Silicon.

These Substances Enhance the Function of Potassium

Amino Acids

Glutamic Acid facilitates the transport of Potassium into the Spinal Fluid.

Taurine facilitates the transport of Potassium into and out of the body's Cells.


Magnesium improves the body's retention of Potassium.


Vitamin B6 maintains the body's Sodium:Potassium balance.

These Substances Interfere with Potassium



Excessive serum Ketone levels increase the urinary excretion of Potassium.

Mineralocorticoid Steroid Hormones

Aldosterone causes the excretion of Potassium.

Pharmaceutical use of Cortisone causes the depletion of Potassium.



Alcohol (Ethanol) causes the body to excrete Potassium.


Excessive consumption of Simple Sugars depletes Potassium.

Glycosides - Saponins

Glycyrrhizin (found in Licorice) causes the excretion of Potassium (due to Glycyrrhizin mimicking the structure and actions of Aldosterone).


Ketones increase urinary Potassium excretion.


Caffeine causes the body to excrete Potassium.


Iron antagonizes Potassium.

Manganese antagonizes Potassium.

Sodium competes with Potassium for absorption - the ideal Sodium:Potassium balance is 1:2.

Pharmaceutical Drugs

Long term use of Aspirin causes the depletion of Potassium.

Long term use of Digitalis causes the depletion of Potassium.

Pharmaceutical Diuretic Drugs causes the body to excrete Potassium.

Long term use of Pharmaceutical Laxative Drugs cause the depletion of Potassium.

Potassium Interferes with these Substances


Potassium antagonizes Iron.

Potassium antagonizes Manganese.

Potassium competes with Sodium for absorption - the correct Sodium:Potassium ratio is 1:2 [the threat of Potassium displacing Sodium within the body is usually hypothetical in that most persons consume excessive Sodium and insufficient Potassium].

Other Factors that Interfere with Potassium

Food Processing Methods

The Canning of foods causes the destruction of Potassium.

Orthodox Medical Practices

Radiation Therapy disrupts the body's Sodium:Potassium balance.

These Ailments/Factors Interfere with Potassium

Digestive System

Diarrhoea causes the body to excrete Potassium.

Vomiting causes the body to excrete Potassium.

Excretory System

Excessive Perspiration accelerates the excretion of Potassium from the body.

Nervous System

Excessive Stress depletes Potassium.

Potassium Should be Balanced with these Minerals within the Body

Sodium: The Potassium:Sodium balance should be 2.25:1

Toxic Effects of Excessive Potassium Consumption

Excess Potassium is rare and is known as Hyperkalemia.

Cardiovascular System

Excessive consumption (i.e. greater than 15 grams per day) of Potassium can cause Tachycardia.

Consumption of more than 18 grams per day causes Cardiac Arrest.

Dietary Sources of Potassium

(mg of Potassium per 100 grams)

Cereal Grains: Buckwheat Wheat Germ

Fermented Soya Bean Products: Tofu

Fish: Flounder Cod

Salmon Sardines

Fruit: Banana 396 Figs

Oranges Apples

Grapes Raisins

Apricots Peaches

Cantaloupe Dates

Grapefruit Olives

Herbs: Peppermint Spearmint

Blue Cohosh Parsley

Goldenseal Horseradish

Chickweed Yellow dock

Yarrow Borage


Legumes: Lentils Peas

Nuts: Peanuts 717 Pine Nuts 599

Almonds 732

Pistachio Nuts 1,093 Cashew Nuts 565

Brazil Nuts 600 Chestnuts 502

Macadamia Nut 368 Coconut 365

Hazelnuts 445 Walnuts 502

Processed Foods: Molasses

Sea Vegetables

Seeds: Sunflower Seeds 689 Sesame Seeds

Vegetables: Radish Lettuce

Tomato Potato 407

Carrot Cucumber

Beans Garlic

Watercress Beetroot

Celery Cabbage


Yeasts: Brewer's Yeast 1,700

Forms of Potassium

Potassium Aspartate: Potassium chelated to the Amino Acid Aspartic Acid for easier absorption.

Potassium Bicarbonate: This form is believed to be the best form for lowering elevated Blood Pressure and alleviating Osteoporosis.

Potassium Carbonate: Inorganic Form

Potassium Chloride (KCl): Inorganic Form that enhanced the production of endogenous Hydrochloric Acid.

Potassium Citrate: Organic Form

Potassium Fumarate: Organic Form

Potassium Gluconate: Organic Form

Potassium Nitrate: Toxic Nitrate.

Potassium Nitrite: Toxic Nitrite.

Potassium Orotate Potassium + Orotic Acid

Potassium Oxalate:

Potassium Oxide Inorganic Form

Potassium Phosphate:

Potassium Sorbate: Prevents the growth of detrimental Moulds and Bacteria

Potassium Sulphate: Inorganic Form

Dosage Recommendations

Potassium deficiency is more common than excess.

Average Human Body contains: 120 grams

(0.35% of body weight)

Average Western Diet contains: 1,900-5,850 mg per day

RDA: 2-2.5 grams per day

Toxic Level: 15 grams per day


Aldosterone (Steroid Hormone) controls the body's retention of Potassium - on average, 90% of dietary Potassium is absorbed by the body

Excess Potassium is eliminated from the body via the Urine and Perspiration.

Parasympathetic Nervous System


Sub-component of the Autonomic Nervous System that has opposite functions to the Adrenergic (Sympathetic) Nervous System.

Biological Function of the Parasympathetic Nervous System

Cardiovascular System

The Parasympathetic Nervous System is responsible for dilating the Arteries.

The Parasympathetic Nervous System is responsible for slowing down the Heart beat rate.

Digestive System

The Parasympathetic Nervous System stimulates Peristalsis within the Digestive System and causes the relaxation of Muscles in the Anus.

Excretory System

The Parasympathetic Nervous System is responsible for the relaxation of the Bladder Muscles that occurs during Urination.

Respiratory System

The Parasympathetic Nervous System causes contraction of the Bronchioles.

Sexual System - Male

The Parasympathetic Nervous System controls the mechanical aspects of producing and maintaining erections of the Penis.

These Substances Enhance the Function of the Parasympathetic Nervous System



The Parasympathetic Nervous System is under the control of Acetylcholine.

These Substances Interfere with the Parasympathetic Nervous System



Pyrrolidine Alkaloids (e.g. Hyoscamine, Cocaine) block Nerve Impulses associated with the Parasympathetic Nervous System.

SHAB ( scalar energy,homeopathic,acupressure treatment, training & ;biz center

DR. ADEEB AHMED CONSULTANT DOCTOR ( SHAB ) scalar energy,homoeo,acupressure treatment,training & ; biz center M.Sc(F), B.Sc, B.Ed, M.Ed, D.H.M.S, R.H.M.P, N.C.H, M.T(Medical Transcription) FOR TREATMENT CONTACT 021-34402244, 0345-2084022 E.mail:drshab57@gmail.com

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