Liquid carrier of all life-giving substances.
Blood is composed of Blood Cells (45%) and Plasma (55%).
Biological Functions of the Blood
Cardiovascular System
Blood is the carrier vehicle for Blood Clotting Chemicals which assure that Blood Vessels get repaired quickly when they are damaged.
Blood controls the amount of Water and the relative pH inside the body's Cells.
Blood carries Oxygen from the Lungs to the body's Cells.
Digestive System
Blood carries the material of digestion from the Small Intestine.
Blood is the carrier vehicle for endogenous Enzymes.
Immune System
Blood is an integral component of the Lymph System.
Blood is the carrier vehicle for the chemicals of the Immune System.
The Liver stores and filters the Blood to remove Infectious agents.
Blood carries Hormones from the Endocrine glands.
Blood distributes the heat produced during Cell metabolism.
Blood transports away the waste products of Cell metabolism and delivers them to the Lungs, Kidneys and Skin for elimination from the body.
Components of the Blood:
Blood Cells
Plasma Cells
Blood Pressure
The force exerted by the Blood against the walls of the Blood Vessels, caused by Heart contractions forcing a constant volume of Blood around a closed system.
Systolic Blood Pressure results from Heart contraction of its Ventricles.
Diastolic Blood Pressure results from the resting stage of the Heart's rhythm.
Normal average systolic/diastolic Blood Pressure in a healthy adult of average size and weight is 120/70 mm.
These Biological Factors Influence Blood Pressure
Aging Process
The Systolic Blood Pressure of normal, healthy humans naturally increases in tandem with the Aging Process.
Cardiovascular System
Heart action (rate of heartbeat, force per beat and volume per beat) influences Blood Pressure.
Peripheral resistance to blood flow in the capillary beds, caused by friction.
Elasticity of the Blood Vessels.
Total Blood volume.
Viscosity of the Blood.
Excretory System
The Kidneys are partially responsible for the regulation of Blood Pressure.
Nervous System
Stimulation of the Beta-1 Adrenergic Receptors of the Beta-Adrenergic Nervous System (a component of the Adrenergic Nervous System) increases Blood Pressure.
Blood Pressure Vs Age
Average Systolic Blood Pressure (mmHg)
Age Males Females
30: 125 114
35: 127 118
40: 129 123
45: 132 129
50: 134 135
55: 140 142
60: 145 150
65: 148 156
70: 151 162
75: 154 158
These Substances Help to Normalize Blood Pressure
Coenzyme Q10 normalizes Blood Pressure.
Chromium helps to regulate Blood Pressure.
Correct Sodium:Potassium balance is necessary for the regulation of (osmotic) Blood pressure.
Smart Drugs
Hydergine has the side-effect of normalizing systolic blood pressure [scientific research - humans].
These Foods Help to Normalize Blood Pressure
Cucumber helps to normalize Blood Pressure.
Blood Pressure Ailments:
Hard, extremely dense Connective Tissue that forms the skeleton of the body.
These Substances Enhance the Function of the Bones
Chondroitin Sulphate (CSA) concentrates in the Bones.
Alkaline Phosphatase facilitates the delivery of Phosphorus to the Bones.
Calcitonin allows Calcium to bind to the Bones.
Oestrogens retard Bone loss in females.
Human Growth Hormone builds Bone mass (via Osteoblasts).
Collagen is required for the deposition of Calcium Phosphate to form Bone - the Bones contain 40% of the body's Collagen.
Amino Acids
Aspartic Acid (in non-excessive quantities) strengthens the Bones.
Leucine promotes the healing of the Bones.
Lysine facilitates the growth of Bones.
Boron concentrates in the Bones.
Calcium (800 mg per day) significantly increases Bone Mass in post-menopausal females - 98% of the body's Calcium is stored in the Bones.
Copper is involved in the formation of Bones.
Fluoride (form of Fluorine) helps to maintain the strength and stability of the Bones.
Lithium concentrates in the Bones.
Magnesium concentrates in the Bones.
Manganese accumulates in and enhances the growth of Bones (by activating Osteoblasts and suppressing Osteoclasts).
Molybdenum concentrates in the Bones.
Phosphorus improves the growth of Bones - 80% of the body's Phosphorus concentrates in the Bones as Calcium Phosphate.
Silicon concentrates in the Bones - abnormal Bone development can occur as a result of Silicon deficiency [scientific research].
30% of the body's Sodium concentrates in the Bones.
Vanadium concentrates in the Bones.
Vitamin D stimulates the growth and formation of Bones (by regulating the body's Calcium:Phosphorus ratio).
Vitamin K1 enhances the health of the Bones (by activating Calcitonin).
These Foods Strengthen the Bones
Flax Seeds strengthen the bones
These Endogenous Cells Enhance the Health of the Bones
Osteoblasts are responsible for depositing Calcium Phosphate on the protein matrix of the Bones during repair processes.
These Substances are Toxic to the Bones
Minerals & Toxic Heavy Metals
Aluminium accumulates in the Bones if the Kidneys are malfunctioning:
- Aluminium disrupts Bone formation if it gains entry to the Bones.
Cadmium interferes with Bone formation [scientific research - humans].
If the Calcium:Phosphorus ratio exceeds 2:1 for extended periods abnormal calcification of long Bones can occur in children.
Radioactive Strontium-90 concentrates in the Bones and displaces Calcium from the Bones.
Excessive Sodium accelerates the loss of Calcium from the Bones.
Pharmaceutical Drugs
Commercial Antacids can cause decalcification of the Bones (by reducing serum Phosphorus levels).
Tetracycline prevents proper Bone formation (due to Calcium destruction).
Excess Vitamin A causes temporary deep Bone pain.
Broken Bones.
These Substances or Cells Accelerate the Healing of Fractures
Osteoblasts stimulate the repair of damaged Bones.
Phosphorus accelerates the healing of Fractures.
Silicon accelerates the healing of Fractures [scientific research].
Allantoin rapidly accelerates the healing of Fractures [scientific research - even 30 year old fractures that had never healed properly benefit from Allantoin supplementation].
Vitamin C accelerates the healing of Fractures.
Vitamin D accelerates the healing of Fractures (by regulating the body's Calcium:Phosphorus ratio).
These Herbs Accelerate the Healing of Fractures
Active Constituents
Comfrey accelerates the healing of Fractures. Allantoin
These Ailments Increase the Risk of Fractures
Musculoskeletal System
Persons who are afflicted by Osteoporosis have a greater risk of Fractures and Fractures incurred by Osteoporosis sufferers heal less rapidly than Fractures incurred by normal persons (due to the demineralized Bones of Osteoporosis sufferers becoming susceptible to "shattering") [scientific statistics: 70-90% of Fractures that occur in persons over the age of 60 are
due to Osteoporosis].
Bone ailment that affects adults - involves a softening of the bones due to the loss of essential Minerals.
Osteomalacia is the adult equivalent of Rickets.
These Substances Alleviate or Prevent Osteomalacia
Electromagnetic Radiation
Sunlight increases the body's production of Vitamin D, helping to prevent Osteomalacia.
Calcium alleviates Osteomalacia (when it is supplemented in conjunction with Vitamin).
Osteomalacia can occur as a result of Phosphorus deficiency.
Vitamin D alleviates Osteomalacia - Vitamin D deficiency is the primary cause of Osteomalacia.
Disease that usually occurs in children where the Bones do not harden and are malformed.
These Substances Prevent Rickets
Rickets can occur as a result of Calcium deficiency.
Rickets can occur as a result of Phosphorus deficiency.
Rickets occurs primarily due to deficiency in Vitamin D.
These Substances Can Cause Rickets
Minerals - Toxic
Excessive intake of Beryllium can cause Rickets.
Condition where Bones become porous, brittle and less dense as a result of a loss of Bone mass.
Menopausal and post-Menopausal Caucasian Females have the highest incidence of Osteoporosis (due to female bioavailability of Calcium decreasing after the Menopause and also due to Calcium being "leached" from the Bones of females during Pregnancy and Lactation).
There is an Hereditary element to the risk of developing Osteoporosis.
Underweight persons have a higher risk of developing Osteoporosis.
These Substances Alleviate/Prevent Osteoporosis
Calcitonin alleviates and prevents Osteoporosis by enhancing the retention of Calcium in the Bones.
Human Growth Hormone (hGH) builds Bone mass.
The natural decline in the body's production and secretion of Melatonin that occurs with the progression of the Aging Process is believed to be responsible for post-menopausal cases of Osteoporosis [scientific speculation: Melatonin supplementation may directly alleviate or prevent Osteoporosis].
Oestrogens (used in hormone replacement therapy for menopausal females) reduce the risk of Osteoporosis in menopausal and post-menopausal females (by enhancing the retention of Calcium within the Bones).
Sexual Steroid Hormone Precursors
Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) may protect against Osteoporosis [scientific research - there is a statistically significant correlation between vertebral bone density in post-menopausal women and DHEA levels].
Boron assists the treatment and prevention of Osteoporosis by facilitating the absorption of Calcium
[caution: excess boron also exacerbates Osteoporosis].
Calcium is extremely important in maintaining Bone Calcium which prevents Osteoporosis:
- Long term Calcium deficiency causes Osteoporosis [scientific research - humans: there is a strong correlation between Calcium deficiency and Osteoporosis].
Osteoporosis can occur as a result of Copper deficiency.
Osteoporosis can occur as a result of Magnesium deficiency.
Manganese allows Osteoblasts (bone building cells) to work (by inhibiting the activation of Osteoclasts).
Phosphorus is an adjunct to the treatment of Osteoporosis.
Potassium Bicarbonate helps to neutralize the acids that are produced from the metabolism of food which Calcium from the Bones would otherwise have to perform.
Other Factors
Regular Exercise prevents and reduces further Bone loss in Osteoporosis sufferers.
Vitamin D helps to prevent Osteoporosis (by regulating the body's Calcium:Phosphorus ratio).
Vitamin K1 reduces the rate of Calcium loss from the Bones in persons afflicted with Osteoporosis (by activating Calcitonin) [scientific research - humans: 1 mg of supplemental Vitamin K1 per day reduces the loss of bone Calcium in Osteoporosis sufferers by 35-50%].
These Foods Alleviate or Prevent Osteoporosis
Active Constituents
Milk The Calcium in Milk is more easily absorbed than that in Calcium Supplements.
Yoghurt: The Calcium in Yoghurt is highly bioavailable.
These Substances/Factors Increase the Risk of Osteoporosis
Amino Acids
Long term high dosages of Methionine predispose susceptible persons to increased risk of Osteoporosis.
Excessive Caffeine consumption increases the risk of Osteoporosis.
Excessive Boron consumption can cause Osteoporosis [although non-excessive boron consumption prevents and alleviates Osteoporosis].
Excessive consumption of Phosphorus (i.e. in excess of the 1:1 Calcium/Phosphorus ratio) can deplete Calcium and cause Osteoporosis.
Excessive consumption of Sodium exacerbates Osteoporosis by accelerating the loss of Calcium from the Bones.
Pharmaceutical Drugs
Excess consumption of Pharmaceutical Antacids increases the risk of Osteoporosis.
Prolonged use of Pharmaceutical Diuretics can cause Osteoporosis.
Excessive consumption of Pharmaceutical Laxatives increases the risk of Osteoporosis.
Prednisone increases the risk of Osteoporosis.
Excessive consumption of dietary Proteins increases the risk of Osteoporosis.
- This is even more important than increasing Calcium intake.
- Daily Protein intake should be limited to 0.8 grams per kg of body weight per day.
Recreational Drugs
Excess consumption of Alcohol increases the risk of Osteoporosis.
Tobacco Smoking reduces Bone mineral density.
These Beverages increase the Risk of Osteoporosis
Active Constituents
Excessive consumption of Coffee increases the risk of Osteoporosis. Caffeine
Osteoporosis Increases the Risk of these Ailments
Musculoskeletal System
Persons who are afflicted by Osteoporosis have a greater risk of Fractures and Fractures incurred by Osteoporosis sufferers heal less rapidly than Fractures incurred by normal persons (due to the demineralized Bones of Osteoporosis sufferers becoming susceptible to "shattering") [scientific statistics: 70-90% of Fractures that occur in persons over the age of 60 are due to Osteoporosis].
Periodontal Disease
Silicon is an essential component of Formerly known as: Pyorrhea
Disease of the tissues that support and attach the Teeth caused by the metabolism of bacterial plaque on the surfaces of the teeth adjacent to the Gums, Periodonal Membrane and Alveolar Bone.
Periodontal Disease account for 70% of lost teeth.
Development and Progression of Periodontal Disease
Accumulated Plaque causes irritation of the Gums which then become red, tender , swollen and bleed easily.
Accumulated Plaque hardens into Tartar (calculus) which although an inert substance, makes it almost impossible to remove further Plaque accumulations.
Plaque eventually destroys the tissue that attaches the Gums to the Teeth (the Periodontal Membrane) and the Gums pull away from the teeth, forming pockets that become filled with even more Plaque. This process eventually eats away at the jawbone itself. Gum continues to be eaten away causing infection and pain.
Plaque and its by-products eventually enter into blood circulation and damage some of the cells of the Immune System which further aggravates the Gum's redness and bleeding.
These Nutrients Alleviate Periodontal Disease
Calcium deficiency can cause Alveolar Bone loss, leading to Periodontal Disease [scientific research: people without Alveolar Bone loss have an average daily intake of Calcium of 900 mg compared to those WITH Alveolar Bone loss who have a daily Calcium intake of 500 mg]:
- Calcium reduces the size of pockets of inflammation around the roots of the Teeth of Periodontal Disease patients [scientific research - humans: 80% success].
- Calcium helps to cure loose or wobbly teeth caused by Periodontal Disease [scientific research - humans: 100% success].
Magnesium can increase Alveolar Bone density in Periodontal Disease sufferers [scientific research - humans: a 1% increase in Alveolar Bone Magnesium increased Alveolar Bone density by 100%].
Periodontal Disease can occur as a result of Phosphorus deficiency [caution: excessive Phosphorus consumption causes Calcium depletion which can lead to Periodontal Disease].
Zinc helps to prevent Periodontal Disease (by decreasing the permeability of Gingival Tissues to foreign substances) [scientific research]:
- Zinc helps to prevent Alveolar Bone loss that can lead to Periodontal Disease [scientific research - humans].
- Zinc reduces the accumulation of Plaque along the gingival margin (applied as a mouthwash) [scientific research - humans. NOTE: oral zinc supplementation does not provide this benefit].
Coenzyme Q10 dramatically halts the progression of Periodontal Disease and usually totally heals the damage already done, including the regrowth of previously atrophied tissue - Coenzyme Q10 improves the supply of Coenzyme Q10 to deficient Gum Tissue and counteracts the Immune System degradation that occurs in conjunction with this ailment [scientific research - many documented full recoveries in humans - periodontal diseased gum tissue almost always exhibits Coenzyme Q10 deficiency].
Folic Acid (used as rinse in the mouth twice per day) significantly improves the condition of Periodontal Disease sufferers [scientific research - humans: NOTE: oral administration of Folic Acid does NOT improve Periodontal Disease].
Vitamin A deficiency can cause Periodontal Disease:
- Vitamin A deficiency causes early karolysis of gingival epithelial cells, inflammatory infiltration and degeneration, periodontal pocket formation, gingival calculus formation, increased susceptibility to periodontal infection and abnormal Alveolar Bone formation.
Vitamin C protects the periodontal mucosal barrier against Antigens and Bacteria [scientific research - in vitro]:
- Vitamin C deficiency increases the body's susceptibility to Periodontal Disease.
- Vitamin C reduces gingival tissue inflammation.
Vitamin D can decrease the rate of Alveolar Bone loss in Periodontal Disease sufferers (by improving Calcium metabolism).
Vitamin E (@ 800 mg per day for 3 weeks - capsules bitten open and vitamin applied topically before swallowing) reduces inflammation in Periodontal Disease sufferers [scientific research - humans].
These Foods or Herbs Alleviate Periodontal Disease
Calendula (Marigold) (applied topically) alleviates the symptoms of Periodontal Disease.
Myrrh (tincture applied topically) alleviates the symptoms of Periodontal Disease.
Neem Oil (as a component of Toothpastes) alleviates Periodontal Disease.
These Substances Cause Periodontal Disease
Human Growth Hormone (hGH) stimulates Osteoblasts to build Bone mass.
Fluoride (form of Fluorine) stimulates the secretion of Collagen by Osteoblasts.
Manganese activates Osteoblasts.
Bone destructing (absorbing) cells.
These Substances Suppress Osteoclasts
Manganese prevents the bone absorbing actions Osteoclasts from exceeding the bone building operties oprf Osteoblasts.
Excessive Phosphorus can cause Periodontal Disease (by reducing the absorption of Calcium and by decreasing the Calcium:Phosphorus ratio) [Although optimal, non-excessive consumption of Phosphorus helps to prevent Periodontal Disease].
These Ailments can Cause Periodontal Disease
Digestive System
Achlorhydria (Hydrochloric Acid deficiency) can cause Periodontal Disease (by impairing Calcium absorption in the Alveolar Bone) [scientific research - humans].
Musculoskeletal System
If untreated, Gingivitis can further progress to Periodontal Disease.
Periodontal Disease can Cause these Ailments
Digestive System
Periodontal Disease can cause Halitosis.
Bone forming ("building") Cells.
Biological Function of Osteoblasts
Musculoskeletal System
Osteoblasts are responsible for the growth and repair of Bones - Osteoblasts are responsible for the deposition of Calcium Phosphate on the protein matrix of the Bones during repair processes and during the transformation of Calcium into mature Bone.
Osteoblasts accelerate the healing/repair of Fractures.
These Substances Enhance the Function of Osteoblasts
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