Tuesday, April 21, 2009




Respiratory System ailment that is characterized by spasms of the Bronchial Tubes and excessive excretion of a viscous Mucous in the Lungs that can lead to difficult breathing.

Asthma is generally caused by Allergies and is therefore also regarded as an ailment of the Immune System.

These Substances or Factors Alleviate Asthma


Ephedrine alleviates the constriction and congestion associated with Asthma.

Amino Acids

Cysteine alleviates the symptoms of Asthma.

Amino Acid Derivatives

Pangamic Acid alleviates Asthma.


Quercitin (especially when combined with Bromelain) alleviates Asthma.

Electromagnetic Radiation

Chronic Asthma sufferers have been able to breathe easily after Sunlight therapy [anecdotal].

Fatty Acids

Some Asthma sufferers benefit from Eicosapentaenoic Acid (EPA) [scientific research].

Gamma-Linolenic Acid (GLA) alleviates Asthma [scientific research - humans].


Caffeine dilates the Bronchial Tubes making it easier for asthmatics to breathe.

Theophylline prevents Asthma attacks (by blocking the contractions of the smooth Muscles that line the Respiratory Tract that occur during Asthma attacks) [Caution: Theophylline reduces the metabolism of Vitamin B6].


Calcium alleviates the symptoms of Asthma.

Magnesium alleviates the bronchoconstriction associated with Asthma and Asthma can occur as a result of Magnesium deficiency [scientific research].

Intravenous solutions containing Magnesium can successfully treat acute Asthma attacks.


Coenzyme Q10 alleviates Asthma.


Para Aminobenzoic Acid (PABA) alleviates and occasionally eliminates Asthma.

Vitamin B6 (@ 200 mg per day) is helpful [scientific research - humans: 50-200 mg per day decreased the frequency, duration, wheezing and severity of asthma attacks after 1 weeks of use].

Vitamin B12 (administered by injection) improves the condition of 90% of Asthma sufferers (by blocking asthmatic reactions) [scientific research - humans].

Vitamin C alleviates Asthma (by inhibiting the bronchial constriction that occurs during Asthma attacks and by helping to reduce the excessive Histamine levels that commonly occur in persons afflicted with Asthma) [scientific research - most Asthma sufferers are found to exhibit severely depleted Vitamin C levels].

Vitamin D3 alleviates Asthma.

Other Factors

Swimming is good therapy for Asthma.

These Foods or Herbs Alleviate Asthma

Active Constituents

Apricot (juice) reputedly alleviates Asthma [folklore].

Black Cohosh reputedly alleviates Asthma [folklore].

Blue Vervain reputedly alleviates Asthma [folklore].

Chamomile reputedly alleviates Asthma.

Chickweed alleviates Asthma [folklore].

Chilli alleviates the inflammation of Respiratory Passages that is associated with Asthma.

Coffee's Methylxanthines mimic the action of some anti-asthma pharmaceutical drugs by dilating the Bronchial Tubes and making it easier for asthmatics to breathe. Caffeine


Comfrey alleviates Asthma.

Ephedra relieves the congestion and bronchial constriction associated with Asthma [scientific research]. Ephedrine


Evening Primrose Oil (@ 4-6 grams per day) alleviates Asthma [scientific research - humans: dosage of 4-6 grams per day]. Gamma-Linolenic Acid

Forskolin alleviates Asthma (due to its bronchodilatory properties) [Indian folklore].

Garlic alleviates Asthma [caution: excessive Garlic can induce Asthma].

Ginkgo biloba alleviates Asthma.

Mullein alleviates Asthma [folklore].

Nettle (tea) alleviates Asthma [folklore] [science refutes this claim].

Massage the chest and back with a few drops of Neroli Oil.

Onions alleviate Asthma (by inhibiting the production of chemicals that cause the bronchial muscle to spasm; and by relaxing the bronchial muscles).

passionflower alleviates bronchial Asthma (due to its antispasmodic actions).

Red Clover alleviates Asthma [according to Chinese folklore].

Long term adoption of a Vegan diet provided significant reduction in Asthma attacks in 91% of sufferers [scientific research - humans].

These Substances Induce/Exacerbate Asthma in Susceptible Individuals


Fatty Acids - Eicosanoids

Series 4 Leukotrienes are potent bronchi constricting agents.

Immune System Chemicals

Excessive production of Platelet Aggregating Factor (PAF) is implicated in Asthma (due to its Inflammatory function).


During Asthma attacks excessive Histamine is released by the Mast Cells of the Immune System.

Excessive circulating Serotonin can induce Asthma (by causing the bronchospasms that are implicate in Asthma).


Amino Acids

Monosodium Glutamate (MSG) can aggravate Asthma.

Tryptophan may aggravate Asthma [scientific research - humans].

Synthetic Preservatives

Calcium Benzoate can exacerbate Asthma in susceptible persons.

Potassium Benzoate can exacerbate Asthma in susceptible persons.

Sulphites can exacerbate the symptoms of Asthma in susceptible persons:

- Potassium Metabisulphite

- Sodium Bisulphate

- Sodium Metabisulphite

- Sodium Sulphite

- Sulphur Dioxide

Tartrazine can exacerbate Asthma in susceptible persons.

These Foods can Cause Asthma in Susceptible Persons

Excessive consumption of Garlic can induce Asthma in susceptible persons.

Asthma is a Side-Effect of these Ailments

Immune System

The underlying cause of Asthma is usually Allergies (including Food Allergies) - the Antigens that are implicated in Allergies cause the release of large quantities of Histamine and Serotonin from "burst" Mast Cells in the Connective Tissues of the Respiratory System.

Asthma can be caused by Candida albicans proliferation.


Smart Drugs

Asthma sufferers should not use Propranolol (as Propranolol blocks Beta-Receptors in the smooth muscles of the Bronchial Tubes and thereby interferes with Brochodilating Pharmaceutical Drugs that are often prescribed for Asthma sufferers).

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